
Minister, mayors meet over 12-year education row部長,市長滿足超過12年的教育行

By Katherine Wei, he China Post
August 18, 2014, 12:02 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Education Minister Wu Se-hwa (吳思樺) yesterday met with Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) and New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu (朱立倫) to discuss the new 12-year compulsory education system that previously sparked outrage and protests throughout the nation.

Having announced last week that New Taipei City will be dropping the 12-year compulsory education special exams, Chu suggested that the MOE implement a thorough reform of the 12-year compulsory education system; cutting short the enrollment procedure in order to lessen the academic pressure on students and parents.

Hau followed suit in less than a week, proposing that the results of the said exam should be used as a reference regarding the two ways to enroll in high school — the exam-free applications and the special admission applications. Contrary to the Ministry of Education's (MOE) current system of “exam-free first, specialty second,” Hau proposed that the exam-free application must be conducted prior to the special admission applications. “This is only fair and simple,” said Hau.

The meeting yesterday was held as many political leaders in various counties and cities have all relayed their less-than-satisfied opinions to Wu.

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Education Minister Wu Se-hwa (吳思樺) yesterday met with Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) and New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu (朱立倫) to discuss the new 12-year compulsory education system that previously sparked outrage and protests throughout the nation.

Having announced last week that New Taipei City will be dropping the 12-year compulsory education special exams, Chu suggested that the MOE implement a thorough reform of the 12-year compulsory education system; cutting short the enrollment procedure in order to lessen the academic pressure on students and parents.

Hau followed suit in less than a week, proposing that the results of the said exam should be used as a reference regarding the two ways to enroll in high school — the exam-free applications and the special admission applications. Contrary to the Ministry of Education's (MOE) current system of “exam-free first, specialty second,” Hau proposed that the exam-free application must be conducted prior to the special admission applications. “This is only fair and simple,” said Hau.

The meeting yesterday was held as many political leaders in various counties and cities have all relayed their less-than-satisfied opinions to Wu.



台北,台灣 - 教育部長吳思華(吳思樺)昨天會見了台北市長郝龍斌(郝龍斌)和新北市長朱立倫(朱立倫),討論新的12年制義務教育,以前引發了憤怒和抗議活動在全國各地。

經上週宣布新北市將下探12年義務教育專項檢查,楚建議,教育部實施12年義務教育制度進行徹底的改革; 為了減少短期的入學手續,以減少對學生和家長的升學壓力。

天后如法炮製,在不到一個星期,提出了上述考核結果應作為有關兩種方法在高中錄取的參考 - 考試 - 免費的應用程序和特殊的入學申請。違背了教育部的教育部的現行制度“免試第一,專業第二,”孝提出免試申請之前,必須在特殊的入學申請進行。“這是唯一公平和簡單,”孝說。


台北,台灣 - 教育部長吳思華(吳思樺)昨天會見了台北市長郝龍斌(郝龍斌)和新北市長朱立倫(朱立倫),討論新的12年制義務教育,以前引發了憤怒和抗議活動在全國各地。

經上週宣布新北市將下探12年義務教育專項檢查,楚建議,教育部實施12年義務教育制度進行徹底的改革; 為了減少短期的入學手續,以減少對學生和家長的升學壓力。

天后如法炮製,在不到一個星期,提出了上述考核結果應作為有關兩種方法在高中錄取的參考 - 考試 - 免費的應用程序和特殊的入學申請。違背了教育部的教育部的現行制度“免試第一,專業第二,”孝提出免試申請之前,必須在特殊的入學申請進行。“這是唯一公平和簡單,”孝說。



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