TOEFL Writing2

  II. Editorial Comments   編者點評  1. Original Furthermore transportation keeps everything


  II. Editorial Comments


  1. Original Furthermore transportation keeps everything going easily. Revised Furthermore transportation keeps everything running smoothly.

  英語中沒有 “going easily” 這種說法。這裡作者要表達的意思是事情進展的比較順利,我們可以用 “running smoothly”。請看以下兩個例子:

  * Although the car crashed just last week the mechanic was able to fix it quickly and now it is running smoothly.

  * Although we made some measurement mistakes in our first science experiment our second one is running smoothly.

  2. Original Building a shopping center near where we live may have lots of existent and potential advantages. They go as follows.

  Revised Building a shopping center where we live has a lot of potential advantages such as the following.

  為了邏輯通順和語言聯貫,由such as 或者 as follows引導的所要列舉的一系列事情,應當作為整行句子的一部分,不可以分開為兩個句子。以下是幾種常用的表示列舉的結構:

  * After we moved into our new apartment I had to buy many new household goods such as the following toilet paper cooking utensils cleaning supplies etc.

  * I am in full support of the new legislation for the following reasons.

  * My reasons for studying abroad are as follows.

  * My objections to your decision are listed below.

  3. Original If it is up to me to decide whether a shopping center should be built near my apartment I prefer to build it. Revised If it were up to me to decide whether or not to build a shopping center near my apartment I would decide to build it.


  If I were a magician I would not need to study in order to get a perfect score on the TOEFL.

  通常在“if”“as if ” “as though” “lest”“unless” “except”“until”等等引導的從句中,也要用虛擬語態。例如:

  If there were no honey the flowers and the bees would have never met.


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