
TOEFL福口語TPO30 tasks原文


-    So, Jane, what do you think of Erics proposal?
-    I am all for it.
-    So you think its true? What he says about the problems with the way its been done?
-    Well, yeah. I do. Take his first reason. Like I know you dont drive, but I do drive here everyday,
so I need a place to park my car. And remember last year when they decided to repair some of
the parking lots?
-    Oh,  yeah.  I  remember  that.  There  was  a  lot  of  work  going  on,  wasnt  there?  Starting  in
-    Right. At least four lots were closed. And that meant there werent enough parking spots for
students and professors cars. I usually had to circle around looking for parking on one of the
streets, and then walked from the street all the way to my classes.
-    Thats annoying.
-    Yeah. And it happened to a lot of other people in my classes too. People were always arriving
late because of all the trouble they had parking. Sometimes even my professors were late.
-    Yeah.
-    And also, his second point, that makes sense too. I mean, for instance, part of the reason those
parking lot repairs last year took so long was because of the big snowstorms. They had to keep
stopping, sometimes for a week or two at a time because of snow and ice on the ground.
-    Yeah, I remember that. We had a bunch of big snowstorms right in a row last year.
-    So with all the starting and stopping because of the weather, the job took them a lot longer to
So heres an example. My daughter had a friend over to our house recently and they decided to watch a movie together, only they got into an argument because they couldnt agree on what movie to watch. My daughter started to get quite upset during the argument, which wasnt like her at all.
But then my daughter stopped and thought about why she was so upset, she realized her reaction was  inappropriate  and  she  also  realized  she  wasnt  really  upset  with  her  friend.  There  was something else bothering her. You see, shed  just gotten a summer job as a camp counselor for children and she was feeling a lot of worry and stress about how well she would do since shed never worked with children before. So she figured out that she wasnt upset about what movie to watch with her friend, but about starting her new job. She really wanted it to go well. She wanted the  kids  to  like her. And  when  she  understood  this, she  stopped  arguing  with  her  friend  and apologized to her.
She told her friend how anxious she felt about starting the job and how sorry she was about getting upset with her. And her friend encouraged her saying shed do great at the job, so my daughter felt better. And they relaxed and had fun together, the same as always.


-    Hey. Julie, whats up?
-    Oh, hi,  George, I am just waiting for my friend  Amy. We are supposed  to drive into town
together to see a film at one of the movie theaters there.
-    Sounds great.
-    Yeah. Our professor for film class wants us to go see it. It is a film by one of the directors we are
studying and well be discussing the film next week in class.
-    Cool. Yeah.
-    But I am the one with the car and we were supposed to leave like fifteen minutes ago. And Amy
hasnt showed up. She is really late. If we dont leave in like the next few minutes, we are going
to miss the beginning of the movie.
-    Have you tried calling her?
-    Yeah. Ive called her several times and left voice mails. And she hasnt responded to any of my
messages. So anyway, I dont know what I should do.
-    Well, I know Amy is your friend and everything, but if you need to see the film and you have
already been waiting fifteen minutes for her, I mean, maybe you should just go by yourself.
-    You mean, just leave now without her? Yeah, I guess she could see it another time. They are
showing the film again tomorrow, so Amy could still go see it then. But Ill be busy tomorrow, so
I need to go today.
-    Yeah, so maybe you could just leave Amy a voice mail saying that you had to leave without her.
-    Thats true. But I dont know. Maybe I should just wait ten more minutes and go late to the
film. She might be on her way over here right now. She did mention that she had a lot of other
things to do first before she met me. And besides, Amy is often late for stuff.
-    But if you wait another ten minutes for her, youll miss the beginning of the movie, right?
-    Yup!


When we humans walk from place to place, we move on the Earths surface, across the Earths surface. Many animals of course, do the same thing, horses and dogs and cows and so on, all move on the surface, across the surface of the Earth.
But  there  are  also  quite  a  few  animals  that  have  the  ability  to  move  from  place  to  place underground, beneath the Earths surface. This moving around underground is known as subsurface locomotion. Subsurface locomotion has a number of benefits.
One  benefit of subsurface locomotion  is that it  enables animals  to minimize their exposure to extreme temperatures. This is very helpful for animals that live areas with harsh climates, where it could be very dangerous to spend large amounts of time on the surface. For example, in the Sahara

desert in Africa, theres a type of lizard thats able to move beneath the surface, through the sand very quickly. Because this lizard can move so easily and so quickly underground, it doesnt have to travel on the surface, where it would be exposed to dangerously high temperatures.
Another benefit of subsurface locomotion is that it can help animals capture prey. Thats because animals on the surface cant see predators that are approaching underground. Our lizard in the Sahara desert is again a good example. The way it works is, when an insect is walking nearby on the surface, it produces very subtle vibrations in the sand. When the lizard senses these vibrations, it moves very quickly underground where it cant be seen towards the source of the vibrations. It then suddenly pops up right under the insect and catches it completely by surprise.


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