World's 10 most romantic movie locations
- TravelZoo's list of romantic movie sites takes in almost eight decades of film history
- Kenya's Ngong Hills grabs the top spot with "Out of Africa"
- London? Venice? San Francisco? Rio? Nope.
(CNN) -- Time to make some popcorn, light a few candles and fire up the flatscreen -- to celebrate National Kissing Day on July 6, travel website Travelzoo has released a list of the world's top 10 romantic movie locations.
There will plenty to quibble with, of course, especially given the absence of cities traditionally associated with romance -- San Francisco, Venice and the entire continent of South America got snubbed.
Unspoiled scenery, natural beauty and the Oscar-winning "Out of Africa" helped Kenya's Ngong Hills grab the top spot on the list.
Paris ranks second after Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy made sparks in "Before Sunset."
The setting for the ultimate smooch scene between Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in "Sleepless in Seattle," New York takes third.
The movie's title town didn't get the call -- sorry, Seattle, Travelzoo apparently likes you, just not in that way.
MORE: World's most romantic nationalities
10 most romantic movie locations (according to Travelzoo)
1. Ngong Hills, Kenya -- "Out of Africa"
2. Paris -- "Before Sunset"
3. New York -- "Sleepless in Seattle"
4. Rome -- "Roman Holiday"
5. Wicklow Mountains, Ireland -- "P.S. I Love You"
6. Halona Cove, Hawaii -- "From Here to Eternity"
7. Atlanta -- "Gone With the Wind"
8. Tokyo -- "Lost in Translation"
9. Bakewell, UK -- "Pride & Prejudice"
10. Burgundy, France -- "Chocolat"
- 浪漫的電影網站Travelzoo的名單需要在近八十年電影史上的
- 肯尼亞的昂山抓住與“走出非洲”的頭把交椅
- 倫敦?威尼斯?舊金山?里奧?不。
(CNN) -時間做出一些爆米花,點燃幾支蠟燭和火起來的平板-慶祝國家接吻日 7月6日,旅遊網站Travelzoo的已經發布的全球十大浪漫的電影位置的列表。
會有很多可以狡辯,當然,尤其是考慮到缺乏城市傳統與浪漫相關的 - 舊金山,威尼斯和南美洲的整個大陸得到了冷落。
電影的片名鎮沒有得到調用 - 對不起,西雅圖,Travelzoo的顯然是喜歡你,只是沒有以這種方式。
10最浪漫電影的拍攝地(AC Ç 奧爾丁到Travelzoo的)
1,昂山,肯尼亞 - “走出非洲”
2巴黎 - “日落之前”
3紐約 - “西雅圖不眠夜”
4羅馬 - “羅馬假日”
5威克洛山,愛爾蘭 - “PS我愛你”
6唐冬艷灣,夏威夷 - “從這裡到永恆”
7亞特蘭大 - “亂世佳人”
8東京 - “迷失東京”
9英國Bakewell - “傲慢與偏見”
10法國勃艮第 - 。“濃情巧克力”