Around the world in 11 odd cheeses
- Strange cheeses include those made with maggots, dust mites and even human breast milk
- American cheese, such as that found in fast food burgers, isn't really a cheese at all
- A Serbian group makes cheese from donkey milk
(CNN) -- You can roll it, ferment it, dry it and put holes in it.
It can be stinky enough to be banned on public transport, crawling with maggots or hard enough to break your teeth.
Cheese is savored all around the world -- even if some of it is an acquired taste.
Casu Marzu (Italy)
Like caviar, Casu Marzu is enjoyed only by a select population.
That's because it's served with live maggots.
It does have a fan base in Sardinia, where sheep farmers for centuries have made pecorino cheese and left it to rot and attract flies.
When the flies' eggs hatch the transformation takes place and the cheese becomes Casu Marzu.
It's then consumed with relish or perhaps trepidation -- it has an aftertaste that lasts for hours.
Gordon Ramsay called it "the most dangerous cheese in the world."
Where to try it: Casu Marzu contains live insects so it can't be imported. Sardinia is therefore still the best option at associations such as Agugliastra in Lanusei, Sardinia;
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Milbenkase (Germany)
Just when you thought the Italians took the proverbial cheese for their maggots, along come the Germans with their mite excrement variety.
Produced in Wurchwitz from quark, it sits among dust mites for several months, with some rye for them to nibble on.
The mites excrete an enzyme to ripen the cheese that turns it progressively yellow, red-brown and then black, at which point it's eaten, mites and all.
Bitter and zesty, the cheese is said to have curative effects for allergies to house dust.
If you'd like some cheese with your mites, there's a mite-shaped memorial in Würchwitz -- in the hollow base there's some Milbenkase left for passersby to try.
Where to try it: Locally in Wurchwitz, Germany.
Yak cheese (Tibetan communities)
Imagine sucking and gnawing a piece of cheese-flavored resin for several hours and you'll get an idea of how hard this cheese is -- it could in fact break your teeth, although there are softer varieties.
The cheese is made by wrapping the curd from yak's milk in cloth and pressing it to get rid of the water.
When it dries out it's cut into pieces and allowed to dry, often over a wood fire.
It's earthy and tasty.
The yak is the male of the species and doesn't produce milk, so it really should be called nak cheese after the female.
Where to try it: Markets in Tibetan areas of China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
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Airag cheese (Central Asia)
Airag cheese, or horse milk cheese, is common in Central Asia where the horse is still integral to life in many places.
To make airag, a mare is milked during foaling season and the milk left to ferment with an agent such as last season's airag.
It's either suspended next to the ger/yurt entrance so anyone passing can stir it or it's tied to a saddle to achieve the same effect over a day's riding.
The airag is then added to boiled milk to curdle it, filtered through a fabric bag and pressed.
It can be eaten fresh or dried.
The dry variety is a popular snack out on the steppe, softened by soaking it in tea or soup.
Where to try it: Out on the Central Asian steppe in the ger/yurt of a nomadic family.
Camel's milk cheese (Ethiopia, Mauritania, Sudan and Bedouin communities)
Nomadic herders across Africa have been milking their camels for centuries.
Not only are the resilient beasts a more viable alternative to cows in dry climates, but their rich, earthy milk has more fat and protein.
However, making cheese from camel milk is a more difficult process, so herders use camel rennet from pieces of the animal's stomach to coagulate the milk and create curds.
This may account for its sour taste and pungent aroma.
To enjoy camelbert options you'll have to visit supermarket shelves in Nouakchott, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
It's also found in Kazakhstan.
Where to try it: Supermarket shelves in Nouakchott, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia; Costa Coffee in the UK; Starbucks in Dubai.
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Human milk cheese (New York)
When the freezer of New York chef Daniel Angerer started to overflow with his wife's breast milk, he decided to experiment with it rather than throw it out.
He blogged about the process online with photos of mother's milk with beets and romaine, dehydrated porcini mushroom and onion chutney.
For those feeling queasy, rest assured the cheese was never produced in his restaurant or sold.
As for commercial opportunities, lactating mothers can't produce anything like the quantity of breast milk needed to make large quantities of cheese.
Where to try it: Not yet commercially available.
American cheese
In a country that celebrates National Grilled Cheese Day, it should come as no surprise that American cheese remains a staple on grocery shelves -- the texture and meltability are perfect for toasted sandwiches and burgers.
Technically, of course, American cheese isn't even real cheese -- ingredients include milk, whey, milkfat, salt, gelatine, milk powder, dyed orange, artificial flavors and oil.
The odd concoction is blended with a generic processed cheese to form the smooth, creamy and super-melty slices that are either loved, tolerated or abhorred around the United States.
Where to try it: McDonald's, American food supermarkets.
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Lichen cheese (Canada)
When a small Quebec company found out the Inuit once ate a fermented lichen from the stomach of caribou that tasted like blue cheese, they decided to try it for themselves.
Using Quebec goat's milk and lichen, the company creates a mold from roasting and boiling the lichen, then lets it rest and ferment.
The cheese is still in its experimental stage.
Where to try it: Société d'Orignal, Montreal, Canada.
Deer milk cheese (New Zealand)
Reindeer milk cheese has been produced among the Sami communities in Finland for years.
Now, cheese from the humble red deer may soon become a hallmark of New Zealand.
The combined work of scientists and a cheese maker have resulted in the first cheese from the Kiwi bambi.
At $100 per liter, the rich deer milk isn't cheap, but with half of the world's farmed red deer production in New Zealand, farmers are getting excited about the possibility of having a product to sell beyond venison.
Where to try it: Buy it from Whitestone cheese company, North Otago, New Zealand.
Alpaca and llama cheese (Andean communities)
Life on the harsh Altiplano would be a struggle without the alpacas and llamas that give their dung for fuel, hide for leather, wool for clothing and milk for cheese.
Comical though they may appear -- they even give the occasional spit and unusual noise -- they're a little tricky to milk.
Once extracted, though, their whole milk can be made into a long-lasting cheese that's salty, rich and heavy in texture.
This finds its way into markets and local food like empanadas, though most travelers come across it only when visiting locals.
Where to try it: Local markets, Andes region, South America.
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Donkey cheese (Serbia)
At the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve, 50 kilometers out of Belgrade, you can get your hands on pule, or donkey cheese.
While healthy -- it has 60 times more vitamin C than cow's milk -- donkeys only produce 200 ml of milk a day.
About 25 liters are required to make just one kilogram of cheese.
That means the white, crumbly pule is both limited and costly.
Currently it goes for about €1,000 a kilo, or $576 a pound.
The reserve also makes soap, a liquor and facial cream from the milk.
Cleopatra claimed her beauty was due to bathing in donkey milk.
Where to try it: In the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve, or buy it online at
- 奇怪的乳酪包括那些蛆蟲,塵蟎,甚至人類母乳製作
- 美國奶酪,例如在快餐漢堡發現,是不是一個真正的奶酪在所有
- 塞族人組使奶酪從驢奶
(CNN) -你可以滾動它,它發酵,乾燥,並把洞吧。
奶酪是品嚐世界各地 - 即使有些是後天的味道。
CASU Marzu(意大利)
像魚子醬,CASU Marzu僅由一個選擇人口享用。
當果蠅的卵孵化的轉變發生和奶酪變得CASU Marzu。
它消耗那麼津津有味或者誠惶誠恐 - 它有一個回味,持續了幾個小時。
哪裡來試試吧:CASU Marzu含有活的昆蟲,因此無法導入。因此撒丁島仍處於協會,如Agugliastra在拉努塞伊,撒丁島最好的選擇;。
如果你想與你的蟎一些奶酪,還有在Würchwitz蟎形紀念 - 在空心底座有一些Milbenkase留給路人嘗試。
想像一下,吸吮和咬了一塊奶酪味樹脂的幾個小時,你會得到多麼艱難這種奶酪是一個想法 - 它其實可以打破你的牙齒,雖然有較軟的品種。
駱駝奶奶酪(埃塞俄比亞,毛里塔尼亞,蘇丹和被Ð ouin社區)
哪裡來試試吧:超市貨架在努瓦克肖特,阿聯酋和沙特阿拉伯; 哥斯達黎加咖啡在英國; 星巴克在迪拜。
在這慶祝全國烤奶酪日的國家,它應該是毫不奇怪,美國奶酪仍然在超市貨架上的主食 - 紋理和熔融性是完美的烤三明治和漢堡包。
從技術上說,當然,美國奶酪甚至不是真正的奶酪 - 配料包括牛奶,乳清,乳脂肪,鹽,明膠,奶粉,染色橙,人工香料和油。
滑稽雖然他們可能會出現 - 他們甚至給偶爾吐和不尋常的噪音 - 他們是一個有點棘手牛奶。
雖然健康的 - 它有60倍以上的維生素C比牛奶 - 驢只能生產200毫升的牛奶一天。
目前,它也適用於約€1,000公斤,或者$ 576一斤。