
Asia's top 9 local liquors亞洲頂級9本地酒

Baijiu, Sangsom and everything in between. Because trying the local liquor is the best way to get to know a destination

To really get under the skin of a new country, you need a skinful or two of the local liquor.

To aid in the familiarization process, here are nine of our favorite drink across Asia.

China: Baijiu

A favorite among Chinese migrant workers, Niulanshan's "little green bottle" of baijiu has become an emblem of modern China.China’s favorite spirit is an acquired taste -- according to Chinese lore, you have to drink it 300 times before you’ll like it.

It’s a ferocious little stinger of a shot with a deceptively fruity smell. Connoisseurs say the flavor, and particularly the scent, varies hugely between brands.

The rest of us just detect notes of paint thinner, ammonia and old tool bags.

How to drink: You could buy plastic bottles of the stuff with a sports cap from corner shops. We don't recommend that. 

Instead, wait for a more sophisticated bottle of baiju to appear at the dinner table. Shots will be poured, everyone will yell "Gan Bei!" (dry glass) and slam.

This will be repeated many, many times. The room will spin, a fire will burn in your cheeks and belly and you’ll feel terrific.

Until the next morning, when your head and guts will feel like they’ve been set upon with that tool bag.

More on CNN: Baijiu factory tour: How Chinese brew their national liquor


India: Feni

Like a great date, Feni is smooth but nutty.Feni, a Goan spirit, is one of the few potent firewaters that’s an absolute pleasure to drink. It comes in two varieties, cashew and coconut, both of which are smooth and a little nutty.

Traditionally a cottage industry spirit, a new premium brand, Cazulo, aims to bring it to a wider market.

How to drink: Feni is silky smooth enough to drink with just a little lime juice, like a gimlet, or with a tiny sprinkle of salt and drop of bitters.

The most popular way is with lime soda or lemonade -– when mixed like this, the taste of the alcohol practically disappears and it all goes down dangerously easily. 


Japan: Shochu

Shochu is a clear liquor distilled from rice, barley or sweet potatoes. There’s not too much drama around the drinking of shochu –- you’re welcome to sip it at your own pace (no goading, slamming or other uncivilized theatrics required).

The sweet potato version is the harshest while the others have subtle flavors you can actually enjoy –- herbal, citrus or floral notes.

How to drink: Most prefer to order a bottle in an izakaya and drink it either neat, with a splash of cold or warm water, or with ice –- usually one massive, hollowed block rather than lots of cubes.


Korea: Soju

Jinro is one of South Korea's most famous soju brands.There’s a Korean proverb that says you can’t get to know someone unless you’ve been drunk with them.

It's safe to assume that many a friendship in South Korea has been forged over a bottle of soju.

It used to be made from rice, but when there were shortages in the mid-late 20th century, sweet potatoes and tapioca were used –- and still are today by the cheaper brands. The taste is appallingly rough, like industrial ethanol.

How to drink it: Another dinner time shooter, there’s still an etiquette to remember when shooting soju.

After a few rounds no one will notice what you’re doing, but until then don’t fill your own glass, hold it with both hands when you’re being topped up and use both hands to pour your drinking buddies' cups.

Everyone shouts “konbae!” (one shot) and drinks together. A newer tradition is emerging among the younger generation: the soju bomb. A shot is dropped into a pint of lager and gulped down.

More on CNN: How to survive a Korean drinking session


Mongolia: Naijiu (Arkhi)

Distilled yak milk. Tastes just as bad as it sounds.Few words can accurately describe the taste of this foul, foul drink. Two-week-old milk with tequila is the best we can come up with.

Naijiu is distilled from yak milk and thus has a smell so sharp that you’ll probably need to raise the glass to your face twice before you can bring yourself to drink it.

Why drink it?

Because you’re in Mongolia.

How to drink: Kitschy gift shops sell terrific, faux animal-skin pouches full of the stuff, emblazoned with the stern face of Genghis Khan. 

For true authenticity we recommend swigging it with yak herders as a means to keep yourself warm on those freezing nights on the Mongolian grasslands.

More on CNN: World's 10 best drinking nations


Philippines: Lambanog

Lambanog, the Philippines' answer to vodka.Lambanog is often called the Philippine vodka because, although it’s distilled from coconut sap, the original stuff looks, tastes and smells a lot like the clear Russian stuff.

Originally a farmer’s drink, the first thing to do is superstitiously splash some on the earth before drinking, as a token "para sa Demonyo" -- which means "for the Devil."

Then a glass is passed around and everyone takes a "tagayan" (one straight shot).

How to drink: Nowadays, lambanog comes in a lurid array of colors and flavors –- prune, mango, bubblegum, cinnamon, blueberry and coffee varieties are all served in bars.

It’s common to share the glass and you’ll be given one to pass around when you buy a bottle in a bar.


Sri Lanka: Arrack

It's never too early in the day to attack the arrack bottle.Just the smell of this elixir says "rough wooden bar, sand on the floor," and automatically makes you question whether it’s too early in the day for a drink.

In other words, Sri Lankan arrack is the perfect beach bar booze.

As far as Asian firewaters go, this one is easy drinking: smooth, a little sweet, with a flavor close to rum. The color -- a warm, glowing orange -- is as feel-good as it gets.

How to drink: Fiery ginger beer is the perfect mixer, but arrack also tastes great with fruit juice. If you really want to get into the beachy vibe, you can slosh whatever you’re drinking it with into a scooped-out coconut shell and get a long straw –- it’ll work.


Thailand: Sangsom

You don’t have to travel far to find a bottle of Sangsom in Thailand. Every bar stocks the honey-colored spiced rum, which is distilled from sugarcane.

Though it’s constantly referred to as Thai whiskey, it’s definitely a rum.

How to drink: Most Thais drink theirs with soda water and ice, but the throngs of backpackers like to pour a quart into a bucket, top it up with ice and Red Bull and slurp it through a handful of neon straws.

More than one of these and you’re in for a roller coaster of a night.


Vietnam: Ruou

This Vietnamese firewater (pronounced zeo) is infamous. Not so much for the enjoyment of drinking the glutinous rice-distilled liquor, but because the medicinal version often has a squished venomous snake or scorpion pickling away inside the bottle.

How to drink: First, be sure you really want to. A swig from these hideous bottles may prevent hair loss, perk up your virility and generally cure a range of ailments, but many have lethal rubbing alcohol or formaldehyde added.

If you’ve really got to try it, it's best to just cross your heart and slam it. 








Ŧ 他休息,我們只是檢測油漆稀釋劑,氨水和舊工具袋筆記。


相反,等待一個更複雜的瓶白駒的出現在餐桌上。射擊會倒,每個人都會大喊“甘北!” (幹玻璃)和大滿貫。









最常用的方法是用石灰或蘇打檸檬水 - 當這樣的混合,酒精的味道幾乎消失,這一切下山危險容易。 



燒酒是一個明確的白酒大米,大麥或甘藷蒸餾。有沒有圍繞燒酒喝太多的戲劇 - 歡迎您按自己的步調來品嚐它(無唆使,轟出或規定等不文明戲劇)。

紅薯的版本是最苛刻的,而另一些微妙的口味實際上你可以享受 - 草藥,或柑橘花香調。

怎麼喝:  最喜歡訂購了一瓶在居酒屋喝它要么整齊,用飛濺的冷水或溫水,或用冰-通常是一個龐大的,中空的塊,而不是大量的立方體。





它曾經被從大米,但是當有短缺在20世紀中後期,甘藷和木薯被用來 - 現在依然是當今的便宜的品牌。味道是令人吃驚粗糙,像工業乙醇。






蒙古:  Naijiu(Arkhi)





怎麼喝:  俗氣的禮品店出售了不起,仿動物皮滿袋的東西,上面印有成吉思汗的嚴厲面孔。 


更多關於CNN:  世界上最好的10個國家飲用


菲律賓:  Lambanog


原本是農民的飲料,要做的第一件事就是迷信一些濺在飲酒前在地球上,作為一個令牌“第SA Demonyo” - 這意味著“為魔鬼。”








至於亞洲firewaters去,這個人是易飲:光滑,有點甜,帶香味接近朗姆酒。色彩 - 一個溫暖的,泛著橙色 - 是因為自我感覺良好,因為它得到。

怎麼喝:  火熱的薑汁啤酒是一個完美的調音台,但燒酒也非常美味果汁。如果你真的想進入比奇的氛圍,您可以晃動無論你喝它變成一個舀出椰子殼,並獲得長期稻草-它會工作。












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