Oh look who showed up. 讓我們到這兒來。
show up: 出現
You better have a good reason for us to be here.
Where's Optimus? 擎天柱在哪兒?
He's right over there, across the courtyard.
courtyard: 院子他就在院子那邊。
-Sam: I got to get to him right now.
get to: 到達 那我就去找他。
-Lennox: No, we got an air strike coming.
-Sam: I have to get to him right now.
-Lennox: Come here, b-back. 退後,退後。
-Jetfire: Incoming! 漂亮的落地!
Behold to the only Jetfire! behold: 看到 jetfire: 天火
Now let me show you how we brought them pain in my day.
pain: 痛苦
-Simmons: Too old for this crap. 我太老了
crap: 廢話
Keep going. 繼續前進。
15 minutes of fighting. 十五回合的戰鬥
I am directly below the enemy's scrotum.
directly: 直接地,完全 enemy: 敵人的 scrotum: 陰囊
25.7 metres above sea level,
sea level: 水準 海平面上25.7米。
29.32 north. 北緯29.32度。
-Soldiers: Field track, 5-2, 0500 o'clock.
field: 域 track: 軌道 target: 目標 acquir:取得
發射軌道 5-2 5點方向。
Target acquired. 目標鎖定。
Killing track two. 保持鎖定,2號軌道。
Lock. Fire.
fire: 激發 鎖定,發射
-Simmons: Yeah! Yeah! 太好了!太好了!
(B-1, stand on my target. 30 seconds…)
stand on: 堅持 B1轟炸機 30秒後接近目標……
-Lennox: We're gonna make a break for the beast on my command, okay?
break: 打破 command: 命令,指揮
You guys stick with me, you understand?
stick with: 堅持做 你們兩個就跟著我跑,明白嗎?
You stay on my ass. 一步也不許離開。
-Epps: Hope these F-16s got good aim. 希望那些F16能打准點。
aim: 對準
-Lennox: Yeah, why is that? 嗯,怎麼了?
-Epps: I told them to hit the orange smoke.
smoke: 煙 我告訴他們橘紅色煙霧為打擊目標。
-Lennox: You mean that orange smoke?
-Epps: It wasn't my best toss, okay?
toss: 投擲 這不是我扔的最好的一次,知道嗎?
-All the people: Run! 快跑!
Run! 快跑!
-Epps: Incoming! 來啦!
-Lennox: Come on. come on: 快點 快點!
-Fallen: Die! 死吧!
-Mikaela: Sam!
Hold your fire!
Sam! Sam!
-Lennox: Get out! Get me an EVAC.
EVAC: 干擾系統
-Mikaela: Can't you do something?
-Ron: Sam!Sam…
Sam! Sam…
-Judy: Sam!
-Lennox: Come on, we got to move. We got to move! Come on!
move: 移動 快點,我們走。我們走,快點!
-Ron and Judy: Sammy!
-Doctor: Clear! Take a shot. Clear! Take a shot.
shoot: 射擊,開槍
take a shot:開槍
One, two, three.
-Lennox: Do it again.
-Mikaela: Sam! Sam!
Okay, listen to my voice. I love you and I need you.
listen to: 傾聽
Please, please come back to me. Sam, please! I love you!
come back: 回來
-Sam: Am I dead? 我死了嗎?
-Optimus Race: We have been watching you. A long, long time.
watching: 觀察
You have fought for Optimus,
fight: 戰鬥 你為擎天柱而戰鬥。
our last descendant, with courage and with sacrifice.
last: 最後的 descendant: 後代,子孫 courage: 勇氣 sacrifice: 犧牲
The virtues of a leader. 具有領袖精神。
vircue of: 有……的優點
A leader worthy of our secret. 我們值得將秘密託付給你。
The Matrix of Leadership is not found.
leadership: 領導 原能矩陣不是被發現的。
It is earned. 而是通過努力得來的。
earned: 賺
Return now to Optimus,
return:返回 回到擎天柱身邊。
merge the Matrix with his Spark.
spark: 火花,火種
It is, and always has been, your destiny.
destiny: 命運 那是你此生註定的命運。
-Mikaela: Sam. Sam。
-Sam: I love you. 我愛你。
-Optimus: Boy, you returned for me. 孩子,你為我而回來。
A living Prime!
living: 活著的 活著的超級領袖!
-Fallen: I don't believe it. 簡直不敢相信。
My Matrix. 我的原能矩陣。
-Sam: Get up, get up, get up, get up.
Get up, Prime! 站起來,擎天柱!
Oh, no. 哦,不!
He's turned on the machine.
turn on: 反對,攻擊 他要摧毀太陽
You gotta stop him. Get up! 你要阻止他站起來!
Optimus! 擎天柱!
-Starscream: Fallen, my master. 墮落金剛,我的主人。
My brothers could not stop me from this.
Yes. 對。
now I claim your sun.
claim: 請求,要求 現在,太陽是我的了。
-Epps: Enemy target, top of pyramid. 向金字塔頂射擊。
Engage, engage, engage. 行動,行動,行動。
engage: 使參與
-Starscream: In moments, we'll be at siren strength.
strength: 力量 siren: 警笛
I never did a thing worth doing until now.
worth: 值得 until now: 直到現在
Optimus, take my parts. parts: 組裝零件
And you'll have a power you've never known.
Fulfill your destiny. fulfill: 完成
-Optimus: Jolt, electrify! electrify: 通電 汽車人通電!
Let's roll. 出擊。
roll: 使……轉動
-Soldiers: Fire. Take it off to the pyramid!
take it off: 拿掉
-Starscream: This planet will be dark forever.
dark: 黑暗 forever: 永遠 這個星球將永遠陷入黑暗中。
Die like your brother. 和你的兄弟們一樣去死。
-Optimus: They were your brothers too. 他們也是你的兄弟。
First gra-- 紅蜘蛛……
You picked the wrong planet! 你選錯了目標!
Give me your face.拿下你的面罩。
I rise. You fall.我贏了,你失敗了。
-Fallen: No. No.不。不。
-Starscream: Not to call you a coward, Master, but sometimes,
coward: 懦夫 master: 主人 sometimes: 有時
cowards do survive.膽小鬼往往能生存下來。
survive: 生存
This isn't over. 這不算完。
-Mikaela: You took all of this for you to tell me that you love me.
-Sam: You said it first. 你先說的。
-Optimus: Thank you, Sam, for saving my life.謝謝你,山姆,你救了我的命。
-Sam: You're welcome.別客氣!
Thank you for believing in me.謝謝你信任我。
-Optimus: Our races united by a history long forgotten.
race: 種族 我們的種族因為被遺忘的過去而走到一起。
And a future we shall face together. 齊心協力面對未來
face:面對 togethrer: 一起
I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message
message: 資訊 我是擎天柱,在此發出倡議。
so that our past will always be remembered.
remember: 記得 讓這段歷史流傳下去。
For in those memories, we live on.
memory: 記憶 live on: 靠……生活 我們擁有珍貴的記憶,生生不息。