Zhang Jike beat compatriot Wang Hao 4-1 in an all-Chinese men's singles table tennis final. 張繼科在乒乓球男子單打決賽中以4-1的比分擊敗隊友王皓奪冠。
The 24-year-old won 18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11 as Wang suffered a third successive defeat in an Olympic final. 現年24歲的張繼科以18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11的五局比分擊敗王皓。王皓已經連續三屆奧運會獲得乒乓球男子單打的亞軍。
Zhang dominated as China took their second table tennis gold at London 2012 after Li Xiaoxia's win over team-mate Ding Ning in the women's final. 在李曉霞擊敗隊友丁甯獲得女單冠軍後,張繼科獲得中國乒乓球隊在倫敦的第二塊金牌。
World champions Germany were crowned Olympic women's team [w]sprint[/w] gold winners in [w]controversial[/w] circumstances following the [w]relegation[/w] of China. 在中國隊被戲劇性地判為犯規後,世界冠軍德國隊獲得了自行車女子團體爭先賽的金牌。
Guo Shuang and Gong Jinjie thought they had won gold when they finished in a time of 32.619 seconds compared to Germany's 32.798. 中國隊的郭爽和宮金傑在以32.619秒的成績領先德國隊的32.798秒沖過終點後,認為自己已經奪冠了。
But officials announced that China had been relegated for an overtake [w]infringement[/w], with Kristina Vogel and Miriam Welte awarded gold.但隨後裁判宣佈中國隊違例,德國選手獲得金牌。
Ranomi Kromowidjojo claimed her first gold medal at London 2012 with victory in the women's 100m freestyle. 荷蘭游泳選手拉諾米在女子100米自由泳比賽中獲得她本屆奧運會上的第一塊金牌。
The Dutch swimmer clocked an Olympic record of 53.00 seconds to finish ahead of Aliaksandra Herasimenia of Belarus, while China's Tang Yi won bronze. 這位荷蘭運動員以53秒整的成績打破奧運會紀錄,白俄羅斯選手獲得銀牌,中國選手唐奕獲得銅牌。
China's NBA star Yi Jianlian suffered a knee injury during an 81-61 defeat to Australia in the men's basketball. 在中國男籃61-81輸給澳大利亞男籃的比賽中,中國球星易建聯膝蓋受傷。
The Dallas Mavericks player had to be helped off the court by team-mates as China slumped to their third defeat. 這位效力于達拉斯小牛隊的球員不得不被攙扶著退場,中國男籃已經三連敗。