世界盃:Own goal烏龍球
該術語已成為一個隱喻為事與願違,當一個人的任何行動。[ 1 ]時的麻煩它收購了一個特定的隱喻意義是指一個簡易爆炸裝置的提前引爆殺死誰是製作人或種植的炸彈。[ 2 ]
An own goal occurs in goal-scoring games when a player scores a goal that is registered against their own team. It is usually accidental, and may be a result of an attempt at defensive play that failed or was spoiled by opponents. It is considered one of the most embarrassing and humorous blunders in sports.
The term has become a metaphor for any action that backfires upon a person.[1] During The Troubles it acquired a specific metaphorical meaning to refer to animprovised explosive device that detonated early killing the person who was making or planting the bomb.