
10種最有營養的麵包Top 10 Types of Breads That Are Healthy






  The bread section is the most popular section at the grocery store and certainly the most confusing one. The most important aspect to look for in the bread is the ingredients. Make sure to choose bread which is 100% whole grain. Whole grains are a great source of fiber, which helps in the prevention of heart disease and colon cancer. Fiber also helps to keep us fuller for a long time so that we eat less throughout the day and maintain our weight. Below are some of the healthiest types of bread.





  1.FlaxseedBread 亞麻籽麵包


  Bread that is prepared with flaxseed is very crispy to eat and has lots of good cholesterol that keeps the heart healthy. Flaxseed is also the only vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids; hence vegetarians must definitely go for this one.


  加有亞麻籽的麵包不僅吃起來鬆脆可口,亞麻籽裡的膽固醇成分還可以保持心臟健康。亞麻籽裡也還有ω- 3脂肪酸。因此毫無疑問,素食主義者可以食用這種麵包。



  2. PitaBread皮塔麵包


  The Pita bread is usually not counted among nutritional breads. But, it is a part of the Mediterranean diet that is known to be heart healthy. It is said that people who follow this diet have less chances of developing heart disorders.





  3.GlutenFreeBread 無麩質麵包


  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Gluten free breads are generally made with grains other than wheat to make them gluten free. Whole grain gluten free breads may be made with brown rice flour.




  4.Pumpernickel 粗裸麥麵包


  Pumpernickel is basically a kind of rye bread. But along with rye, it also contains soy and other whole grains. That is why pumpernickel bread is one of the healthiest varieties of bread.





  5.WalnutBread 核桃麵包


  Walnuts are one of the nutritious nuts in the world. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Thus, the bread that is prepared with walnut carries lots of good cholesterol for the heart.


  核桃是世界上營養豐富的堅果。核桃富含ω- 3脂肪酸。因此,核桃麵包含有很多對心臟有益的膽固醇。



  6.OatsBread 燕麥麵包


  Oat bread is one of the healthiest breads available to us. Oats are very heart healthy because they absorb bad cholesterol. Breads made from oats are highly rich in fiber and healthy for the heart, as well.





  7.RyeBread 黑麥麵包


  Rye bread is one of the healthiest varieties of breads available in the market. But make sure it actually contains rye and also has the taste of rye in it.





  8.MultiGrainBread 雜糧麵包


  Multi-grain bread is a combination of various grains like wheat, rye, millet etc. That is why it is rich in nutritional fibers and thus, heart healthy.





  9.BrownBread 黑麵包


  Brown bread is usually a combination of wheat and soy that gives it the rich brown color. Brown bread is heart healthy mainly because it is low fat bread and also gluten-free.





  10.WholeWheatBread 全麥麵包


  Whole wheat bread is made from unrefined and unpolished wheat. That is why it is healthy, fibrous and also good for the heart. Whole wheat, being rich in fiber, is a good choice of bread.




  Hopefully, this article proves to be helpful for the readers in choosing the right type of bread that keeps the heart healthy.





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