安徒生童話:The Darning-Needle織補針
HERE was once a darning-needle who thought herself so fine that she fancied she must be fit for embroidery. “Hold me tight,” she would say to the fingers, when they took her up, “don’t let me fall; if you do I shall never be found again, I am so very fine.”
“That is your opinion, is it?” said the fingers, as they seized her round the body.
“See, I am coming with a train,” said the darning-needle, drawing a long thread after her; but there was no knot in the thread.
The fingers then placed the point of the needle against the cook’s slipper. There was a crack in the upper leather, which had to be sewn together.
“What coarse work!” said the darning-needle, “I shall never get through. I shall break!—I am breaking!” and sure enough she broke. “Did I not say so?” said the darning-needle, “I know I am too fine for such work as that.”
“This needle is quite useless for sewing now,” said the fingers; but they still held it fast, and the cook dropped some sealing-wax on the needle, and fastened her handkerchief with it in front.
“So now I am a breast-pin,” said the darning-needle; “I knew very well I should come to honor some day: merit is sure to rise;” and she laughed, quietly to herself, for of course no one ever saw a darning-needle laugh. And there she sat as proudly as if she were in a state coach, and looked all around her. “May I be allowed to ask if you are made of gold?” she inquired of her neighbor, a pin; “you have a very pretty appearance, and a curious head, although you are rather small. You must take pains to grow, for it is not every one who has sealing-wax dropped upon him;” and as she spoke, the darning-needle drew herself up so proudly that she fell out of the handkerchief right into the sink, which the cook was cleaning. “Now I am going on a journey,” said the needle, as she floated away with the dirty water, “I do hope I shall not be lost.” But she really was lost in a gutter. “I am too fine for this world,” said the darning-needle, as she lay in the gutter; “but I know who I am, and that is always some comfort.” So the darning-needle kept up her proud behavior, and did not lose her good humor. Then there floated over her all sorts of things,—chips and straws, and pieces of old newspaper. “See how they sail,” said the darning-needle; “they do not know what is under them. I am here, and here I shall stick. See, there goes a chip, thinking of nothing in the world but himself— only a chip. There’s a straw going by now; how he turns and twists about! Don’t be thinking too much of yourself, or you may chance to run against a stone. There swims a piece of newspaper; what is written upon it has been forgotten long ago, and yet it gives itself airs. I sit here patiently and quietly. I know who I am, so I shall not move.”
One day something lying close to the darning-needle glittered so splendidly that she thought it was a diamond; yet it was only a piece of broken bottle. The darning-needle spoke to it, because it sparkled, and represented herself as a breast-pin. “I suppose you are really a diamond?” she said.
“Why yes, something of the kind,” he replied; and so each believed the other to be very valuable, and then they began to talk about the world, and the conceited people in it.
“I have been in a lady’s work-box,” said the darning-needle, “and this lady was the cook. She had on each hand five fingers, and anything so conceited as these five fingers I have never seen; and yet they were only employed to take me out of the box and to put me back again.”
“Were they not high-born?”
“High-born!” said the darning-needle, “no indeed, but so haughty. They were five brothers, all born fingers; they kept very proudly together, though they were of different lengths. The one who stood first in the rank was named the thumb, he was short and thick, and had only one joint in his back, and could therefore make but one bow; but he said that if he were cut off from a man’s hand, that man would be unfit for a soldier. Sweet-tooth, his neighbor, dipped himself into sweet or sour, pointed to the sun and moon, and formed the letters when the fingers wrote. Longman, the middle finger, looked over the heads of all the others. Gold-band, the next finger, wore a golden circle round his waist. And little Playman did nothing at all, and seemed proud of it. They were boasters, and boasters they will remain; and therefore I left them.”
“And now we sit here and glitter,” said the piece of broken bottle.
At the same moment more water streamed into the gutter, so that it overflowed, and the piece of bottle was carried away.
“So he is promoted,” said the darning-needle, “while I remain here; I am too fine, but that is my pride, and what do I care?” And so she sat there in her pride, and had many such thoughts as these,—“I could almost fancy that I came from a sunbeam, I am so fine. It seems as if the sunbeams were always looking for me under the water. Ah! I am so fine that even my mother cannot find me. Had I still my old eye, which was broken off, I believe I should weep; but no, I would not do that, it is not genteel to cry.”
One day a couple of street boys were paddling in the gutter, for they sometimes found old nails, farthings, and other treasures. It was dirty work, but they took great pleasure in it. “Hallo!” cried one, as he pricked himself with the darning-needle, “here’s a fellow for you.”
“I am not a fellow, I am a young lady,” said the darning-needle; but no one heard her.
The sealing-wax had come off, and she was quite black; but black makes a person look slender, so she thought herself even finer than before.
“Here comes an egg-shell sailing along,” said one of the boys; so they stuck the darning-needle into the egg-shell.
“White walls, and I am black myself,” said the darning-needle, “that looks well; now I can be seen, but I hope I shall not be sea-sick, or I shall break again.” She was not sea-sick, and she did not break. “It is a good thing against sea-sickness to have a steel stomach, and not to forget one’s own importance. Now my sea-sickness has past: delicate people can bear a great deal.”
Crack went the egg-shell, as a waggon passed over it. “Good heavens, how it crushes!” said the darning-needle. “I shall be sick now. I am breaking!” but she did not break, though the waggon went over her as she lay at full length; and there let her lie.
這裡曾經是一個織補針誰想到自己這麼好,她想像自己必須適宜供刺繡。“抱緊我,”她會說的手指,當他們扶起了她,“不要讓我失望; 如果你我將永遠不會被再次發現,我是如此非常精細。“
“瞧,我用火車來了,說:”織補針,拉著她經過了漫長的線程; 但有在該線程沒有結。
“什麼粗糙的工作!”之稱的織補針,“我從來沒有得到過。我會打破! - 我破!“果然,她打破了。“我不是這麼說?”之稱的織補針,“我知道我太罰款等工作,這一點。”
“這針是現在縫製挺有用的,說:”手指; 但他們仍然緊緊地握住了,和廚師投下封蠟上的針,並固定了她的手帕與它在前面。
“所以,現在我是一個乳腺針,說:”織補針; “我很清楚我應該得尊榮某一天:優點是肯定會上升,”她笑了,悄悄地對自己,對,當然沒有任何人看到一個織補針笑。在那裡,她坐的驕傲,好像她是在一個國家的教練,看著她周圍。“我可以被允許問,如果你是金子做的?”她問她的鄰居,一針; “你有一個非常漂亮的外觀,和一個奇怪的頭,雖然你是相當小的。你必須採取痛苦的增長,因為它不是每一個誰也封蠟滴到了他,“和她說話的時候,織補針挺直了身子這麼自豪地說,她跌出了手帕的右進水槽,這廚師正在打掃。“現在我要往外國去,說:”針,她飄然而去的髒水,“我真希望我不得丟失。”但她真的被丟在水溝。“我太細對這個世界,說:”織補針,因為她在陰溝裡躺著; “但我知道我是誰,那就是總有一些安慰。”所以織補針跟上她的行為感到自豪,並沒有失去她的好幽默。再就是浮在她的各種各樣的事情,芯片和吸管,和舊報紙碎片。“看他們如何航行,說:”織補針; “他們不知道什麼是在他們之下。我在這裡,在這裡我會堅持。看,那還有一個芯片,在世界上的思考,但沒有自己專用的芯片。有一個吸管將現在; 他是如何變成約曲折!不要想太多你自己,或者你可能有機會碰在石頭上運行。游泳有一張報紙; 寫的是什麼後,它已經被遺忘很久以前,但它給自己播出。我坐在這裡耐心地,靜靜地。我知道我是誰,所以我不動。“
有一天,東西躺在靠近織補針發出亮光,以便出色,她認為這是一顆鑽石; 但它只是一塊破瓶子。織補針說話了,因為它閃閃發光,並表示自己作為一個乳房針。“我想你是一個真正的鑽石?”她說。
“為什麼是的,那一類的東西,”他回答說; 因此,每一位相信對方是非常有價值的,然後他們開始談論世界,而自負的人們在裡面。
“我一直在一位女士的工作中,說:”織補針,“和這位女士是廚師。她對每隻手五根手指,而如此自負的這五個手指頭,我從來沒有見過; 但他們只來帶我開箱,並把我回來了。“
“高出生的!”之稱的織補針,“的確沒有,但如此高傲。他們是兄弟五人,都出生手指; 他們一直很自豪地在一起,雖然他們是不同的長度。誰在排名第一站在一個被命名的拇指,他又矮又厚,只有一個在他的背部關節,因此可以使而是一個蝴蝶結; 但他說,如果他是從一個男人的手斷了,那個人會是不適合當兵。甜牙,他的鄰居,蘸自己變成甜或酸,指著太陽和月亮,並形成時手指寫的信。朗文,中指,看著所有的人的頭上。黃金頻段,接下來的手指,戴著金色的圓圈,在圓了他的腰。和小Playman做了什麼都沒有,似乎以此為榮。他們自誇,自誇和他們將繼續; 因此,我離開了他們。“
“於是,他被提拔,說:”織補針“,而我仍然在這裡; 我太細,但這是我的驕傲,我該怎麼照顧“於是她在她的驕傲坐在那裡,他們有許多這樣的想法,因為這些, - ”?我幾乎可以看上我是從一個陽光,我那麼細。這似乎猶如被陽光下的水總是找我。啊!我是這麼細,連我的母親都找不到我了。如果我還是我的老眼,這是破關,我相信我應該哭泣; 但是不,我不會那樣做,那不是上流社會的哭了起來。“
“我不是一個傢伙,我是一位年輕的女士,說:”織補針; 但沒有人聽說過她。
密封蠟已經脫落了,她很黑; 但黑色使人顯得修長,所以她認為自己比以前更細。
“在這裡,隨之而來的,一個雞蛋殼的帆船,說:”一個男孩; 所以他們把織補針打入雞蛋殼。
“白色的牆壁,和我是黑色的我自己,說:”織補針,“看起來很好; 現在我可以看到,但我希望我必不暈船,或我將再次突破。“她不暈船,而且她沒有打破。“這是對暈船是一件好事,有一個鋼製的胃,不要忘了自己的重要性。現在,我暈船了過去:細膩的人能承受很大“。
裂縫去了蛋殼,作為貨車越過它。“天哪,怎麼擊碎!”之稱的織補針。“我現在生病。我破壞“,但她並沒有打破,雖然大車走過去,她為她放置在全長!; 還有讓她的謊言。