安徒生童話:Little Tuk 小杜克

ES, they called him Little Tuk, but it was not his real name; he had called himself so before he could speak plainly, and he meant it for Charles. It was all very well for those who knew him, but not for strangers.

Little Tuk was left at home to take care of his little sister, Gustava, who was much younger than himself, and he had to learn his lessons at the same time, and the two things could not very well be performed together. The poor boy sat there with his sister on his lap, and sung to her all the songs he knew, and now and then he looked into his geography lesson that lay open before him. By the next morning he had to learn by heart all the towns in Zealand, and all that could be described of them.

His mother came home at last, and took little Gustava in her arms. Then Tuk ran to the window, and read so eagerly that he nearly read his eyes out; for it had become darker and darker every minute, and his mother had no money to buy a light.

“There goes the old washerwoman up the lane,” said the mother, as she looked out of the window; “the poor woman can hardly drag herself along, and now she had to drag a pail of water from the well. Be a good boy, Tuk, and run across and help the old woman, won’t you?”

So Tuk ran across quickly, and helped her, but when he came back into the room it was quite dark, and there was not a word said about a light, so he was obliged to go to bed on his little truckle bedstead, and there he lay and thought of his geography lesson, and of Zealand, and of all the master had told him. He ought really to have read it over again, but he could not for want of light. So he put the geography book under his pillow, for he had heard that this was a great help towards learning a lesson, but not always to be depended upon. He still lay thinking and thinking, when all at once it seemed as if some one kissed him on his eyes and mouth. He slept and yet he did not sleep; and it appeared as if the old washerwoman looked at him with kind eyes and said, “It would be a great pity if you did not know your lesson to-morrow morning; you helped me, and now I will help you, and Providence will always keep those who help themselves;” and at the same time the book under Tuk’s pillow began to move about. “Cluck, cluck, cluck,” cried a hen as she crept towards him. “I am a hen from Kjøge,”1 and then she told him how many inhabitants the town contained, and about a battle that had been fought there, which really was not worth speaking of.

“Crack, crack,” down fell something. It was a wooden bird, the parrot which is used as a target as Præstø.2 He said there were as many inhabitants in that town as he had nails in his body. He was very proud, and said, “Thorwalsden lived close to me,3 and here I am now, quite comfortable.”

But now little Tuk was no longer in bed; all in a moment he found himself on horseback. Gallop, gallop, away he went, seated in front of a richly-attired knight, with a waving plume, who held him on the saddle, and so they rode through the wood by the old town of Wordingburg, which was very large and busy. The king’s castle was surrounded by lofty towers, and radiant light streamed from all the windows. Within there were songs and dancing; King Waldemar and the young gayly-dressed ladies of the court were dancing together. Morning dawned, and as the sun rose, the whole city and the king’s castle sank suddenly down together. One tower after another fell, till at last only one remained standing on the hill where the castle had formerly been.4

The town now appeared small and poor, and the school-boys read in their books, which they carried under their arms, that it contained two thousand inhabitants; but this was a mere boast, for it did not contain so many.

And again little Tuk lay in his bed, scarcely knowing whether he was dreaming or not, for some one stood by him.

“Tuk! little Tuk!” said a voice. It was a very little person who spoke. He was dressed as a sailor, and looked small enough to be a middy, but he was not one. “I bring you many greetings from Corsøe.5 It is a rising town, full of life. It has steamships and mail-coaches. In times past they used to call it ugly, but that is no longer true. I lie on the sea-shore,” said Corsøe; “I have high-roads and pleasure-gardens; I have given birth to a poet who was witty and entertaining, which they are not all. I once wanted to fit out a ship to sail round the world, but I did not accomplish it, though most likely I might have done so. But I am fragrant with perfume, for close to my gates most lovely roses bloom.”

Then before the eyes of little Tuk appeared a confusion of colors, red and green; but it cleared off, and he could distinguish a cliff close to the bay, the slopes of which were quite overgrown with verdure, and on its summit stood a fine old church with pointed towers. Springs of water flowed out of the cliff in thick waterspouts, so that there was a continual splashing. Close by sat an old king with a golden crown on his white head. This was King Hroar of the Springs6 and near the springs stood the town of Roeskilde, as it is called. Then all the kings and queens of Denmark went up the ascent to the old church, hand in hand, with golden crowns on their heads, while the organ played and the fountains sent forth jets of water.

Little Tuk saw and heard it all. “Don’t forget the names of these towns,” said King Hroar.

All at once everything vanished; but where! It seemed to him like turning over the leaves of a book. And now there stood before him an old peasant woman, who had come from Sorø7 where the grass grows in the market-place. She had a green linen apron thrown over her head and shoulders, and it was quite wet, as if it had been raining heavily. “Yes, that it has,” said she, and then, just as she was going to tell him a great many pretty stories from Holberg’s comedies, and about Waldemar and Absalom, she suddenly shrunk up together, and wagged her head as if she were a frog about to spring. “Croak,” she cried; “it is always wet, and as quiet as death in Sorø.” Then little Tuk saw she was changed into a frog. “Croak,” and again she was an old woman. “One must dress according to the weather,” said she. “It is wet, and my town is just like a bottle. By the cork we must go in, and by the cork we must come out again. In olden times I had beautiful fish, and now I have fresh, rosy-cheeked boys in the bottom of the bottle, and they learn wisdom, Hebrew and Greek.”

“Croak.” How it sounded like the cry of the frogs on the moor, or like the creaking of great boots when some one is marching,—always the same tone, so monotonous and wearing, that little Tuk at length fell fast asleep, and then the sound could not annoy him. But even in this sleep came a dream or something like it. His little sister Gustava, with her blue eyes, and fair curly hair, had grown up a beautiful maiden all at once, and without having wings she could fly. And they flew together over Zealand, over green forests and blue lakes.

“Hark, so you hear the cock crow, little Tuk. ‘Cock-a-doodle-doo.’ The fowls are flying out of Kjøge. You shall have a large farm-yard. You shall never suffer hunger or want. The bird of good omen shall be yours, and you shall become a rich and happy man; your house shall rise up like King Waldemar’s towers, and shall be richly adorned with marble statues, like those at Præstø. Understand me well; your name shall travel with fame round the world like the ship that was to sail from Corsøe, and at Roeskilde,—Don’t forget the names of the towns, as King Hroar said,—you shall speak well and clearly little Tuk, and when at last you lie in your grave you shall sleep peacefully, as—”

“As if I lay in Sorø,” said little Tuk awaking. It was bright daylight, and he could not remember his dream, but that was not necessary, for we are not to know what will happen to us in the future. Then he sprang out of bed quickly, and read over his lesson in the book, and knew it all at once quite correctly. The old washerwoman put her head in at the door, and nodded to him quite kindly, and said, “Many thanks, you good child, for your help yesterday. I hope all your beautiful dreams will come true.”

Little Tuk did not at all know what he had dreamt, but One above did.

  1. Kjøge, a little town in Kjøge Bay. Lifting up children by placing the hands on each side of their heads, is called “showing them Kjøge hens.”
  2. Præstø, a still smaller town.
  3. About a hundred paces from Præstø lies the estate of Nysø, where Thorswaldsen usually resided while in Denmark, and where he executed many memorable works.
  4. Wordingburg under King Waldemar was a place of great importance; now it is a very insignificant town: only a lonely tower and the remains of a well show where the castle once stood.
  5. Corsøe, on the Great Belt, used to be called the most tiresome town in Denmark before the establishment of steamers. Travellars had to wait for a favorable wind. The title “tiresome” was ingeniously added to the Danish escutcheon by a witticism of Vaudeville Heibergs. The poet Baddesen was born here.
  6. Roeskilde (from Roesquelle, rose-spring, falsely called Rothschild), once the capital of Denmark. The town took its name from King Hroar, and from the numerous springs in the neighborhood. In its beautiful cathedral most of the kings and queens of Denmark are buried. In Roeskilde the Danish States used to assemble.
  7. Sorø, a very quite little town in a beautiful situation, surrounded by forests and lakes. Holberg, the Molière of Denmark, founded a noble academy here. The poets Hanck and Jugeman were professors here. Letztern lives there still.


  1. Kjøge,在Kjøge灣的一個小城鎮。提起孩子通過將手在他們頭上的每一側,被稱為向他們展示Kjøge母雞。
  2. 普賴斯特,一個更小的城鎮。
  3. 從普賴斯特約一百步在於Nysø,其中Thorswaldsen通常居住,而在丹麥的遺產,並在他執行了許多難忘的作品。
  4. 在國王瓦爾德馬Wordingburg是一​​處非常重要的現在它是一個非常微不足道的小鎮:只有一個孤獨的塔和一個好節目裡的城堡曾經站立的遺體。
  5. Corsøe,在大貝爾特,曾經被稱為最煩人的小鎮在丹麥成立輪船前。Travellars不得不等待一個有利的風。的標題是無聊由雜耍表演Heibergs的俏皮話被巧妙地加入到丹麥孔罩。詩人Baddesen就誕生在這裡。
  6. Roeskilde(從Roesquelle,玫瑰泉,冒稱羅斯柴爾德),一旦丹麥的首都。該鎮從國王Hroar​​了它的名字,並從附近的眾多泉水。在美麗的大教堂最丹麥的國王和王后被埋葬。在Roeskilde丹麥國家用於組裝。
  7. 索羅,一個非常安靜的小城鎮在一個美麗的形勢下,被森林和湖泊所環繞。霍爾堡,丹麥的莫里哀,在這裡創辦了一家貴族學院。詩人HanckJugeman是教授在這裡。Letztern生活在那裡不動。




那還有老洗衣婦了車道,母親說,她看著窗外的; “這個可憐的女人很難拖動自己相處,現在她不得不從井裡拖一桶水。做個好孩子,篤,和整個運行,並幫助老婦人,不是嗎?

所以篤跑過迅速,並幫助她,但是當他回來的時候進了房間很黑,而且也沒有關於光一個字表示,所以他不得不去睡覺在他的小腳輪床架,有他就躺在他的地理課的思想,新西蘭和,所有主曾告訴他。他應該真的有看過一遍了,但他不能因為缺乏光線。於是,他把地理書放在枕頭下,因為他聽說這是對學習的教訓有很大的幫助,但在並不總是被信賴。他靜靜地躺著思維和思維,當所有在一旦它彷彿有人吻他在他的眼睛和嘴巴。他又睡著,但他沒有睡覺並且看起來好像老洗衣婦看著他慈祥的目光,說:這將是很可惜的,如果你不知道你的教訓,明天早晨你幫了我,現在我會幫助你,上帝將始終保持那些誰幫助自己;“,並在同一時間下篤枕頭的書就開始走動。咕,咕,咕,哭了一隻母雞,她躡手躡腳朝他。我是一隻母雞從Kjøge” 1,然後她告訴他,鎮上有多少居民載,大約一戰,戰鬥了那裡,這實在是不值得講的。





篤!小嘟嘟!一個聲音說。這是一個誰說話很少的人。他打扮成水手,看著小到足以成為一個水兵服,但他一個也沒有。我從Corsøe為你帶來很多的問候。5這是一個新興的城市,充滿生機。它有輪船和郵件的教練。在過去的時代,他們習慣稱之為醜陋,但是這不再是真實的。我趴在海邊,“Corsøe; “我有高的道路和享樂的花園我已經生過一個詩人誰是機智和娛樂,他們是不是所有的。我曾經想裝備一條船航行環遊世界,但我沒有完成它,但最有可能的,我可能也這樣做了。但我用芬芳的香水,為接近我門最可愛的玫瑰綻放。

那麼之前的小嘟嘟的眼睛出現了混亂的顏色,紅色和綠色但清關,他可以分辨懸崖靠近海灣,斜坡其中相當長滿了翠綠,並在它的山頂矗立著一座精美的老教堂的尖塔。的泉水流出的懸崖在厚厚的水龍捲,所以,有一個持續的飛濺。附近坐著一位老國王有一個金色的冠冕戴在他白了頭。這是泉景Hroar ​​6和附近的泉水站在Roeskilde鎮,因為它是所謂。那麼丹麥所有的國王和王后走到提升到了古老的教堂,攜手共進,與在他們頭上的金色冠冕,而器官發揮打發噴水的噴泉。


突然間,一切都消失了但在那裡!在他看來,像一本書的翻著。現在還有站在他面前的老農婦,誰來自索羅7這裡的草生長在市場的地方。她有一個綠色的麻布圍裙扔在她的頭上和肩膀,這是很濕,彷彿它已被大雨。沒錯,就是它了,她說,然後,就在她準備告訴他從霍爾伯格的喜劇許許多多美麗的故事,以及有關瓦爾德馬和押沙龍,她突然縮水了起來,搖著她的頭,彷彿她是一個關於春天的青蛙。-呱!她哭了; “它總是濕漉漉的,靜如死在索羅。那小嘟嘟看到她被變成一隻青蛙。呱呱叫,並再次她是一個老女人。一個人必須根據天氣穿著,她說。這是濕的,而且我鎮就像一個瓶子。由軟木,我們必須進去了,由軟木,我們必須走出來。在古代我有美麗的魚,現在我有新鮮的,紅潤頰男孩在瓶子的底部,和他們學習的智慧,希伯來文和希臘文。

- 呱。怎麼聽起來像青蛙在曠野的呼喊,還是喜歡大靴子的吱吱作響時,有人​​在前進, - 總是用同樣的聲調,讓單調的穿著,那個小篤篇幅很快就睡著了,然後聲音不能惹惱了他。但即使在這種睡眠傳來一個夢或類似的東西。他的妹妹Gustava,用她的藍眼睛,和公平的捲髮,長大了一個美麗的少女全部一次,而無需翅膀,她能飛。和他們一起飛過新西蘭,在綠色的森林和藍色的湖泊。

徐克,所以你聽到公雞叫,小篤。公雞一 - 塗鴉鬥。” 飛鳥都飛了出去Kjøge的。你必須有一個大農場的院子裡。你永遠不會遭受飢餓或想要的。吉兆的鳥應是你的,你將成為一個豐富而快樂的人你的房子要起來像國王瓦爾德馬的塔樓,並應豐富裝飾著大理石雕像,像那些在普賴斯特。明白我很好你的名字將與名利環遊世界一樣,是從Corsøe航行的船舶,並在Roeskilde - 不要忘了城鎮的名字,作為國王Hroar​​說,,你都要說好,顯然有點篤,和最後,當你躺在你的墳墓你們安然入睡,因為,



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