Mrs. Raymond: What a surprise! I can't remember the last time you brought me flowers!
Miles: Happy birthday, Mom.
Jack: They're from both of us.
Mrs. Raymond: A famous actor bringing me flowers for my birthday!
Jack: Right? Yeah!
Mrs. Raymond: Don't I feel special?
Jack: And champagne!
Miles: Famous actor's getting married next week, Mom.
Mrs. Raymond: Oh, that's right! Isn't that nice. I hope that girl knows how lucky she is marrying no less than Derek Sommersby.
Jack: Gosh, that was like, 11 years ago, Mrs. Raymond.
Mrs. Raymond: Well, you were wonderful in that show! Why that didn't make you the biggest movie star in the world is a sin! Oh, now, Miles, why didn't you tell me you were coming and bringing this handsome man? Look how I'm dressed! I've gotta run and put my face on.
Jack: You look fabulous, Mrs. Raymond.
Mrs. Raymond: Oh, stop it! Make yourselves comfortable. You boys hungry?
Miles: Yeah, I'm hungry. Just a snack.
TV announcer: The Germans lost almost a million men. To replace them, Hitler turned to his last resort of manpower.
Jack: This is delicious, Mrs. Raymond. Absolutely delicious.
Mrs. Raymond: They're just leftovers.
Jack: I-Is this chicken?
Mrs. Raymond: I could have made something fancier if a certain someone had let me know that a certain someone was coming for a visit and bringing a certain special friend.
Miles: It was a surprise, Mom.
Mrs. Raymond: And I could've already put clean sheets on the other bed and the foldout. You are staying. Wendy, Ron and the twins are picking us up at 11:30 to go to brunch at the Sheraton. They do a magnificent job there.
Miles: You talked to Wendy?
Mrs. Raymond: Just now. She's thrilled! And the twins--
Miles: No, no, I bet. I bet. Yeah. Well, you know, Jack is pretty eager to, uh, to get up to, um, You know. Uh, but, yeah, absolutely. And we'll see how it goes.
Mrs. Raymond: Well, you boys do what you want. I just thought it would be nice for us to be together as a family on my birthday.
Miles: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I'll be right back.
Mrs. Raymond: And what was that other one you did? The one where you were the jogger.
Jack: Oh, that was for, um, Spray 'n Wash.
Mrs. Raymond: Spray 'n Wash! That's the one!
Jack: Gosh. I remember the girl that was in it with me. She was somethin'.
Mrs. Raymond: I just remember you jogging.
Jack: Whoo-hoo!
Mrs. Raymond: So, when's the wedding?
Miles: Next Saturday, Mom. Remember? We told you.
Jack: And Miles is my best man, Mrs. Raymond. My main man.
Mrs. Raymond: Miles, when are you going to get married again?
Miles: I just got divorced, Phyllis.
1. Derek Sommersby
Miles' friend Jack is an actor. Derek Sommersby is a character that Jack plays on the soap opera "One Life to Live". This character exists only in the movie and never on the actual show.
Jack was a soap star briefly during the '90s. Then, according to him, was a regular on a couple of series, and now mostly does commercial and voice-over work. He informs every girl he sees about this when he flirts with them. Also, even though it isn't mentioned in the movie, Jack's last name is Cole.
2. put one's face on
This idiom means “apply makeup 化妝”, for example: Helen won't stir out of the house before she puts her face on. 海輪不化妝才不會出房子呢。
3. Just a snack.
Here it means “a hurried meal”.
4. main man
It’s “one's best and most trusted male friend”. Jack has his best and most trusted male friend Miles as his best man.
Awards and nominations for Sideways 《杯酒人生》所獲獎項和提名
Sideways 這部電影橫空出世,橫掃各大電影節,獲得了多個獎項,堪稱奇跡。
Sideways won the following awards:
Academy Awards: 奧斯卡
Best Adapted Screenplay 最佳改編劇本 (Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor)
BAFTA Awards: 英國學院獎
Adapted Screenplay (Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor)
Golden Globe Awards: 金球獎
Best Motion Picture-Musical or Comedy 最佳音樂/喜劇片
Best Screenplay 最佳劇本
Nomination - Best Musical Score 最佳配樂
Gotham Awards: 高譚獎
Best Picture 最佳影片
National Board of Review of Motion Pictures:國家評論協會獎
Top Ten Film of 2004
Best Supporting Actor
Best Adapted Screenplay
IFP Independent Spirit Awards: 獨立精神獎
Best Male Lead
Best Supporting Male
Best Supporting Female
Best Screenplay
Best Director
Best Feature 最佳劇情片 (won in all categories it was nominated for).
New York Film Critics Circle Awards:紐約影評人協會獎
Best Film
Screen Actors Guild Award: 演員公會獎
Best Ensemble 最佳全體演員 (Paul Giamatti, Sandra Oh, Thomas Haden Church, and Virginia Madsen).
It was nominated for the following awards:
Best Performance by an Actor in a Musical or Comedy, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Original Score, and Best Director, Golden Globe Awards
Academy Awards for Best Picture, Church as Best Supporting Actor, Madsen as Best Supporting Actress
最好的朋友就要結婚了。在結婚之前,Miles 和 Jack 決定來一把最後的瘋狂——駕車遊覽,品味紅酒。在真正開始他們的旅程之前,Miles先帶Jack回到母親家裡,嘴上說是要為母親提前祝賀一下生日,實際卻是來偷媽媽的錢。影片至此,一個中年失意、落魄男人的形象定格在我們的腦海中。承受著感情和事業上的失意和痛苦,Miles 將自己封閉起來,不願向自己的好友和家人求助,也許是打不開心理障礙而不能求助。這,也許是很多失意中年男人的寫照吧。對於一個已過不惑的人,生活的希望究竟在哪裡呢?