Miles: Let me showyou how this is done. First thing-- hold the glass up and examine the wine against the light. You're looking for color and clarity. Just get a sense of it. Okay?
Jack: Okay.
Miles: Thick? Thin? Watery? Syrupy? Okay?
Jack: Okay.
Miles: Now tip it. What you're doing here is checking for color density as it thins out towards the rim. That's gonna tell you how old it is, among other things. It's usually more important with reds. Okay?
Jack: Okay.
Miles: Now stick your nose in it.
Jack: Yeah?
Miles: Don't be shy. Really get your nose right in there. Really--Mmm. A little citrus. Maybe some strawberry. Mmm. Passion fruit. Mmm. And-- Ah, there's just, like, the faintest soupcon of like, uh, asparagus and--There's a--just a flutter of, like, a--like, a nutty Edam cheese.
Jack: Wow. Strawberries. Yeah.
Miles: Good.
Jack: Strawberries.
Miles: Yeah.
Jack: Not the cheese.
Miles: All right. Put your glass down. Get some, get some air into it. Oxygenating it opens it up. It unlocks the aromas, the flavors. Very important. Smell again. Ah. That's what you do with every one of 'em.
Jack: Wow. When do we drink it?
Miles: Now.
Jack: How would you rate this one, Miles?
Miles: Well, usually they start you on wines with learning disabilities but this one is pretty damn good. This is the new one. Right, Chris?
Chris: Just released about two months ago.
Miles: Nice job. We like it.
Jack: You could work in a wine store, Miles.
Miles: Mmm. Yeah. That'd be a good move. Are you chewing gum?
Jack: Do you think I'm making a mistake marrying Christine?
Miles: Whoa!
Jack: Do you think I'm doing the right thing, Miles? Tell me the truth. I mean, you've been there.
Miles: Well, you know, I-- I think that you waited for some good reason and that you proposed to Christine for some good reason so I think it's great. It's time. I mean, you gotta have your eyes open, that's all. I mean, look at me. I thought Victoria and I were set for life.
Jack: Christine's dad, he's really been talking to me about bringing me into his property business, showing me the ropes. Which is something, considering how long it took him to get over my not being Armenian. So I'm thinking about it. But I don't know. Might get a little incestuous. But Mike does great. A lot of high-end commercial stuff.
Miles: So you're gonna stop acting?
Jack: No way! No. This would just provide some stability. I could always squeeze in a commercial or an audition here, there. Keep myself in the game in case something really great came along. You know, we're not getting any younger, Miles.
Miles: No. No.
1. hold the glass up and examine the wine against the light
“舉起杯來,對著光察看紅酒”。這裡要表示“對著光”要用against the light,也可譯為“逆光”。
2. What you're doing here is checking for color density as it thins out towards the rim.
Thin out 這裡表示“使稀薄,使稀疏”,整句話的意思就是“你現在要做的就是檢查一下顏色,酒越接近杯子邊越稀薄。”關於thin out 的用法我們再來看個例子:Towards the end of town, the houses thinned out. 越到鎮子的盡頭,樹木越稀少。
3. usually they start you on wines with learning disabilities
Learning disability 是指“無學習能力”,這裡可以解釋為“沒什麼難度的”,這句話的意思就是“通常(學品酒)是從最好分辨的紅酒開始的”。
4. That'd be a good move.
“那將是個不錯的選擇。”Move 本來指“移動”,這裡指“換行,換工作”。
5. I thought Victoria and I were set for life.
“我本來以為維多利亞和我這輩子都不會有什麼麻煩的。”Set for life 的意思是“沒什麼問題,沒什麼麻煩”,比如:If I had a billion dollars I would be set for life. 如果有十億美元我這輩子就不用愁了。
6. Show one the ropes
這個片語的意思是“教 to teach”,比如:He showed me the ropes regarding Photoshop. 他教我用Photoshop。
7. Which is something
“這可不是件小事。”Something 有“非常特殊或者非常了不起的人或事”的意思,比如:She is something. 她很了不起。
8. high-end commercial
在這個片段裡,Miles 教Jack 品酒,我們也一起來學習一下吧。