Victoria: Hello?
Miles: Victoria?
Victoria: Miles?
Miles: Well, well, well, well, well. Victoria. How the hell are ya?
Victoria: What-- Uh-- What's, what’s on your mind?
Miles: Oh, nothin'. I-- Just heard that you got remarried. Congratulations. I, uh--Boy, I didn't think you had the stomach for another go-around.
Victoria: Oh, Miles, you're drunk.
Miles: Oh, just a little local pinot, you know. A little Burgundy. That old Côte de Beaune.
Victoria: Where are you?
Miles: Uh, a little place in Los Olivos. New owners. Cozy ambience, uh, excellent food too. You should, uh-- You should try it. I thought of you at the, uh, Hitching Post last night. Hello?
Victoria: Miles, don't call me when you're drunk.
Miles: No, it's--I just-- I wanted to let you know that I have decided not to come to the wedding so just in case you were dreading some sort of, you know, run-in or something like that well, you worry no more because I'm not gonna be there. It's my little wedding gift to you and what's his name. What is his name?
Victoria: Ken.
Miles: Ken! Right. Ken.
Victoria: I'm gonna hang up now, Miles.
Miles: No-- You know, it's just-- I-I-I heard about this for the first time, uh, today. Uh, your getting remarried, that is. And, uh, I was kind oftaken aback. Just…hard to believe. I guess I thought maybe there was still a chance for us somewhere down the road. And I just, uh--
Victoria: Miles. Maybe it is better if you don't come to the wedding.
Miles: All righty, Vicki. Whatever you say. You're the boss.
1. What’s on your mind
這句話可以理解成:“你想幹嘛?” On one’s mind 是個片語,也可以寫作 on the brain,意思就是“in one's thoughts, preoccupying one 心想,惦念”,比如:The book prize has been on my mind, but I haven't been able to discuss it with you. 我一直想著圖書獎,但還沒來的急和你討論。
2. I didn't think you had the stomach for another go-around.
Stomach 這裡指“興致”,尤其是對那些令人不快的事物的“興致”,比如:I don’t have the stomach for quarrels. 我沒興致吵架。
3. take aback
這裡的意思是“surprise, shock”,比如:He was taken aback by her caustic remark. 她刻薄的話讓他感到震驚。
4. You're the boss.
Boss 是幹什麼的?是做決定的。You’re the boss 的意思就是“你說了算”。
Victoria 說 Miles 喝醉了,Miles 爭辯說只喝了一點當地的葡萄酒,接著說了三個名字,其實指的都是同一種酒,就是在法國Burgundy的Côte de Beaune 地區,用pinot葡萄釀造的酒。覺得奇怪嗎?下面我們就來瞭解一下葡萄酒的命名。
歐洲古老的產酒區多以此種方式命名。例如:法國波爾多區(Bordeanx)及其轄內著名的產區美道(Medoc)、聖愛米倫(St. Emilion)、玻瑪絡(Pomero;)、索坦(Sauterens)、格拉夫(Grayes)、勃根地區(Burgundy)及其轄內的夏伯力(Chablis)、寶酒利(Beaujolais)、紐•聖喬治(Nuits-St-George),另有義大利的巴羅洛(Brolo)、巴巴瑞斯可(Barbaresco)、阿斯提(Asti)、香堤(Chianti),德國的彼斯波特(Piesporter)、聖約翰(Johannisberg)等。
許多國家的葡萄酒均以葡萄品種來做酒名,如此較容易辨別。這種命名方式大多是新興的產酒區如澳洲、加州、美洲等地採用,例如:白富美(Fume Blanc)、卡伯納•蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)、皮諾•諾瓦(Pinot Noir)、夏多內(Chardonnay),當然,歐洲產酒區也有用葡萄品種來命名的,例如:法國阿爾薩斯的葡萄酒就用葡萄品種來命名,如蕾斯琳(Riesling)等。
有的酒廠以自己的廠名為其葡萄酒命名,例如:Ch. Margaux、Ch. Lafite、Ch. Latour、Ch. Montelena、Niebaum Coppala Rubicon、Dominus、Opus one。
許多酒商以其商譽及歷史自創品牌,例如:法國De Luze的碧加露(Pigalle),Mommessin的Cuvee Saint Piere,Crrusei的Selection、Opusone,安提諾裡(Antinori)的Tignanello、Solaia,歌雅(Goja)的Rossj-Bass、Gaja & Rey、Damagi,Frescobaldi的Montesodi,Stag’s Leap的Cask 23等。