1、make a phonecall
pick up the receiver drop the coins in the slot dial the number busy signal cut offto
the line is busy pedial/try again get throught(接通)hold on hang up
operator(接線員)answer the call call back(回話)
2、playing /listening to music
album/record(唱片)record palyer(唱機)turn table(唱機轉盤)stereo (身歷聲音響)
cassette(盒式錄音帶)loud speaker (喇叭)jazz songs
3、riding bicycle
miles tire is flat tire needs air pedal(蹬車)
4、asking for direction
I wish I could find I wonder how I can get It must be around here somewhere
how have you been ?how are you how are you going how are you doing
6、mailing a package
brown paper(牛皮紙)sting(細繩)tape(膠帶)scissors(剪子)weigh