

  1. Libraries made education possible and education in its turn added to libraries the growth of


  1. Libraries made education possible and education in its turn added to libraries the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing.

  要點:從內容上分析,which修飾 “the growth of knowledge”


  2. If they can each be trusted to take such responsibilities and to exercise such initiative as falls within their sphere then administrative overhead will be low.


  3. There are probably no question we can think up that can‘t be answered sooner or later including even that matter of consciousness.


  4. The curtain was rung down in that phase of history at least by the sudden invention of the hydrogen bomb of the ballistic missile and of rockets that can be aimed to hit the moon.


  5. Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms that allow the seals to cope with the extreme oxygen deprivation that occurs during its longest dives which can extend 500 meters below the ocean‘s surface and last for over 70 minutes. (三個定語從句)


  6. The renaissance of the feminist movement began during the 1950‘s led to the Stasist school which sidestepped the good bad dichotomy and argued that frontier women lived lives similar t the lives of women in the East.


  7. Tom the book‘s protagonist took issue with a man who doted on his household pet yet as a slave merchant thought “nothing of separating the husband from the wife the parents from the children”


  8. We are not conscious of the extent to which work provide the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.


  9. Thus the unity that should characterize the strong system is developed by affording opportunity for diversity which appears to be essential if education is to develop in consideration of the needs of children and youth.


  10. Automobiles have been designed which operate on liquid hydrogen but these system give rise to seemingly unavoidable problems arising from the handling of a cryogenic liquid.


  11. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.


  12. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.


  13. While this boundary does not mark the outer limit of a State‘s territory since in international law the territorial sea forms part of a State’s territory it does represent the demarcation(分界,定界,界限)between that maritime areainternal waters where other States enjoy no general rights and those maritime areas the territorial sea and other zones where other States do enjoy certain general rights.


  14. He finds that students who were easy to teach because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks.


  15. The reader who peruses (細讀(正式)) with some attention the following pages will have occasion to see that both operational and mental aspects of physics have their place but that neither should be stressed to the exclusion of the other.


  16. The public is unhappy about the way society is going and its view fueled in part by the agendists and the media seems to be that judicial (司法的)decisions unacceptable to them regardless of the evidence or the law will slow or change social directions.


  17. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish(痛苦) and travail(辛苦), among whom is already that one who will some day stand here where I am standing


:A~�!;s� �_Oont-family: Arial;mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;color:#333333;mso-font-kerning:0pt'>是個正向詞,緊接著第二句話中lower levels of family stress higher… better health higher… satisfaction等都是正向詞。第三句話中higher satisfaction happier等也都是正向詞。這說明這段話作者的基本態度是正向的,那麼段落主旨就是首句中的benefits,而第二和第三句話就在具體論述有哪些benefits.至於self-esteem marital等生詞不認識都無所謂了,因為本段落中,除了這些正向詞之外,其餘的單詞的存在都是多餘的。30秒足夠你頓悟了吧!



In business as a whole there are a number of factors encouraging the prospect of greater equality in the workforce. Demographic trends suggest that the number of women going into employment is steadily increasing. In addition a far greater number of women are now passing through higher education making them better qualified to move into management positions.

這段話中,首句a number of factors encouraging…是一個正向詞,說明在分析好的因素。第二句number…increasing和第三句higher education better qualified都是正向詞,說明在具體論述第一句話中的好的因素。但是,二三句之間的一個In addition讓我們知道了這兩句話之間是一個遞進關係,那麼其前後的方向應該是相同的。所以,當我們看完第二句話之後,發現這個遞進關係時,後面的內容根本不需要看了。至於prospectdemographic trends即使都是你的生詞,又怎能妨礙你抓住段落的主旨——a number of factors呢?



轉折關係: but/however/yet on the other hand despite

對比關係: more/less…than… unlike


並列關係: A and B not…nor… first second third

遞進關係: moreover in addition/additionally/besides not only…but also…


Managerial and executive progress made by women is confirmed by the annual survey of boards of directors carried out by Korn /Ferry /Carre /Orban International. This year the survey shows a doubling of the number of women serving as non-executive directors compared with the previous year. However progress remains painfully slow and there were still only 18 posts filled by women out of a total of 354 non-executive positions surveyed. Hilary Sears a partner with Korn /Ferry said ‘Women have raised the level of grades we are employed in but we have still not broken through barriers to the top.’


… progress … doubling of the number … However … painfully slow- … raised the level of grades … but … not broken through-


一旦你能精通無詞閱讀法,那麼在面對每篇將近1000字的雅思閱讀文章時,就一定能產生這樣的鬱悶心情:怎麼文章有這麼多生詞我不認識,卻能夠讀懂大意?這在以前簡直就是mission impossible嘛!但是,不要驚訝,因為你已經頓悟了閱讀!四、無詞閱讀法對於完成題目的直接效果


相反,凡是聽過我的課的同學都知道,我講題目的解法,從來不會翻譯原文和題幹,而是緊緊抓住題幹的重要考點來加以訓練,從而使學生在不翻譯原文的情況下,就能把題目作對。比如判斷題,塵埃中人的做題方法是必須把原文和題幹都翻譯出來,如果一旦翻譯卡殼,就會覺得這道題目是“NOT GIVEN”。但是,我對於每一道判斷題,都是先找出定位詞,再找出考點詞,然後在定位到出題句子之後,考點對應出題點的做題。


原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.

題幹:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.

對於這道題,塵埃中人一看就傻眼,因為原文中ecological at a loss demise都是生詞。但是,無詞閱讀者是這樣作題的:

首先洞悉本題的考點詞為unable to explain,屬於典型的是非判斷考點詞,對應原文的考點是at a loss to explain.loss是負向詞,而unable也是負向詞,原文與題幹在考點上方向相同。那麼本題就應該是TRUE.至於那些污七八糟的生詞是什麼意思,“Sorry I don‘t know



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