Top 10 things to do in Singapore

Marina Bay Sands
The long-awaited grand opening of Singapore’s second integrated resort is slated for June 23 and most of us have been looking forward to getting stuck into the full-fat version of Marina Bay Sands ever since it’s phase one opening at the end of April. Locals pay a S$100 tariff for entry to the casino, while foreigners enter free, but after you’ve given your credit card a working, take a break from the retail roller coaster with a boat ride. Yes, this sampan ride (coming soon) takes you on a cruise down the canal at the Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands. If food is more your thing, pick from the array of restaurants opened by celebrity chefs such as Wolfgang Puck and our very own Justin Quek.
10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956; tel. +65 6688 8868;
Double helix bridge at Marina Bay
This bridge is proof that, sometimes, a bridge is not just a bridge. More of an architectural wonder, this is certainly one spot for many touristy snaps -- and wedding photos too, we imagine. Located next to the floating platform at Marina Bay and the new Youth Olympic Park -- and connecting to Marina Bay Sands -- the bridge is made up of a major and minor steel helix that wind around each other. If all the steel tubes are laid end to end, it would measure 2,250 metres long. Plus, the entire structure weighs about 1,700 tons. And if you think walking through this bridge gives you the same experience at all times, think again. There’s a night lighting feature built into the bridge, which can be programmed to create various moods for different events.
Universal Studios Singapore
Singapore’s first theme park features rides and attractions that are guaranteed to give you a thrilling time. Meet Shrek and company, take a walk down Hollywood Boulevard or have an amazing encounter with dinosaurs at Jurassic Park. Make a day out of it and check out all the rides, while taking breaks for food and drink at the various F&B outlets. Just make sure you have your meals after the rollercoaster rides. Adult tickets are priced from S$66, but varies on different days, so check out the website for more information. Once you’ve paid for entry into the park, rides are free. Just don’t forget to get your souvenirs from the many retail outlets -- such as the Universal Studios Store -- to complete your theme park experience.
Night Safari
Call us weird but we think the idea of a safari at night is really cool. The Night Safari is the world’s first wildlife park for nocturnal animals and has won the Singapore Tourism Board’s Best Visitor Attraction Experience not once, not twice, but eight times! The 40-hectare park is home to over 1,000 animals from 115 species, of which almost 30 percent are threatened. Catch them before they’re gone. Explore the park either on foot via three walking trails or by tram. Either way, you’ll be coming back for more.
80 Mandai Lake Road, Singapore729826; tel. +65 6269 3411;
St James Power Station
Why party in just one place when you can do so at nine places in one night? What used to be a real, functioning power station is now a hotspot for night birds, who want more from their clubbing experience. With venues like Dragonfly, Movida, Peppermint Park and Bellini Room providing very different experiences, this is kind of like the clubber’s version of going around the world in one night. Live music features prominently here too, with local and foreign acts and DJs sharing the stage at the individual outlets. Perfect for club hopping without having to queue for taxis numerous times in a night -- or just for ADHD party-goers.
3 Sentosa Gateway, Singapore; tel. +65 6270 7676;
Singapore Flyer
It’s the world’s largest observation wheel and it’s still standing after two years, unlike the wheel in Melbourne, Australia. It stands at a stunning 165 metres and is the height of a 42-storey building. Plus, it cost S$240 million to build, so it sure is one heck of an expensive ride. Still, once you’re up there, you really can’t put a price on the breathtaking view. As the wheel turns and you get views of landmarks such as the Singapore River, Raffles Place, Marina Bay, Empress Place and the Padang. Being Singapore, you’ll also get to indulge in our top two national pastimes -- food and shopping. Eat, drink, shop and be merry, while being on top of the world.
30 Raffles Avenue, Singapore; tel. +65 6734 8829 or 6333 3311;
Marina Barrage
This is a freshwater reservoir in the heart of the city. And it’s also a place for water sports enthusiasts to enjoy their favorite hobbies. It’s also a great picnic spot, especially the rooftop garden that’s also a big attraction for kite flyers. And, as with most green/water-based attractions in Singapore, it’s also a popular backdrop for wedding snaps. But its purpose is not just to be a pretty sight -- it’s also very environmentally friendly. Green technologies include a rainwater collection system and solar panels that generate almost half of its electricity needs. Get yourself on one of the tours that take place daily, except Tuesdays, to find out more about this attractive dam.
8 Marina Gardens Drive, Singapore; tel. +65 6514 5959;
Art galleries at Tanjong Pagar Distripark
Five galleries and one art space are housed in Tanjong Pagar Distripark, right where the docks are. ARTSPACE@Helutrans is a white minimalist setting for galleries, artists, auction houses and museums. Fortune Cookie Projects bring in major international artists, with the one requirement that “it’s got to be very real, verifiable quality that fits our ethos.” ReDot Fine Art Gallery is the only gallery on our shores that specializes in Australian indigenous art, while Valentine Willie Fine Art focuses on modern and contemporary Southeast Asian art. L2 Space showcases fine art in different media by local and Asian artists and photographers. And, lastly, Galerie Waterton primarily exhibits Indonesian art but is startiing to include artists from countries such as India and the Philippines.
Tanjong Pagar Distripark is at 39 Keppel Road.
Raffles Amrita Spa
Possibly the most well-known luxury spa in Singapore, Raffles Amrita Spa at Raffles The Plaza is pure indulgence for the body and soul. The treatments offered here are for both men and women and it really doesn’t matter what age you are -- everyone loves a relaxing massage, right? Try the Nirvana Body Treatment, an Ayurvedic-inspired treatment that includes a body wrap, a foot massage and application of body moisturizer. And that's just the prelude to a massage! Other treatments include Golfer’s Escape, De-stresser and Grape Expectations, where grape seed products are used.
2 Stamford Road; tel. +65 6239 1780;
Clarke Quay
If you want evidence of a city that never sleeps, head to Clarke Quay. What was once an area buzzing with commercial activity in the 19th century now hosts revelers who party till the sun comes up. Restaurants, bars, clubs and retail outlets all scream for your attention. Because of its proximity to the Singapore River, it’s a popular spot for tourists, but you’ll see a fair share of locals hamming it up for the night too. The Pump Room serves up Aussie fare and great music thanks to local band Jive Talking, The Highlander is a Scottish pub, while The Rupee Room brings a Bollywood touch to the heart of Singapore. Just be careful of possible taxi touts when you’re heading home. The taxi queue might look long but there are always plenty of cabs on hand, so just wait patiently.

10海灣大道,新加坡018956; 電話。+65 6688 8868;
這座橋是證明,有時候,橋不只是一個橋樑。更多的是建築奇蹟的,這肯定是一個地方的許多旅遊觀光扣 - 和婚紗照太,我們想像。旁邊的浮動平台在濱海灣,新青年奧林匹克公園 - 並連接到濱海灣金沙酒店 - 橋是由一個主要的和次要的螺旋鋼絲的纏繞對方。如果所有的鋼管鋪設端到端的,它會測量2250米長。此外,整個結構的重量約1700噸。如果你想通過這座橋走讓你在任何時候都同樣的經歷,再想想。有內置的橋樑夜景照明功能,它可以通過編程來創建各種情緒的不同事件。
新加坡的第一個主題公園設有遊樂設施和保證給你一個驚心動魄的時刻景點。史萊克相遇和公司,採取了好萊塢大道散步,或有一個驚人的遭遇與恐龍的侏羅紀公園。做了一天了出來,並檢查了所有的遊樂設施,同時採取休息的食品和飲料在各種餐飲店。只要確保你的過山車遊樂設施後,有你的膳食。成人票的價格從NT $ 66,但不同在不同的日子,所以檢查出的網站獲取更多信息。一旦你支付進入公園,遊樂設施都是免費的。只是不要忘記讓你的紀念品,從眾多的零售網點 - 如環球影城商店 - 完成你的主題公園的經驗。
80萬禮湖路,Singapore729826; 電話。+65 6269 3411;
為什麼黨在短短的一個地方,當你九點能的地方,一個晚上呢?曾經被認為是一個真正的,運作的電站是目前的一個熱點夜間鳥,誰想要更多從他們的夜店體驗。隨著像蜻蜓,MOVIDA,薄荷公園和貝利尼室場地,提供非常不同的經驗,這是一種像在世界各地要在一個晚上的俱樂部會員的版本。現場音樂功能突出這裡也有本地和外地的行為和DJ們分享舞台上的各個網點。完美的俱樂部跳,而無需多次排隊的出租車一晚 - 或者只是多動症黨的觀眾。
3聖淘沙網關,新加坡; 電話。+65 6270 7676;
它是世界上最大的觀景摩天輪,它仍然站在兩年後,該輪在澳大利亞墨爾本不像。它站在了一個驚人的165米,是一座42層大樓的高度。此外,它的成本新元2.4億打造,所以它肯定是一個昂貴的騎赫克。不過,一旦你在那裡,你真的不能把價格上的美景。隨著車輪轉動,你會得到欣賞地標,如新加坡河,萊佛士坊,濱海灣,皇后坊和巴東。作為新加坡,你還可以得到沉迷於我們兩大民族的消遣 - 美食和購物。吃,喝,購物和歡樂,當是在世界之巔。
30萊佛士大道,新加坡; 電話。+65 6734 8829或6333 3311;
這是在城市的心臟淡水水庫。並且它也為水上運動愛好者享受自己的愛好的地方。這也是一個偉大的野餐地點,尤其是在屋頂的花園,也是一個很大的吸引力,放風箏。而且,與在新加坡最綠色的/水上景點,它也是一個受歡迎的背景婚禮卡扣。但其目的不只是做個漂亮的視線 - 它也非常環保。綠色技術包括雨水收集系統和產生的電力需求近一半的太陽能電池板。讓自己對所發生的日常的旅遊之一,逢星期二,以了解更多有關這誘人的大壩。
8濱海花園道,新加坡; 電話。+65 6514 5959;
五畫廊和一個藝術空間被安置在丹戎巴葛物流園區,對那裡的碼頭上。藝術空間@ Helutrans是白色簡約設置畫廊,藝術家,拍賣行和博物館。幸運餅乾的項目帶來重大的國際藝術家,與一個要求,“它一定是適合我們的精神很現實的,可核查的質量。”ReDot美術畫廊是專門從事澳大利亞土著藝術在我們的海岸唯一的畫廊,而情人節威利美術側重於現代及當代東南亞藝術。二層空間由本地及亞洲藝術家和攝影師展示藝術在不同的媒體上。以及最後,沃特頓畫廊主要展示印尼藝術,但startiing包括藝術家的國家,如印度和菲律賓。
可能是最知名的豪華水療中心在新加坡,萊佛士Amrita Spa溫泉在來福士廣場是純粹的放縱的身體和靈魂。這裡提供的治療是男性和女性,這真的無所謂你是什麼年齡 - 每個人都喜歡一個放鬆身心的按摩,對不對?請嘗試涅槃身體護理,阿育吠陀啟發的治療,包括全身包裹,足部按摩和全身應用保濕。而這只是前奏按摩!其他治療方法包括高爾夫球的逃亡,去stresser和葡萄的期望,其中葡萄籽產品的使用。
2史丹福路; 電話。+65 6239 1780;