


  straight from the horse's mouth 據可靠消息

  strike out 刪去;想出

  string sb along 常常戲弄某人

  stuffed shirt 自命不凡的討厭鬼

  sugar daddy 老色狼

  sugar report 情書

  suit one's taste 合某人的胃口

  Sunday dress 最好的衣服

  swelled head 驕傲自大

  switch off 關掉

  swith majors 轉系

  take a back seat 處於默默無聞的地位

  take a break 休息一下

  take a good look at 仔細看

  take a hand in 插手某事

  take a look 瞧一瞧

  take a rain check 改天吧。

  take advantage of 欺負;佔便宜

  take care of sb later 遲些對付你

  take down 記下

  take for 誤認為

  take for granted 想當然

  take French leave 不辭而別

  take in a movie 看一場電影

  take it easy 放鬆;別緊張

  Take it easy. 不要緊張

  Take it or leave it. 別討價還價


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