學測、指考英文作文評分標準大公開 -2/2
Travel Is The Best Teacher
Many people like to read books because we can learn a lot of information from it. However, sometimes it´s not enough. For example, when the author described how spectacular the view is, we can´t feel how it is, since we fail to experience it personally. At this moment, all we have to do is go traveling. Only traveling can solve our confusion and satisfy our curious heart. When we go traveling, we can extend our sight, know things that we never know and even learn some lesson from it.
I remember that one time I took a trip to mainland china with my family. We paid a visit to WestLake. The scenery I saw really breathtaking. I liked the lake when I was a child. But I didn´t know how big it was! I was so excited that I ran aroud the lake. The astonishing view was not a book could give me. Suddenly, I saw a person throw a gabage to the lake. How could he do that! It actually broke the impression I used have on the Chinese people. Maybe it was a lesson for me.
Travel is the best teacher, there are three reasons why I consider it. First, we can see anything what we have never seen by traveling around the world. Second, we can realize how different the culture is between us. Last but not least, we can learn a lot of knowledge by ourselies which it have never appeared from the book.
For example, I have gone to the U.S six years ago. I have seen a lot of insterting things in the U.S. The culture is very different from us. The travel not only make me grow a great deal of knowledge but also let me had a good time there. Because of the travel, I can really see anything what I have never read from the book. In my opinion, I think travel is the best teacher of me.
Travel Is The Best Teacher
We have many travel expiences in our life, like graduate travel, camp on the mountain, visit museams….etc.Every travel have little or much knowledge in it.Even you think that you just play in traveling, in fact, you learn more about life which you can´t learn in common life.
I have ever gone to Japan once time.I learned many things in the travel.That was my first time to take the plane.I learned what I can do and what I can´t do on the plane.When we got Japan, I found first thing which is different from Taiwan is that their cars and people drive or walk on left.It shocked me because I think that worldwilde.
Travel is The Best Teacher
Travel is very nice.It can help us understand everywhere culture, and to meets different people.And travel also can help us to knew everything.
Have some land is we study is our book.However, somewhere is we can go to travel.We can knew differen culture, people, and life.For example, we go to travel in Japan.We can meets people become friends and chat have something is we not.
I very like to travel.I´m hope I can go to travel every country.
Travel is the best teacher
Travel is the best teacher for me.First, travel can learn about a contry´s culture.For example, Middle East people don´t eat pig and Westness eat sweet petato.The second, travel can realize yourself and less pressureThe last one, travel can make friend with foriend.When you come home foriend friend will talk you what things happened and we don´t know in oversea first time.
I have a travel in East Taiwan, there have high mountain and good view that use me think about environment and recycle.If we haven´t recycle garbage, we would destroy that good view in East Taiwan.
Travel Is The Best Teacher
Travel can see a lot of country and study different educated.Some country have historic site, some country have the religion, and some country have the technology etc.
Travel Is The Best Teacher
What tain make me the benefit?It is let me learn more and more folklore, and look the different view in this butiful word.
In my virgin tain.This is the summer vecation in the Japen, Japen are very confrotable, In the every where, You are improstable to find any grabeby.
In fact.I wish go to Japen again, If I can go to Japen in the November to see the rain, I just keep butiful mood in the