Robin Williams and depression: We all wear a mask由Terrie馬修·威廉姆斯
- Terrie Williams has seen first-hand the impact mental illness has had on herself, others
- Suicide is a major cause of death, highest among those 46-64
- Williams says depression is often a secret: "You never really know what is going on"
Editor's note: Terrie M. Williams is a celebrity publicist who has represented stars from Eddie Murphy to Chris Rock. She is also a mental health advocate and author of "Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting." Dr. Dawn Porter is founder, child adolescent and adult psychiatrist. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
(CNN) -- Smart, successful, funny and handsome. Robin Williamsseemed to have it all. And yet, today he is dead. Apparently, by his own choice.
But why? What went wrong?
The joy, spontaneity and humor of Robin Williams likely masked the daily torment he endured in his on-again-off-again struggle with depression. He made us laugh out here, but he was in pain in there. Unfortunately, I know that pain.

In his death, we have lost one of the most talented and creative spirits on the planet. Still, his death by suicide should be a wake-up call for us all. It is to remind us that many of us are walking a fine line -- smiling on the outside while slowly dying on the inside.
I didn't know Robin personally, so I am unable to speak with any certainty as to why he chose to end his life. But I have experienced that kind of torment and pain. For years, I, too, struggled with depression. And many days, I still do.
Complete coverage on Robin Williams
Those who are suffering will do just about anything not to feel the pain anymore. And in those moments, their brains become their worst enemies. It often takes an outside force to provide light, to make sure those dark thoughts aren't, as in the case of Robin, our last thoughts.
According to the Centers for Disease Center, suicide rates increased from 2000 to 2011 from 10.4 deaths per 100,000 to 12.3 deaths per 100,000.
The rate of suicide is higher and rising among men. In 2011, 78.5% of suicides were by men, at a rate of 20.2 deaths per 100,000.
The rate of suicide is rising in all age groups except 85 and older and is highest in individuals 45 to 64, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
We know and feel that the stigma of mental health is making it even harder for those of us who need support to reach out and get it. Living with depression is isolating and demoralizing and often reinforces the pain that we are in.
We can't let these tragedies continue. The ripple effect is immeasurable. Now, his loss has to change how we move forward.

When someone dies, it is tragic. But when someone dies by suicide, there are so many competing emotions from all who are touched that there is no understanding the impact. We all wonder 'why?'
No two lives are identical and to make judgments about another's choice is often more destructive than helpful. But we have to remember that everyone is dealing with their own stuff behind their own mask. We don't know what's really going on, so we must be careful not to judge.
Too many are dying because of the deafening silence. Everyone you know goes through or is going through the fire, and that's the truth.
For me, depression has been part of my journey for a very long time. Long before I knew what to call it, there it was walking with me, side by side. There it was, holding my hand, invading my thoughts causing me to sleep longer, eat more and rarely smile whenever I spent time alone with myself.
I learned to dance the dance, to smile for my friends, for my parents, for the audience, for the camera. I smiled, all while inside a hurricane was sweeping me into an ocean of darkness.
You are ashamed. I was ashamed. We are all somehow very ashamed to admit to others our feelings of doom.
There is no one size fits all reason for depression's presence. For some it is childhood demons. For others, a chemical imbalance. It can be brought on by stressful situations or hang around forever in the background like a stubborn gray cloud.
Just as there is no single explanation for this emotional predator, there can be no one-size-fits-all solution. It starts with sharing and admitting the pain. Nothing can be fixed until we admit that it is broken, until we acknowledge that there is a problem. From that point forward, we must work toward our healing solutions, because we are fighting for our life.

My battle with depression has diminished greatly, although I'm not sure that it will completely disappear. What I do know is that having it gone completely is a personal goal that I've set and will continue to take whatever steps are necessary to accomplish it.
Writing my book "Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting" was part of the journey. I wanted to help other people better understand what they were going through. Now I've co-founded with Madeline McCray the New Legacy Leaders Project to carry the mission forward. The mantra of the initiative, "Our Vision Our Journey, Beyond Depression, Obesity and Poverty to Wellness and Prosperity."
How can we stop our best and brightest, our loved ones, from killing themselves when alone in that darkness? How can we make a difference?
First, we have to take off the mask. We must begin to share our pain. By talking about it, everyone will realize that they are not alone. And they do not have to go through this journey alone.
Next, we must get involved and demand that our elected representatives support legislation that make resources available for everyone to get the support and help they need.
Lastly, we've got to reach out to each other. When you see someone struggling, don't just ignore them, write them off or assume they'll just "snap out of it." Call them, visit them, keep an eye on them. Have a cup of coffee and just listen. We all have a shared responsibility in the health and well-being of our society, one friend at a time.
Robin Williams' death is a stark reminder to all of how much work there is to do. He was brilliant, and he brought joy to so many others. Yet it seems that inner peace escaped him. But he is at peace now. Still, those he left behind -- his family and friends -- are left to try to make sense of it.
Videos: The world according to Robin Williams
It might not ever make sense.
You never really know what goes on inside someone's head. We all wear a mask.
2014年8月13日 - 更新1201 GMT(2001 HKT)
喜劇演員<a href=' - 威廉姆斯dead/index.html?hpt=e'>羅賓·威廉姆斯</A>在他去世北部加利福尼亞的家中週一,執法人員說。 他是63。通過點擊看到心愛的演員的非凡生活照片的時刻。 喜劇演員羅賓·威廉姆斯在他的北加利福尼亞的家中去世週一,執法人員說。他是63。通過點擊看到心愛的演員的非凡生活照片的時刻。
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Terrie Williams還看到第一手的影響,精神疾病已經對自己,他人
編者按: Terrie·威廉姆斯是誰代表了由艾迪·墨菲克里斯搖滾明星名人公關。她也是一個心理健康的倡導者和作家的“黑疼痛:它只是看起來像我們沒有傷害。”博士 黎明波特的創始人,兒童青少年和成人的心理醫生。發表本評論中的觀點僅為作者。
(CNN) -智能,成功,有趣和帥氣的羅賓·威廉姆斯似乎擁有了一切。然而,今天他已經死了。顯然,由他自己選擇。
在他去世後,我們已經失去了這個星球上最有才華和創新精神之一。儘管如此,他的死是自殺應該是一個警醒了我們所有人。它提醒我們,我們很多人都在打擦邊球 - 微笑在外面一邊慢慢死在裡面。
羅賓·威廉姆斯耶穌 記住羅賓·威廉姆斯:第一部分 記住羅賓·威廉姆斯:第二部分
誰給我們留下太早喜劇天才 誰給我們留下太早喜劇天才
最後,我們必須接觸到對方。當你看到有人掙扎,不要不理會他們,給他們寫了或承擔,他們會僅僅是“振作起來。” 打電話給他們,請他們留意他們。喝杯咖啡,只是聽。我們每個人都有在健康的共同責任我們的社會和福祉,一位朋友的時間。
羅賓·威廉斯的死是一個嚴峻的提醒有多少工作是做給所有。他是輝煌的,他帶來了歡樂這麼多的人。然而,這似乎是內心的平靜逃脫了他。但他平靜了。儘管如此,那些他留下 - 他的家人和朋友 - 留下來嘗試理解它。