2 conspicuous
3 crevice
4 depredation
1. conspicuous adj. (con- together + spic- to look; look at +-uous tending to ® tending to be looked at together ®) obvious or noticeable; striking in a way that attracts attention明顯的;顯眼的;惹人注目的Soon after the shooting,“No Trespassing”signs appeared in conspicuous colors at conspicuous locations around the preserve.這次狩獵事件發生後不久,在禁獵區周圍引人注目的地方即出現了醒目的“不准入內”的牌子。
2. depredation n. plundering劫掠After the depredations of the invaders, the people were penniless.那兒的人們遭受侵略者劫掠後一文不名。
3. discrete adj. separate; unconnected分離的;不相關的The universe is composed of discrete bodies.宇宙是由相互分離的天體所組成的。
4. discreet adj. (being carefully“separated apart”(from errors) ®) careful not to do or say the wrong thing; prudent (言行)謹慎的;慎重的He maintained a discreet silence.他審慎地保持沉默。
5. disseminate v. (In disseminate, the prefix dis- keeps its original Latin sense“apart.”This prefix was attached in Latin to the verb seminare,“to sow,”which itself was derived from the noun semen,“seed.”) to distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)散佈;傳播;撒播(種子等) By their use of the internet, propagandists have been able to disseminate their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe.宣傳者利用網際網路把其偏愛的信條傳播至全球的新觀眾。
6. elicit v. (L, to draw out ®) to draw out by discussion引出;誘出;使露出The detectives tried to elicitswhereshe had hidden his loot.偵探試圖誘使他說出他藏匿贓物的地方。
7. elusive adj. evasive; baffling; hard to grasp躲避的;令人困惑的;難以捉摸的Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be done remodeling the house, Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies.南茜試圖使承包商明確表態到底什麼時候可完成房子的改建,但這些承包商的回答閃爍其詞,使南茜感到沮喪。
8. epidermis n. (Gr, upper skin ®) the outer, protective layer of the skin【解】表皮
9. exempt v. (to take out ®) to free from a rule or obligation which applies to others; excuse豁免;免除Students who get very high marks will be exempted from the final examination.獲得高分的學生可免期末考試。exemption n. exempt adj. not subject to a duty or obligation被免除(責任等)的,被豁免的Because of his flat feet, Foster was exempt from serving in the armed forces.福斯特有平足缺陷,故被免參軍。
10. fauna n. (Faunus and fauna were the Roman nature god and goddess, part goat and part human, who were in charge of animals. Their helpers, who look just like them, are called fauns.) animals of a period or region (某一時期或某一地區的)動物群The scientist could visualize the fauna of the period by examining the skeletal remains and the fossils.科學家通過研究那些骨骼遺骸和化石,可想像出那一時期的動物群的形象。
11. genre n. particular variety of art or literature (藝術或文學的)體裁,樣式Both a short story writer and a poet, Langston Hughes proved himself equally skilled in either genre.蘭頓·休斯既是短篇小說家又是詩人,事實證明兩種體裁他都駕馭自如。
12. hierarchy n. (1) a system of church government by priests or other clergy in graded ranks僧侶統治(2) thesgroupsof officials, esp. the highest officials, in such a system僧侶統治集團(3) arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body dividedsintosranks等級體系;等級森嚴的組織To be low man on the totem pole is to have an inferior place in the hierarchy.在圖騰柱上列為地位低微的人在等級制度中位於下層。hierarchical adj.
13. imperative adj. absolutely necessary; critically important絕對必要的;極重要的It is imperative that you be extremely agreeable to Great-Aunt Maud when she comes to tea: otherwise she may not leave you that million dollars in her will.莫德伯祖母來赴茶會時你一定要非常殷勤:否則她可能不會在遺囑中把那百萬美金遺贈給你。also n.
14. permeable adj. penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to passage through可穿過的;可滲透的;滲水的,透氣的If your jogging clothes weren’t made of permeable fabric, you’d drown in your own sweat (figuratively speaking).如果你的慢跑運動服不是由可透氣的織物做的,那麼你會淹死在自己的汗水裡(比喻說法)。permeability n. impermeable adj. impervious; not permitting passage through its substance不能滲透的;不能透過的The new material is impermeable to liquids.這種新材料是不容液體滲透的。impermeability n.
15. incessant adj. (not ceasing ®) uninterrupted持續不斷的The crickets kept up an incessant chirping which disturbed our attempts to fall asleep.蟋蟀唧唧地叫個不停,擾得我們無法入睡。cessation n. stoppage停止The airline’s employees threatened a cessation of all activities if their demands were not met.航空公司的雇員揚言要使一切運作停止下來,如果他們的要求得不到滿足的話。cease v.
16. intrinsic adj. (intra- within + secus following ®) essential; inherent; natural本質的;固有的;天然的Although my grandmother’s china has little intrinsic value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes.雖然祖母的瓷器本身幾無價值,但我將永遠珍視它,因為它使我想起了種種往事。cf extrinsic adj. external; not essential; extraneous外部的;非本質的;外來的The judge would not admit the testimony, ruling that it was extrinsic to the matter at hand.法官不接受此項證詞,裁定它與眼下審議的事無關。
17. juxtapose v. (juxta- = beside; near) to place side by side把......並列,使並置Comparison will be easier if you juxtapose the two objects.把這兩個物體並列就較易作出比較了。juxtaposition