A.前言 (Introduction)
1. 英文字彙的種類
2. 記憶法
3. 英文字彙的七種結構
B. 英文單字記憶十大要訣 (Ten Ways to Gain Word Power)
C.後語 (Conclusion)
A. 前言:
1. 英文字彙的種類 (Kinds of Vocabularies)
Two basic vocabularies:
閱讀字彙(reading vocabulary)
寫作字彙(writing vocabulary)
6,000 words(reading voc.) x 1/5 = 1,200 words(writing voc.)
新聞週刊(Newsweek)——– 16,000 words
時代雜誌(Time Magazine)— 20,000 words
2. 記憶法(mnemonics)
1.(02)272-829 (04)223-3432 (02) 861-6161 ICRT
2.東西羅馬滅亡日,一師無散 / 士氣留。(諧音)公元 1453年 / 476年
3.Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett’s love letters amounted to 573.(375)
4. isolate 使孤立 5. dogma 教條
6. mason 泥水匠 7. parole 假釋
8. hostage 人質 9. seesaw 蹺蹺板
10. kidnap 綁架 11. callus (生在皮膚上的)繭
12. mustache 長在嘴唇上面的鬍子 13. capsize 翻覆
14. monsoon 雨季 15. assassination 暗殺
3. 英文字彙的七種結構 (Seven Structures of English Words)
字首(prefix) 字根(root) 字幹(stem) 字尾(suffix)
(1) 字 首 字 幹 字 尾
pre- dict (tell, say) -able
in- cred(believe) -ible
a- the (god) -ist
(2) 字首 + 字首 + 字幹 + 字尾 + 字尾 = 單字
pre dict predict
pre dict able predictable
pre dict ive predictive
pre dict able ly predictably
pre dict able ity predictability
pre dict or predictor
pre dict ion prediction
un pre dict able unpredictable
un pre dict able ly unpredictably
un pre dict able ity unpredictability
1+9=10 words 衍生字 (derivative)
(3) 字首 + 字根 + 字尾 = 單字
imagine imagine
imagine able imaginable (means)
字首 + 字根 + 字尾 = 單字
imagine ary imaginary (story)
imagine ation imagination (realm)
imagine ative imaginative (writer)
un imagine able unimaginable
un imagine ative unimaginative
1+6=7 words
(4) 字 根 + 字 尾 = 單 字
respect able respectable (teacher)
respect ful respectful (student)
honor able honorable (judge)
honor ary honorary (doctorate)
digest ible digestible (food)
digest ive digestive (system)
defense ible defensible (position)
defense ive defensive (weapon)
(5) 字首 + 字幹 字首 + 字幹
(1) centipede (hundred / foot) (2) bigamy (twice / wedding)
(3) apathy (without / feeling) (4) antipathy
(5) sympathy (6) telepathy
(7) tricycle (8) concubine (with / lie
without marriage)
(6) 字幹 + 字尾 字幹 + 字尾
(1) audible (hear) (2) tangible (touch)
(3) portable (carry) (4) mortal (death)
(5) visible (see) (6) vocal (voice)
(7) mental (mind) (8) lingual (tongue)
(7) 字幹 + 字幹 字幹 + 字幹
(1) biography (life) (2) astronomy (star)
(3) philosophy (love) (4) patricide (father)
(5) suicide (self) (6) aqualung
(7) manuscript (hand) (8) homograph ((same)
B. 英文單字記憶十大要訣
(1) antemeridian (a.m.) (before) (2) postmeridian (p.m.) (after)
(3) autograph (4) centigrade
(5) miniskirt (small) (6) imbalance(beforeb.m.p.)
immoral / impossible
(7) illogical (before l/r) (8) monosyllable (alone)
(9) introvert (within) (10) microfilm (very small)
(1) pseudonym (false) (2) insecticide (killing)
(3) tenable (hold) xxxx (4) bronchitis(bronchi)
pneumonia (肺炎)
(5) malnutrition (bad) (6) monologue (talk)
(7) aqualung (water) (8) prospect (look)
(9) geology (earth) (10)intact (touch)
(3)字尾法(suffix—-adj. / noun / verb):
(1) teenage (2) entrance (enter)
(3) attendant (4) registrar (register)
(5) bravery (n.) (6) rapidity
bakery (a place of business) studidity
(7) cigarette (small) (8) blacken
(9) beautify (10)booklet (small)
(4) 類似法(similarity):
(1) birth - girth (2) vacation - vocation
( birth control / girth control )
(3) empire - umpire (裁判) (4) preposition - proposition (建議)
(5) letter - litter (垃圾) (6) brain - drain (貨幣外流)
(brain drain=人才外流)
(7) middle - meddle (干涉 (8) number - lumber (木材)
(9) pleasant - pheasant (雉雞) (10)simple - sample (樣本)
(5) 聯想法(association):
(1) night - knight (2) diploma - diplomat
(3) ground - aground (4) issue - tissue
(5) discuss -discus (6) table - tablet
(7)mother - smother (窒息) (8) plane -plan
(9) stage - stag (公鹿) (10)anger -danger
(Anger is one letter short of danger)
(6) 拆字法(division):
(1) breakfast - break-fast (2) candidate - can-did-ate
(3) carnation - car-nation (4) eggplant - egg-plant
(5) legislate - leg-is-late (6) lieutenant - lieu-ten-ant
(7) attest - at-test (8) papaya - papa-ya
(9) pronunciation __ pro-nun-CIA-tion
(10) Churchill - Church-ill
(1) Sep-tem-ber (2) O-c-to-ber
(3) No-vem-ber (4) De-cem-ber
(5) va-can-cy (6) i-den-ti-fi-ca-tion
(7) pro-fes-sor (8) pro-nun-ci-a-tion
(9) u-ni-ver-si-ty (10) ac-ci-den-tal-ly
(8) 規則法(Spelling Rules):
prefer-red / prefer-ence / edit-ed /
achieve / receive (When ei or ie is pronounced /i/, put i before e except after c.)
(1) achieve (2) belief
(3) chief (4) field
(5) grief (6) niece
(7) piece (8) pierce
(9) relief (10)thief
after c:
(1) ceiling (2) deceive
(3) receive (4) conceit
(5) deceit (6) receipt
(7) conceive (8) perceive
(1) either (2) neither (3) seize
(9) 強記法(concentration):
(1) aknowledge a_knowledge (2) enviroment enviro_ment
(3) goverment gover_ment (4) grammer gramm_r
(5) indit indi_t (6) mathmatics math_matics
(7) pasttime pas_ime (8) pronounciation pron_nciation
(9) talktive talk_tive (10)unforgetable unforget_able
(10) 卡記法(words on small cards):
aftermath |
Misery is often the aftermath of war. |