
託福口語話題範本weather & season

下邊是環球託福給大家帶來的練習託福口語話題:Weather & season,希望大家多練習,多總結,能夠掌握託福口語的精髓之處。環球託福願與你分享!
1.  Whats the difference between season and weather?
Well the difference is basically that seasons are a time of the year, whereas weather refers to atmospheric conditions, such as wind, rain, snow and sun. So its a pretty big difference!
2.Please briefly describe the different seasons in China.
Ok, Ill give it a try, but its not as easy as it might sound, the reason being that Chinas such a huge country, so different parts of the country experience different weather conditions. But to put it simply, the spring in most parts of the country is a pretty pleasant time of year, because the temperature is relatively mild, and it doesnt get too hot or cold. As for the summer, well in most areas its extremely hot, and just to give you an examplehere in Hangzhou, the temperature gets up to about 42 degrees or so. Then in the autumn, the temperature thankfully drops quite a bit, but when winter arrives, it can get really cold, especially up in the north of China, where I think the temperature gets as low as minus 30 degrees.
3.In general, do you think people prefer to live in very hot places or very cold places?
Thats a good question, and Im not all that sure, but I suppose most people probably prefer to live in very hot places, because for exampleif you compare the number of people living in the far north of the country, whereit gets extremely cold, to the southernmost part of the country, where it gets really hot, a lot more people live down south, at least as far as I know anyway. So I think this kind of shows that most people would rather choose a very hot place to live in as opposed to a cold place.
Im not (all) that sure = Im not very sure
at least as far as I know anyway  至少據我所知是這樣的
as opposed to - 而不是
4.In the future, what do you think will be some of the effects of global warming?
Well, from what Ive seen and read, I think one of the likely effects will be a rise in sea-levels, due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Although I have no idea of how much they will actually rise hopefully not a lot!So thats one thing, and as well as this, I think what will also happen is that more rivers and lakes will dry up as a result of global warming, and this has already started happening in many parts of the world. So unfortunately, it looks like the effects will all be pretty adverse.
adverse - 不利的; 有害的;
it looks like - 看來…
5.For Chinese people, how important is protecting the environment?
Id say its extremely important for most Chinese people. You know, I think its fair to say that most people in the country are aware of the need to look after and protect the environment, because its become clear that if we dont, we will all be affected by the negative consequences, such as water and air pollution.


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