Tonight I’m going to talk to you about that remarkable continent Antarctica- remote, hostile and at present uninhabited on a permanent basis. For early explorers, it was the ultimate survival contest; for researchers like me, it remains a place of great intellectual challenge; while for the modern tourist, it’s simply a wildness of great beauty.
名師講解:文章開頭就用了四個形容詞來描述南極洲,分別是remarkable 非凡的,remote 遙遠的,hostile (環境)險惡的,uninhabited 無人定居的;讓人對南極洲有了一個初步的印象,這種印象是具體的,生動的,而不是光一句光禿禿的‘beautiful’來描述。下次大家描述家鄉或者介紹一個地方,也可以借鑒這類形容詞,比如fantastic, gorgeous, marvelous, breath-taking.。
後面三句話使用了排比句,描述了不同人群眼中的南極洲,也是一個enrich your speech的好方式。
Research and exploration has been going on in Antarctica for more than two hundred years, and has involved scientists from many different countries, who work together on research stations. Here science and technical support have been integrated in a very cost-effective way- our Antarctic research program has several summers-only stations and two all-year-round ones; I was based on one of the all-year-round ones. The research stations are really self-contained communities of about twenty people. There’s living and working space, a kitchen with a huge food store, a small hospital and a well-equipped gym to ensure everyone keeps fit in their spare time.
名師講解:science and technical support have been integrated in a very cost-effective way意思是科學和技術最有效的整合在一起。這個表達方式中A and B have been integrated in…way可以套用到很多其他話題,比如環保,可以說economic development and environmental protection have been integrated in a very energy-efficient way.
I think that being at the cutting edge of science has a special appeal for everyone working in Antarctica, in whatever capacity. As a marine biologist, my own research was fascinating.
名師講解:Cutting edge of science 科技前沿
Has a special appeal for…in whatever capacity 無論從什麼方面來講都是很吸引人的,以後‘喜歡’的表達方式可用這個句式來同義替換使用。