gain weight 長胖了 get a big kick 玩得很開心 get a check cashed 支票兌現 get a move
gain weight 長胖了
get a big kick 玩得很開心
get a check cashed 支票兌現
get a move on!快點!
get a nerve 膽子大
get across 說明;達成;克服
get all in a panic 驚恐
get all up tight 緊張到極點
get along with 相處融洽
get around 有辦法應付局面
get away with 成功;逃避懲罰
get behind 支持
get cold feet 沮喪;臨陣退縮
get cracking 快點!
get down to 開始處理
get down to business 辦正經事
get even 報復
get going 開始;動手;趕快
get hooked on sth 被某事迷住了
get in touch with 和……聯絡
get it over with 趕快把事情做妥當
get lost 迷失
get mad at 對某人生氣
get me down 令我生氣
get nothing on me 尚未找到證據
get nowhere 一事無成
get off on the wrong foot 開始就亂了步驟
get off the ground 進行順利;剛開始
get on the ball 機靈些;敏捷些
get one wrong 誤會某人
get one's goat 故意為難
get out of the bed on the wrong side 脾氣好的人突然變得難以相處
get over 完成;復原;超越
get pinched 失手;落網
get rid of 幹掉;擺脫
get rolling 開始;動手
get rusty 技術、頭腦等生疏
get sb by the neck 捉住
get somewhere 有所成就
get sth off one's chest 把心中的話講出來
get sth straight 辦好;搞通;瞭解
get stuck 拋錨;進入僵局
get the bulge on 佔優勢;勝過;欺詐
get the drop on 先發制人
get the green light 得到……許可
get the picture 明白某種情形
get the sack 被解雇
get through 到達;辦完;通過;花光
get through to 使理解;打通電話
get together again 破鏡重圓
get up the courage 鼓起勇氣
get what's coming to one 咎由自取
get wise to 瞭解;明白
get with it 快點!
girl of the old school 守舊的女性
give a lift 讓……搭車
give away 洩露;贈送
give credit for sb 歸功於某人
give him the dose of his own medicine 以其人之道還治其人之身
give it a try 償一償吧
give it to one straight 坦白地告訴某人
give me a minute 請等一等
give me headache 令我頭痛
give one the air 一刀兩斷
give one the ax 開除
give one the brush 對人冷淡;把人拋棄
give one the eye 眉目傳情
give other one's word 向人保證
give sb a black eye 打某人一頓
give sb a break 給某人一個改過的機會
give sb a buzz 打電話給某人
give sb a dirty look 對某人瞪一眼
give sb a free hand 放手讓某人幹一件事
give sb a lift 讓某人搭車
give sb a piece of one's mind 罵某人一頓
give sb a ride 讓某人搭車
give sb a ring 打電話給……
give sb enough rope 讓某人自食其果
give sb hell 冷嘲熱諷
give sb some of his own medicine 以其人之道還治其人之身
give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡對待
give sb the go-by 對某人的存在熟視無睹
give sb the green light 允許
give sth away for nothing 不是白送的
give up 放棄
glad eye 拋媚眼
go a long way 有用
go about 從事
go ahead 說吧
go all out doing sth 竭盡全力
go around with a chip on one's shoulder 到處尋釁
go at it 努力奮鬥
go broke 破產
go down 下降;被記錄下來
go down the drain 前功盡棄;白費心機
go downhill 每況愈下
go Dutch 各自付帳
go easy 節省一點;少用一些
go fly a kite 滾開
go for 努力求得;想要
go get them 動手吧
go into 深入討論
go on 繼續;接近
go on a bender 喝酒喧嘩
go on the horse 快一點吧
go over 研究;檢查
go steady 確定戀愛關係
go through 細查;經歷
go through with 完成
go to pieces 破成碎片
go up in the air 怒火沖天
go with everything 與任何東西都相配
go-between 中間人;嫁人
God knows. 天曉得。
God, what's the world comming to?天哪,這世界變成什麼樣子?
gold brick 偷懶的人
gold digger 掘金女郎
gone with the wind 隨風而逝
good buy 價廉物美的東西
good for nothing 毫無用處的
good to the last drop 滴滴香濃
good turn 好意
goof off 翹課;不盡職
got it?明白了嗎?
Got you. 照片拍好了。
Great minds think alike!英雄所見略同。
hand in 交出;提出
hand out 分發;分配
hands are full 很忙
hands are tied 權利有限,不能隨意行動
hang around 常常光顧一個地方
Hang it all!豈有此理
hang on to it 繼續下去
hang on to sth 繼續使用某物
hang up 掛斷電話
happy go lucky 樂天派
hard nut to crack 難以對付的女人
hard of hearing 稍聾的人
hard on sb, be 對某人嚴厲
hard to say 很難說
Hard to tell. 很難說。
hard up 拮据
hard-boiled egg 難相處的人;利害的傢伙
hard-hearted businessman 斤斤計較的人