

  above all - most importantly   account for - explain   as a matter of fact - in fact to spea


  above all - most importantly

  account for - explain

  as a matter of fact - in fact to speak the truth

  as a rule - generally normally

  about to - be ready tobe on the point of doing something

  an old hand - be an experienced persom

  any day now -soon

  approach sb -talk to sb

  be fed up with - be out of patience with

  be on one's own - live independently

  be on the safe side - take no chances

  be out of something - have no longer in supply

  be tired of - be bored with frustrated with

  be up to ones'ears - be extremely busy

  be up to someone -be a person's responsibility

  be out for -trying to get

  be out of the question - be unacceptable impossible

  bite off more than one can chew - take on more than one can handle

  break down - cease to function

  break the ice - begin to be friendly wuth people one doesn't know

  break the news - inform or give bad news

  brush up on - imporve noe's knowledge of something through study

  bump into - meet unexpectedly

  by and large - in general

  by heart - by memory

  by all means - absolutely definitely

  by no means - in no way

  call off -cancel

  cheer up - be happy

  come down with - become sick with

  come into -receiveespecially after another's death

  come up with - think of

  count on - depend upon

  count out - eliminate

  die down - become quiet become less

  do without - manage without something

  drop by - visit informally pay a short visit

  every other - alternate

  fall behind - lag fail to accomplish something on time

  fall through - fail to happen or be completed

  far cry form - completely different froma long way

  feel like - have a desire or wish for

  feel up to - feel well enough to or be capabele of

  few and far between - not happening often rate

  figure out - determine reason out by thinking

  fill in for -take another's place

  fill - tell what sb. should know

  fish out of water - out of one's element or natural environment

  flying colors -successvictory

  for good - permanently forever

  for the time being - for now temporarily

  get away with - escape without punishment

  get rid of - give something away sell destroy or throw away something

  get the ball rolling - start something make a beginning

  get the hang of - understand learn

  give a hand - help

  go without saying - understood clear without needing to be stated

  go off -begin to ring

  hang on - keep hold of perseverekeep doing something

  hard to come by - difficult to obtain

  have a heart - have kind feelings be understanding

  have a hunch - have an idea based on feelings rather than reason

  hold off - delaypostpone

  hop to it - get started on something quickly

  hit it off - get along well with someone

  ill at ease - uncomfortable

  in hot water - in trouble

  in the air -uncertain

  in the dark - keep someone without knowdge information from somenoe

  in the lone run - looking toward the future eventually

  ins and outs - all the details the various parts and difficulties to be seen

  iron out - remove the difficulties or find an answer for

  jump to conclusions - arrive too quickly at a decision or opinion

  keep an eye on - watch closely

  keep one'sfingers crossed - wish that nothing goes wrong

  keep on one's toes - be ready for action prepared

  knock oneself out - make a great effort

  learn the ropes - learn the rules and routines of a place or activity

  little by little -gradually

  make ends meet - to get just enough money for noe's needs

  make out - manageget along

  mean to - intentional on purpose

  might as well - to have no strong reson not to

  next to nothing - almost nothing very inexpensive

  not to mention - in addition

  off balance - unaware off guard

  on the go - working or doing something all the time

  on pins and needles - nervous anxious full of anticipation

  on purpose - deliberately intentionally

  on the blink - not working properlybroken

  on the right track - thinking or doing something correctly

  on the tip of noe's tongue - to be about to remember somthing

  once in a blue moon - rarely almost never

  out of it - not involved in

  pick up the tab - pay the bill or the cost of something

  piece of cake - easy

  play by ear - act spontaneously without planning

  pill it off - accomplish

  pull one's leg - make fun of somenoe in a playgul way make somenoe believe something that is not ture

  quite a few - many

  raise the roof -angry

  right away - immediately

  run for office - compete for an elected position

  save one's breath - to keep silent because talking would not achieve anyting

  say that again - a saying that means I agree completely

  stone's throw - short distance

  search me - an answer that means I don't know

  serves one right - is deserving of

  sleep on it - think about something for a while

  straighten up - clean up make tidy

  take a break - rest for a while stop one's work or activity

  think nothing of it - that's all right

  throw cold water on - discourage lessen enthusiasm for

  to say the least - at the lowest estimate

  touch on - mention a subject briefly

  under the water - not feeling well

  wait around - waiting in vain

  wait on - attend as a servantserve

  well worth the trouble - it deseres the inconvenience or trouble

  whole new ballgame - an entirely different situation

  with flying colors - succeed very well

  without a hitch - without difficulty or delay

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