TOEFL托福聽力Part B: 長對話
Part B:長對話(Longer Conversations) 考試當天你將會碰到如下的答題提示: Directions: In this par
Part B:長對話(Longer Conversations)
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated.After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.
1999年1月Part B考題(第31-34題)
* Dr. Thomas? This is Keet Bradley from the daily news. I'd like to ask you some questions about the new official standard weight that you purchased.
* I'd be happy to help you. What would you like to know?
* First of all, how was the standard weight used?
* Well, the people in our department use it to check the scales all over the country. The department of weights and measures, we are a government agency. It's our responsibility to see that all the scales measure a kilogram accurately so this is the way we use to adjust the scales.
* How did you check the scales before?
* We have an old standard weight that we used to use. It had to be replaced because it was imprecise. You see it was made of poor quality metal that was too porous. It absorbed too much moisture.
* Oh. So when the weather was humid it weighed more and when it was dry it weighed less.
* Exactly. And that variation can affect the standards of the whole country. So our department had the new weight made out of higher quality metal.
* How much did it cost?
* About 45 thousand dollars.
* 45,000 dollars? For one kilogram weight? That's more expensive than gold. Is it really worth that much?
* I'm sure it is. Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales so that when they buy and sell their products there is one standard. Think of the drug industry, for example, those companies rely on high accuracy scales to manufacture and package medicine.
What is the conversation mainly about?
(A) How to care for precious metals.
(B) A standard unit for measuring weight.
(C) The value of precious metals.
(D) Using the metric system.
答案是B。顯然這是一道中心思想題。在託福的聽力中,中心思想題又叫場景題。因為一旦你能確定對話或者演講的中心內容,你也就確定了該對話或演講的場景;反之亦然。首先,Daily news的職員(記者)電話採訪Dr Thomas。即使你的聽力不是很好,你也能聽到首音節重讀的單詞standard。接著,又出現了許多與尺度有關的詞,如weight,measure,scale。所以,我們可以肯定他們在談關於選項B中的“衡量重量的標準單位”。
例題:How was the weight used?
(A) To check the accuracy of scales.
(B) To calculate the density of other metals.
(C) To observe changes in the atmosphere.
(D) To measure amounts of rainfall.?
答案是A。複述題只是對對話中原句用同義詞的改寫甚至就用原句照搬到選項中。在這一題中,即使你不知道the weight到底是什麼東西,你也可以猜測它應該指代the standard weight(標準稱)。對話中曾經出現了check the scale,而文章的倒數第二句“Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales so that when they buy and sell their products there is one standard.”也說明了the weight的用途。
例題:Why was it necessary to replace the old standard weight?
(A) Someone spilled water on it.
(B) Someone lost it.
(C) It was made of low quality metal.
(D) The standard for measuring had changed.?答案是C。
對話中出現了poor quality metal這樣的詞句,而在談到new standard weight時又用higher quality。顯然,old standard weight不是poor quality metal就是not higher quality,兩者都可以,因為得出的關於old standard weight的結論都是一樣的,即“低品質”。
例題:What does Dr. Thomas probably think about the cost of the new weight?
(A) It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal.
(B) It is difficult to judge the value of such an object.
(C) It is reasonable for an object with such an important function.
(D) It is too high for such a light weight.
答案是C。這裡,問題問Dr. Thomas可能怎樣看待new weight的成本。對話中,Dr. Thomas並沒有直接說the cost is good or bad。但我們卻可以通過前後兩句推出它認為“it is worthwhile”,即一問一答“Is it really worth that much?”“I'm sure it is.”。