(四)教育 1. 語言變遷原因language transformation 2. 小孩與成人語言能力的比較comparison of t
1. 語言變遷原因language transformation
2. 小孩與成人語言能力的比較comparison of the linguistic ability of adults and children
3. 語言學研究linguistic research
4. 大學教學改革reform of college curriculum
5. 記憶與語言學習memory and language study
6. 語言改革language reform
7. 雙語教育bilingualism
8. 閱讀速度reading speed
9. 兒童智力研究children's intelligence
10. 家庭與青少年性格family and the personality of teenagers
1. 電壓對人類心理voltage and human psychology
2. 工作場所吸煙smoking in workplace
3. 工作與家庭衝突work and life balance
4. 公司管理corporate management
5. 冒險心理研究research of psychology of adventure
6. 面試之技巧interview skills
7. 人類體能極限研究human physical extremes
8. 市場行銷變遷development of marketing
9. 室內空氣綜合症sick building syndrome
10. 如何提高運動員成績how to improve athletic performance
11. 體育運動athletic activity
12. 天才genius
13. 醫生與藥品推銷doctors and drug promotion
14. 運動與青少年健康sports and juvenile health