Column defending cops in Ferguson sparks online fury列在弗格森衛冕警察火花在線狂暴
- NEW: Father in Ferguson: Respect police, or it could be "you laying on that ground"
- "If you don't want to get shot, tased... do what I tell you," a veteran cop writes
- Sunil Dutta spent 17 years with the LAPD
- "The outrageous thing is that we accept it," a critic writes
(CNN) -- In a single column, a veteran police officer has catapulted himself into the national debate over the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
"I'm a cop. If you don't want to get hurt, don't challenge me," the Washington Post headline blares. The piece was written by Sunil Dutta, a 17-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department.
"Even though it might sound harsh and impolitic, here is the bottom line: if you don't want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you," he wrote.
Dutta cautions against arguing, insulting, or screaming at officers, "and don't even think of aggressively walking towards me. Most field stops are complete in minutes. How difficult is it to cooperate for that long?"

If you believe an officer is violating your rights or bullying you, Dutta says, don't challenge him then -- save that for lodging a complaint later. "Do what the officer tells you to and it will end safely for both of you."
It took no time for the anger over his message to explode.
"The outrageous thing is not that he says it. The outrageous thing is that we accept it," writes Ken White of the blog Popehat, which tracks American legal issues.
"Do we have a justice system? By name, yes. Is it effective in deterring cops from abusing citizens or punishing them when they do? No... If you hope the cop will be charged criminally for misbehavior, you're going to be waiting a very long time for no result."
Dutta's message is to "shut up and take it, because even the slightest bit of intransigence is grounds for the cops to unleash a world of hurt," writes Benjamin Freed of the Washingtonian.
"To say that putting up a verbal argument warrants bringing out the billy clubs, stun guns, or actual guns only stokes what's been seen coming out of Ferguson in the past week -- images of peaceful demonstrators being met with a lines of officers rigged with military-grade equipment, marchers being fogged with canisters of tear gas, and people being slugged with rubber bullets after not moving quickly enough," Freed complains.
Authorities in Ferguson say force has been needed to stop the minority of "agitators" who have fomented violence, through gunshots and Molotov cocktails. users weighed in on social media.

"So, 'Do what I say or I will hurt/kill you?' How does that even remotely correspond with 'To Serve and Protect?'" Carter Gaddis wrote on Twitter, citing the police motto.
But Rhonda Heim wrote on Facebook, "I think an officer puts his life on the line on a daily basis. He wants to go home after his shift like everyone else. No one should challenge him."
Mike Knox, a business owner and father of four in Ferguson, told CNN "people are just tired" of being pulled over when they did nothing wrong, so it's common to give police attitude in the area. But he teaches his children not to.
Mike Knox, father of four in Ferguson
"When you see police, respect the police," he tells them. "Say 'yes sir and 'no sir.' It'll get you a long way." And since loitering can lead police to think you're up to no good, he adds, "keep it moving."
"If you let your attitude take over, that can be you laying on that ground," Knox adds.
In Dutta's column, published Tuesday, he writes, "Cops are not murderers. No officer goes out in the field wishing to shoot anyone, armed or unarmed."
Still, he does not defend all police. "I know it is scary for people to be stopped by cops. I also understand the anger and frustration if people believe they have been stopped unjustly or without a reason. I am aware that corrupt and bully cops exist. When it comes to police misconduct, I side with the ACLU: Having worked as an internal affairs investigator, I know that some officers engage in unprofessional and arrogant behavior; sometimes they behave like criminals themselves."
Complete coverage of Ferguson shooting and protests
Dutta notes that people don't have to submit to illegal stops or searches, and can refuse consent to search a car or home without a warrant. "Always ask the officer whether you are under detention or are free to leave. Unless the officer has a legal basis to stop and search you, he or she must let you go. Finally, cops are legally prohibited from using excessive force: The moment a suspect submits and stops resisting, the officers must cease use of force."
Iris Baez, Justice Committee
But protesters throughout the country say submitting to an officer doesn't always avoid police brutality. They point to the case of Eric Garner, killed by New York policein a chokehold in July. And in California, a 51-year-old woman was seen on video being repeatedly punched by a Highway Patrol officer.
In a column last week, Iris Baez of the Justice Committee in New York wrote that her son died nearly 20 years ago in an illegal police chokehold. "These tragedies and injustices happen year after year, and people of color -- primarily black and Latino -- are usually the victims."
"Police-community relations can only start to improve when individual officers who abuse civilians' rights are held accountable with a zero-tolerance policy for police brutality," she says.
Dutta wants all police to use body cameras and video recorders in their vehicles, which "will prevent a situation like Mike Brown's shooting, about which conflicting and self-serving statements allow people to believe what they want." The events that led up to the teen's shooting remain unclear, with very different descriptions emerging.
While Dutta comes off as "reasonable," he is demanding "unresisting submission to police without argument or even legal protest," J.D. Tuccille writes at "Just how do you 'refuse consent to search your car or home' without running afoul of the no-nos Dutta warns may get you 'shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground?'"
Journalists who were arrested amid Ferguson protests have reported they did nothing wrong.
Dutta, a professor of homeland security and criminal justice at Colorado Technical University, could not be reached immediately for comment Wednesday on the uproar over his column.
In a tweet linking to his response, the Washingtonian's Benjamin Freed wrote, "I challenged Officer Sunil Dutta. Hopefully he won't come hurt me."
2014年8月20日 - 更新2342 GMT(0742 HKT)
“如果你不想被槍殺,tased ......做什麼,我告訴你,”一位資深的警察寫
(CNN) -在單個列,一位資深警官已一躍自己變成了手無寸鐵的少年邁克爾·布朗的弗格森,密蘇里州死亡的全國性辯論。
“雖然這聽起來刺耳,而且未免失策,這是底線:如果你不想被槍殺,tased,胡椒噴霧,襲擊用警棍或掀翻在地,就做什麼,我告訴你。” 他寫道。
布朗拍攝衝突帳戶 電台來電:布朗的流浪漢,衝到'官 總檢察長領導弗格森 平民平息深夜緊張 警察,示威者之間的衝突更
如果您認為一名軍官違反您的權利或欺負你,杜塔說,不要挑戰他的話 - 保存供以後提出投訴。“做了官會告訴你,它會安全地結束了你們倆。”
“離譜的事情是不是他說的。離譜的是,我們接受它,” 寫博客的Popehat,追踪美國法律問題的Ken白色。
杜塔的消息是“閉嘴,並把它,因為不妥協,甚至半點理由是對警察發動傷害的世界,” 寫了華盛頓的本傑明·弗里德。
“如果說把一個口頭說法權證帶來了比利俱樂部,電擊槍,還是槍實際只斯托克斯什麼被視為走出弗格森在過去的一周 - 得到滿足和平示威的圖像與線條的官員與操縱軍用級設備,遊行者被霧與催淚瓦斯罐,並且被人猛擊了橡皮子彈後不動的速度不夠快,“弗里德抱怨。
“那麼,”我說的去做,否則我將傷害/殺了你?“ 如何,即使遠程與對應“服務和保護?”卡特加迪斯在Twitter上寫道,援引警方的座右銘。
“當你看到警察,尊重警察,”他告訴他們。“說'是的,先生和”沒有,先生。“ 這也將讓您有一個很長的路要走“。而且,由於遊蕩導致警方認為你圖謀不軌,他補充說,“繼續前進。”
在 列上週司法委員會在紐約的虹膜貝茲寫道,她的兒子在一個非法的警察控制遭到死亡近20年前。“這些悲劇和不公平現象發生年復一年,和有色人種-主要是黑人和拉丁美洲人-通常是受害者。”
杜塔希望所有警察用身體攝 像機和錄像機在他們的車輛,其中“將阻止這樣的情況邁克·布朗的投籃,對此有衝突和自我服務聲明讓人們相信他們想要的東西。” 這導致了青少年的拍攝活動仍不清楚,有非常不同的描述出現。
雖然杜塔脫落為“合理”,他被要求“反抗的提交警方沒有說法,甚至合法的抗議,”JD Tuccille 寫在。“剛才你怎麼'拒絕同意搜查你的汽車或家庭”會警告可能讓你無無號杜塔的運行相抵觸的投籃,tased,胡椒噴霧,襲擊用警棍或扔在地上?“