Dorayaki Recipe銅鑼燒食譜
- 1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 Tbsp honey
- 3/4 cup milk
- Anko (sweet red bean paste)
- 1. Mix flour and baking soda in a bowl.
- 2. In another bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, and honey together. Add milk and mix well.
- 3. Stir dry ingredients into egg mixture, and whisk until batter becomes smooth.
- 4. Heat non-stick frying pan with a small amount of oil and wipe excess oil well. At medium low heat, drop 1/8 of a cup of batter onto the pan, like a pancake. Cook about 2 minutes until the surface of the pancake has a lot of bubbles and the edges become dry. Flip over and cook 1 more minute.
- 5. Transfer to a plate and cover with a wet paper towel.
- 6. Take one cake and place a heaping tablespoon of Anko and cover with another cake. Wrap it with plastic and press with hands. Pinch to seal the edges of the pancakes together.
銅鑼燒是最流行的日本點心之一。這是安口(甜豆沙)甜煎餅之間。這是一個日系甜美心愛的古老而又年輕。這可能是完美的人誰從未有過任何傳統的日式點心,因為它沒有任何不尋常的成分。銅鑼燒也叫三笠,從山 三笠奈良的下一大阪。我相信那銅鑼燒是日本東部多採用的名稱。
- 1 4杯中筋麵粉
- 1茶匙小蘇打
- 雞蛋2個
- 半杯糖
- 1湯匙蜂蜜
- 4杯牛奶
- 安口(甜豆沙)
- 1. 混合麵粉和蘇打粉放入碗中。
- 2. 在另一個碗裡,攪拌雞蛋,糖,和蜂蜜一起。加入牛奶拌勻。
- 3. 炒幹配料放入蛋液,並打至麵糊變得光滑。
- 4. 熱不粘平底鍋用少量的油和擦拭過量油井。在中等發熱量低,落杯麵糊的八分之一到鍋裡,像煎餅。煮約2分鐘,待餅的表面有大量氣泡,並且邊緣變幹。翻轉過來,煮1分鐘以上。
- 5. 裝盤,蓋上濕紙巾。
- 6. 需要一個蛋糕,並把安口的堆積湯匙,蓋上另一蛋糕。塑料,按手包起來。捏住密封煎餅的邊緣在一起。