Heavy rains, landslides kill 39 in Japan連降暴雨,山體滑坡39殺日本

Report: Landslides kill 39 in Japan
- NEW: At least 10 people are missing in Japanese city
- Authorities fear the number could be much higher
- Heavy rains have pounded the area, bringing landslides
Tokyo (CNN) -- Residents combed through mud and debris looking for bodies of their loved ones after heavy rains triggered landslides that swallowed up homes in the western Japanese city of Hiroshima.
The landslides Wednesday killed at least 39 people, including a 2-year-old boy and his 11-year-old brother who were buried by debris in Asaminami Ward, authorities told the Kyodo news agency.
At least 10 others are missing, according to Hiroshima police. Authorities fear the number could be much higher because the landslides hit a crowded residential area.
A neighbor said he heard the boys' mother scream for help and rushed to help her, digging with his bare hands, Kyodo reported. He reached the toddler, but could not free him in time.

"His body was still warm," the man told Kyodo.
An elderly resident of the Asakita Ward, one of the hardest-hit areas, described roads as resembling rivers. "I thought it was dangerous to go outside, so I was in my room listening to disaster information all through the night," she told Kyodo.
Heavy rains have pounded the area. In the last 24 hours, it received a record 9.5 inches of rain, the Kyodo news agency said.
Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui acknowledged evacuation advisories came late, Kyodo reported. Matsui said city officials will investigate how they can improve.
According to Hiroshima's disaster control center, as of Thursday morning 1,018 people have been evacuated from destroyed houses and moved to public facilities. An evacuation advisory is in place for 164,108 residents or 68,813 households in Asakita and Asaminami wards in Hiroshima.
About 600 emergency personnel have been deployed to the area.Search and recovery continued Thursday.
2014年8月21日 - 更新0002 GMT(0802 HKT)
東京(CNN) -居民通過泥漿和雜物梳理尋找親人的屍體後,暴雨引發的山體滑坡吞噬的家園,在日本西部廣島市。
至少有10人失踪, 據廣島警方。當局擔心的數字可能要高得多,因為山體滑坡擊中一個擁擠的居民區。
廣島縣山體滑坡 廣島縣山體滑坡
關於600急救人員已部署到該地區。 搜索和恢復持續週四。