C C Cayman Islanders capacity utilization capital account convertibility capital budget capital fl
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Cayman Islanders capacity utilization capital account convertibility capital budget capital flight capital reflow carryover effect cautious in lending central bank lending chain debts chamber of commerce change in reserve assets change-of-ownership-basedaccounting principle CHIBOR(China inter-bank offered rate) China Insurance Clause(CIC) CHIPS(Clearing House Inter-bank Payment System) circuit breaker city commercial bank claims on the non-financial sector clearing house closed economy commodity-related cash reflow competitive devaluation concealed accounts concerted intervention conditional convertibility conditionality conduct of monetary policy conform to a certain standard conservatorship consumer price index(CPI) contagion effect convergence criteria convertible currency cost-push inflation countercyclical policy countervailing duty credit control credit crunch credit rating credit ratings credit reference system credit to related interest credit worthiness creditor country cross-border banking currency board currency composition currency mismatch currency outside bank current account current account convertibility current budget custody of government debt customs and practice cyclical divergence |
(為逃避監管)在開曼島註冊的(金融)機構 設備利用率 資本專案可兌換 建設性預算 資本外逃;資本抽逃 資本回流 翹尾因素 慎貸 中央銀行貸款(再貸款) 三角債 商會 儲備資產增減 所有權核算原則 中國同業拆借市場利率 中國保險條款 同業支付清算系統 漲跌停板 城市商業銀行 對非金融部門債權 清算所 不開放經濟 商品回籠 競爭性貶值 賬外賬 聯手干預 有條件的可兌換 (國際貨幣基金組織的)貸款條件 制定和執行貨幣政策 符合一定的標準 託管 消費物價指數 擴散效應 趨同標準 可兌換貨幣 成本推動型通貨膨脹 逆週期政策 反補貼稅 信貸規模控制 信貸緊縮 信用評級 資信評級 信用查詢系統 對關係人貸款 信譽度 債權國 跨境銀行業務 貨幣局制 幣種構成 幣種搭配不當 流通中現金 經常專案 經常專案可兌換 經常性預算 國債託管 慣例與做法 經濟週期不同步 |