股市詞彙來自:香港交易所,在此表示感謝。 http://www.hkex.com.hk/ 一級市場 <haha> primary market 一致行
一級市場 <haha> primary market
一致行動 <haha> acting in concert
一般性授權 <haha> general mandate
一般諮詢及支援工作小組 <haha> General Advisory and Support Working Team
一般豁免 <haha> general waiver; blanket waiver
一般權證 <haha> plain vanilla warrant
一線多機 <haha> multiple-workstations
一籃子指數買賣盤 <haha> index basket order
一籃子貨幣 <haha> basket of currencies; currency basket
一籃子備兌證 <haha> basket warrant
一籃子權證 <haha> basket warrant
九龍證券交易所 <haha> The Kowloon Stock Exchange
二手市場 <haha> used market
二級市場 <haha> secondary market; after market / aftermarket
「二項式」期權定價模式 <haha> binomial option pricing model
「二態」期權模式 <haha> "two-state" option valuation model
二線股 <haha> second liner; second line stock
二類股票(臺灣) <haha> TIGER Board(Taiwan)
人均國內生產總值 <haha> per capita gross domestic product
人均國民生產總值 <haha> per capita gross national product
入市指令 <haha> order instruction
入市價 <haha> entry price
《十載挑戰與發展》(刊物) <haha> A Decade of Challenge & Development(publication)
三角債 <haha> triangular debt
三個月拆息利率期貨 <haha> Serial Month Hibor Futures
三線股 <haha> third liner
上下限協議 <haha> ceiling-floor agreement
上市 <haha> listing; flotation
上市(覆核)委員會 <haha> Listing (Review) Committee
上市上訴委員會 <haha> Listing Appeals Committee
《上市公司董事指引》 <haha> Guide for Directors of Listed Companies
《上市公司董事進行證券交易的標準守則》 <haha> Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
上市公司資料庫 <haha> Primary Market Database
上市事宜諒解備忘錄補篇(附件一) <haha> First Supplement to the Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding Governing Listing Matters
上市事宜諒解備忘錄補篇(重訂版) <haha> Amended and Restated Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding Governing Listing Matters
上市協議 <haha> Listing Agreement
上市委員會 <haha> Listing Committee
上市法團 <haha> listed corporation
上市後的收購活動 <haha> post-listing acquisition
上市規則 <haha> listing rules
上市開放式基金 <haha> listed open-end fund (LOF)
上市發行人 <haha> listed issuer
上市證券 <haha> listed securities
上市證券變動之月報 <haha> Monthly Return on Movement of Listed Securities
上海市期貨同業公會 <haha> Shanghai Municipal Futures Industry Association
上海聯合產權交易所 <haha> Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange
上海證券中央登記結算公司 <haha> Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation
上海證券交易所 <haha> Shanghai Stock Exchange
上訴委員會(證監會) <haha> Appeals Panel(SFC)
下一交收日到期/逾期數額報告(中央結算系統) <haha> Next Settlement Day Due / Overdue Position Report(CCASS)
下載 <haha> download
口頭競價 / 口頭唱價*(= 公開喊價) <haha> auction(= open outcry)
大手交易 <haha> block trade
大手交易機制;大手交易設施 <haha> Block Trade Facility; Block Trading Facility (BTF)
大利市 <haha> Teletext
大利市版頁 <haha> Teletext page
大利市資訊服務 <haha> Teletext Information Service
大利市網路供應商費用 <haha> Teletext carrier charge
大利市影像廣播服務 <haha> Teletext video broadcast service
大批登記服務 <haha> bulk registration service
大宗交易* <haha> block trade
大股東 <haha> substantial shareholder; major shareholder
大型股 <haha> large cap stock
大量戶口轉移指示 <haha> Mass Account Transfer Instruction (Mass ATI)
大量開盤 <haha> mass quote
大額未平倉合約 <haha> large open position
大額股票(中央結算系統) <haha> jumbo certificate(CCASS)
大額持倉彙報協議 <haha> Large Exposure Report Agreement
大額買賣盤 <haha> block order
小型恒生指數期貨合約 <haha> Mini-HSI Futures
小型恒生指數期權合約 <haha> Mini-HSI Options
已交收數額報告(中央結算系統) <haha> Settled Position Report(CCASS)
已停業公司 <haha> dormant company
已終止經營之業務 <haha> discontinued operations
已發行股份/股本/股票 <haha> issued shares; outstanding stock
「已劃分的買賣」制度(中央結算系統) <haha> isolated trades system(CCASS)
「不公平損害」補救 <haha> "unfair prejudice" remedy
不公平競爭 <haha> uneven playing field(cf level playing field)
不可抗力 <haha> force majeure
不定額供款 <haha> variable contribution
不活躍公司 <haha> dormant company
不派息歐式認沽期權 <haha> non-dividend paying European put option
不派息歐式認購期權 <haha> non-dividend paying European call option
不限量發行 <haha> tap issue
不記名式國庫券(中國內地) <haha> Bearer Treasury(Mainland China)
不記名證券 <haha> bearer securities
不停電電源裝置;不斷電供應系統裝置 <haha> uninterrupted power supply (ups)
不動盤 <haha> inactive order
不當行為 <haha> misconduct
中小企業板塊(深圳證券交易所) <haha> SME Board(Shenzhen Stock Exchange)
仲介人財務規管制度工作小組 <haha> Working Group on Review of Financial Regulatory Framework fro Intermediaries
仲介控股公司 <haha> intermediate holding company
仲介現象 <haha> intermediation
仲介機構/團體 <haha> intermediary
中午資料傳送服務 <haha> Mid-day Data File Transfer Service
中文資訊系統 <haha> Chinese News System
中外合資企業 <haha> Sino-foreign equity joint venture
中央代理人 <haha> central nominee
中央交易紀錄 <haha> central transaction log
中央存管處 <haha> central depository
中央股份借貸系統 <haha> centralised borrowing and lending system
中央國債登記結算有限責任公司 (中央國債登記結算公司) <haha> China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd. (CDC)
中央控制工作站 <haha> controller workstation
中央結算及交收系統 (中央結算系統) <haha> Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS)
《中央結算系統一般規則》 <haha> General Rules of CCASS
中央結算系統互聯網系統 <haha> CCASS Internet System
中央結算系統保證基金 <haha> CCASS Guarantee Fund
中央結算系統強制證券借貸服務 <haha> Compulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Service in CCASS
中央結算系統參與者及指定銀行名錄 <haha> CCASS Participant & Designated Bank List
中央結算系統參與者保薦戶口 <haha> CCASS Participant Sponsored Account
中央結算系統登記冊 <haha> CCASS Register
《中央結算系統運作程式規則》 <haha> CCASS Operational Procedures
中央結算系統證券存管處 <haha> CCASS Depository
中央結算對手 <haha> central counterparty (CCP)
中央買賣盤紀錄 <haha> central order book
中央證券交收系統(歐洲) <haha> Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres (CEDEL)(Europe)
中央證券存管處國際會議 <haha> Conference of Central Securities Depositories (CCSD)
中位價期權 <haha> middle-priced option
中型股 <haha> mid-cap stock
中國人民銀行 <haha> People's Bank of China (PBOC)
中國內地發行人 <haha> PRC issuer
《中國公司在香港上市指南》(刊物) <haha> Listing Chinese Companies in Hong Kong(publication)
中國存托憑證* <haha> China depository receipt (CDR)
中國投資發展促進會 <haha> China Association for the Promotion of Investment (CAPI)
中國保險監督管理委員會(中國保監會) <haha> China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)
中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會 <haha> China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
中國註冊會計師協會 <haha> Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)
中國會計學會 <haha> Accounting Society of China (ASC)
中國證券市場網頁 <haha> China Stock Markets Web
中國預托證券 <haha> China depository receipt (CDR)
中國銀行業監督管理委員會(中國銀監會) <haha> China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
中國證券登記結算有限責任公司(中國結算公司) <haha> China Securities Depository & Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDCC)
中國證券業協會 <haha> The Securities Association of China (SAC)
中國證券業協會基金公會 <haha> The Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds(CASIF)
中國證券業協會證券分析師專業委員會 <haha> Securities Analysts Association of China (SAAC)
中國證券監督管理委員會(中國證監會) <haha> China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
《中國證券監督管理委員會公告》 <haha> China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin (publication)
中期報告 <haha> interim report
中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心 <haha> GreTai Securities Market (GTSM)
中間行使價 <haha> middle exercise price
互保基金 <haha> Fidelity Fund
互動語音電話系統 <haha> Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)
互惠基金 <haha> mutual fund
互聯網 <haha> Internet
介紹形式上市 <haha> listing by introduction
介紹代理人 <haha> introducing agent
內在值 <haha> intrinsic value
《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》 <haha> Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排 -
與證券及期貨人員資格有關的安排》 <haha> Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement - Arrangements relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners
內部核數師 <haha> internal auditor
內部監控 <haha> internal control
《內部監控規例》 <haha> Internal Control Regulations
內部稽核 <haha> internal audit
內部儲備 <haha> inner reserve
內部譴責 <haha> internal censure
內資股(中國內地) <haha> domestic share(Mainland China)
內幕交易 <haha> insider dealing
內幕交易者 <haha> insider dealer
內幕交易審裁處 <haha> Insider Dealing Tribunal
內聯網 <haha> intranet
《公司(上市公司的財務摘要報告)規例》 <haha> Companies (Summary Financial Reports of Listed Companies) Regulation
公司戶口 <haha> house account; principal account
公司交易板(英國) <haha> Company Bulletin Board(UK)
公司交易所參與者 <haha> Corporate Exchange Participant
《公司收購及合併守則》 <haha> Code on Takeovers and Mergers
公司投資者戶口 <haha> Corporate Investor Account
公司治理* <haha> corporate governance
公司法改革常務委員會 <haha> Standing Committee on Company Law Reform
公司倉 <haha> house position; firm position
公司專用戶口 <haha> proprietary account
公司通訊 <haha> corporate communication
公司通訊工作小組 <haha> Working Group on Corporate Communications
公司註冊處 <haha> Companies Registry
公司註冊處處長 <haha> Registrar of Companies
公司註冊證書 <haha> certificate of incorporation
公司董事學會(英國) <haha> Institute of Directors (IoD)(UK)
公司盤 <haha> firm order
《公司購回本身股份守則》 <haha> Code on Share Repurchases
公佈系統 <haha> public address system
公平市值 <haha> fair market value
公平競爭 <haha> level playing field(cf uneven playing field)
公正交易 <haha> arm' s length transaction
公告板 <haha> bulletin board
公眾利益 <haha> public interest
公眾利益董事 <haha> Public Interest Director
公眾持股市值 <haha> public float capitalisation
公眾持股量 <haha> public float; free float
公開叫價交易 <haha> open outcry trading
公開市場活動 <haha> open market operations
公開作價 <haha> call-over
公開招股 <haha> offer to the public
公開售股 <haha> open offer
公開密碼匙基礎建設 <haha> Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
公開喊價/叫價(= 口頭競價) <haha> open outcry(= auction)
公開發售 <haha> offer for sale; open offer
公開認購 <haha> offer for subscription
公開譴責 <haha> public censure
公開權益 <haha> disclosure of interests
《公認會計原則》 <haha> Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP)
公積金計畫 <haha> Provident Fund Scheme
分包銷商 <haha> sub-underwriter
分列登記冊 <haha> Split Register
分行證明書 <haha> branch certificate
分拆 / 分拆上市 <haha> spin-off
分派 <haha> distribution
分銷 <haha> distribution
分類指數 <haha> sub-index
分類帳 <haha> sub-ledger
午市 <haha> afternoon session
反向可轉換產品 <haha> reverse convertibles
反收購 <haha> reverse takeover
反收購文件 <haha> defence document
反通貨膨脹 <haha> disinflation
反駁交易 <haha> rejected sales
反彈 <haha> rally
回饋測試模式 <haha> beta test mode
太平洋區資本市場研究中心 <haha> Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research Center
太平洋經濟合作會議 <haha> Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
太平洋證券交易所 <haha> Pacific Stock Exchange (PSE)
少數股東 <haha> minority shareholder
少數股東權益 <haha> minority interest
巴塞爾協定 <haha> Basel Concordat
巴塞爾協議 <haha> Basel Agreement
巴塞爾銀行監管委員會(巴塞爾委員會) <haha> Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee)
引伸波幅 <haha> implied volatility
戶口結單 <haha> statement of account
戶口結餘月結單(中央結算系統) <haha> Monthly Balance Statement(CCASS)
戶口轉移指示 <haha> Account Transfer Instruction (ATI)
戶口轉移指示整批檔案傳送 <haha> ATI Batch File Transfer
手 <haha> board lot; round lot
支付系統小組委員會(金管局) <haha> Committee of Payment System(HKMA)
文件風險 <haha> documentation risk
日本中央銀行 <haha> Bank of Japan
日本公社債研究所 <haha> Japan Bond Research Institute (JBRI)
日經平均指數 <haha> Nikkei Stock Average
日轉期匯 <haha> Rolling Forex
欠款 <haha> arrears
止蝕限價盤 <haha> stop limit order
止蝕盤 <haha> stop order; stop-loss order
牛市 <haha> bull market
主承銷商* <haha> lead underwriter
主機板 <haha> main board
主要主管(創業板) <haha> principal supervisor(GEM)
主要交易 <haha> major transaction
主要股東 <haha> major shareholder; substantial shareholder
主要保薦人 <haha> primary sponsor
主要經辦人 <haha> lead manager
主要經濟指標 <haha> leading economic indicator
主權風險 <haha> sovereign risk
世界銀行 <haha> World Bank
仔細審查/審核 <haha> due diligence
付運中貨品 <haha> goods-in-transit
代收股息/債券利息服務費 <haha> dividend and debt securities interest collection service fee
代履行權責服務費 <haha> corporate actions service fee
代客買賣 <haha> agency trade
代客買賣戶口 <haha> agency account
代表委任表格 <haha> proxy form
代理人 <haha> agent
代理人戶口 <haha> nominee account
代理戶口 <haha> agency account
代價 <haha> consideration
代價股份 <haha> consideration share
代價發行 <haha> consideration issue
代辦股份轉讓系統(中國內地) <haha> Agency Share Transfer System (Mainland China)
以(馬克)計值 / 為計價貨幣 / 為單位 <haha> denominated in (DM)
以先舊後新方式配售 <haha> placing and top-up; top up placing
以披露為本 <haha> disclosure-based
以物易物的虛晃交易 <haha> banner barter transaction
以股代息 <haha> dividend in specie; scrip dividend
以股換股 <haha> share exchange
以資訊披露為重 <haha> disclosure-based
以按金形式繳付的期權金 <haha> margined premium
以現金折算的息股證 <haha> cash settled ELI
以責務變更的方式進行淨額結算 <haha> netting by novation
以最佳價格 / 條件執行交易的原則 <haha> principle of best execution
以報價 / 開盤帶動 <haha> quote-driven
以買賣盤帶動 <haha> order-driven
以監管機構評審為本 <haha> merit-based
出市代表 / 出市員 <haha> floor trader; authorised clerk
加權指數 <haha> Weighted Index(Taiwan Stock Exchange)
加速折舊 <haha> accelerated depreciation
包銷 <haha> underwrite
包銷承擔淨值 <haha> net underwriting commitment
包銷商 <haha> underwriter
包銷銀團 <haha> underwriting syndicate
北京產權交易所 <haha> China Beijing Equity Exchange
另項投資市場(英國) <haha> Alternative Investment Market (AIM)(UK)
另選登記服務 <haha> optional registration service
另類投資 <haha> alternative investment
「只限長倉」期權經紀 <haha> Long Only Brokers for Options (LOBO)
可分派溢利 <haha> distributable profit
可用年限 <haha> useful life
可行性研究 <haha> feasibility study
可轉換/可換股可贖回票據 <haha> convertible redeemable note
可轉換/可換股票據 <haha> convertible note
可轉換/可換股債券 <haha> convertible bond
可轉換/可換股證券 <haha> convertible securities
可轉讓票據 <haha> negotiable instrument
可贖回股份 <haha> redeemable share
臺灣創新成長企業類股 <haha> Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs (TIGER)
臺灣期貨交易所 <haha> Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX)
臺灣證券交易所 <haha> Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
臺灣證券集中保管公司 <haha> Taiwan Securities Central Depository Company Limited
外部核數師 <haha> external auditor
週邊市場 <haha> fringe market
外債 <haha> sovereign debt
外匯風險 <haha> foreign exchange exposure
外匯基金投資有限公司 <haha> Exchange Fund Investment Limited (EFIL)
《外匯基金條例》 <haha> Exchange Fund Ordinance
外匯基金票據 <haha> Exchange Fund Bill
外匯基金債券 <haha> Exchange Fund Note (EFN)
外匯掉期 <haha> forex swap
外匯期權 <haha> forex option
外匯管制 <haha> exchange control
外聘核數師 <haha> external auditor
外資股(中國內地) <haha> foreign share(Mainland China)
外幣折算風險 <haha> currency translation exposure
失責 <haha> default
失責人士 <haha> defaulter
失責追收供款 <haha> default recovery contribution
失實陳述 <haha> misrepresentation
《失實陳述條例》 <haha> Misrepresentation Ordinance
失職行為 <haha> misconduct
市盈率 <haha> price/earnings ratio (P/E)
市值 <haha> market value; capitalisation
市值租金 <haha> market rental
市場失當行為審裁處 <haha> Market Misconduct Tribunal
市場佔有率 <haha> market share
市場定價 <haha> price discovery
市場波幅 <haha> market volatility
市場架構改革統籌委員會 <haha> Co-ordinating Committee on Market Structure Reform
市場風險 <haha> market risk
市場氣氛 <haha> market sentiment
市場參與者 <haha> market participant
市場從業員 <haha> market practitioner
市場敏感資料 <haha> market-sensitive information
市場深度 <haha> market depth
《市場統計月報》 <haha> Monthly Market Statistics
市場價格厘定 <haha> price discovery
市場資料傳送專線 <haha> Market Datafeed
市場操縱;市場操縱行為 <haha> market manipulation
市場總值 <haha> market capitalisation
市場闊度 <haha> breadth of the market
市價計值按金 <haha> mark-to-market margin
市價盤 <haha> market order
市價總值 <haha> market capitalisation
平均每日成交額 <haha> average daily turnover
平均價盤 <haha> average value order
平倉 <haha> close out; cover; position squaring
平倉交易 <haha> closing transaction
平倉合約 <haha> closing contract
平倉價 <haha> exit price
平買入倉(期權) <haha> closing buy(options)
平價(期權) <haha> parity(options)
平價期權 <haha> at-the-money option
平賣出倉(期權) <haha> closing sale(options)
平衡項目 <haha> balancing item
平衡價格 <haha> equilibrium price
平衡價值 <haha> parity value
扒頭交易 <haha> front running; trading ahead
打和點 <haha> breakeven point
未分派溢利/利潤 <haha> undistributed profits
未分配溢利/利潤 <haha> unappropriated profits
未平倉合約 <haha> open contract; open position; open interest
未完成買賣盤 <haha> outstanding order
未能履行責任 <haha> default
未償或然負債 <haha> outstanding contingent liabilities
未償還借款 <haha> outstanding loan
未繳足股份 <haha> partly-paid share
未繳股款股權 <haha> nil-paid rights
未繳款供股權 <haha> nil-paid rights
本地生產總值 <haha> gross domestic product (GDP)
《本地註冊認可機構的企業管治指引》(金管局) <haha> Guideline on Corporate Governance of Locally Incorporated Authorized Institutions(HKMA)
《本地註冊認可機構披露財務資料》(金管局) <haha> Financial Disclosure by Locally Incorporated Authorized Institutions (HKMA)
正股 <haha> underlying stock
正常買賣盤差額 <haha> normal order imbalance
正常運行比率 <haha> uptime
母公司 <haha> parent company; holding company
永久債券 <haha> perpetual bond
用戶代號 <haha> User ID
用戶接納測試 / 用戶接收測試 <haha> user acceptance test (UAT)
使用者終端設施 <haha> user access
「用者自付」原則 <haha> "user pay" principle
申報期 <haha> reporting period
申報會計師 <haha> reporting accountant
立約成價 <haha> contracted price
交叉買賣 / 交叉盤買賣 <haha> crossed trade; cross trade; crossing
交叉盤系統 <haha> crossing system
交付 <haha> delivery
交收上限 <haha> settlement cap
交收日 <haha> settlement date
交收指示 <haha> settlement instruction (SI)
「交收指示」交易 <haha> settlement instruction transaction
交收指示狀況報告(中央結算系統) <haha> SI Status Report(CCASS)
交收指示的交易 <haha> SI transaction
交收指示活動報告(中央結算系統) <haha> SI Activity Report(CCASS)
交收指示整批傳送(中央結算系統) <haha> Settlement Instruction Batch Upload(CCASS)
交收風險 <haha> settlement risk
交收報告(中央結算系統) <haha> Settlement Report(CCASS)
交收期 <haha> settlement period
交收銀行 <haha> settlement bank
交收積壓 <haha> settlement backlog
交投呆滯 <haha> slow trading
交投活躍 <haha> active market
交投淡靜 <haha> quiet trading
交投疏落 <haha> light trading
交投暢旺 <haha> heavy trading
交易大堂 <haha> trading floor; trading hall
交易工作站 <haha> trading workstation
交易及交收委員會 <haha> Trading and Settlement Committee
交易及結算綜合系統 <haha> integrated trading and clearing system
交易日 <haha> trading day
交易日表 <haha> trading calendar
交易市場 <haha> secondary market
交易系統使用費(現貨市場) <haha> trading tariff(cash market)
《交易所(特別征費)條例》 <haha> Exchanges (Special Levy) Ordinance
《交易所及結算所(合併)條例》 <haha> Exchanges and Clearing Houses (Merger)Ordinance
交易所另項交易系統(英國) <haha> Stock Exchange Alternative Trading System (SEATS)(UK)
交易所自動報價系統(英國) <haha> Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System (SEAQ)(UK)
交易所參與者 <haha> Exchange Participant
《交易所參與者及聯交所交易權持有人名錄》 <haha> List of Exchange Participants & Holders of Stock Exchange Trading Rights
《交易所參與者市場佔有率報告》 <haha> Exchange Participants' Market Shares Report
交易所參與者證明書 <haha> Exchange Participant Certificate
交易所國際自動報價系統(英國) <haha> Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System for International Equities (SEAQI)(UK)
《交易所規則》 <haha> Rules of the Exchange
交易所買賣之期權 <haha> exchange traded option
交易所買賣基金 <haha> exchange traded fund
交易流通速度 <haha> turnover velocity
交易能力 <haha> trading capacity
交易商 <haha> dealer
交易圈 / 交易場 <haha> pit; trading pit
交易設施 <haha> trading facilities; execution facilities
交易單位 <haha> trading unit
交易費 <haha> Trading Fee
交易量 <haha> trading capacity
《交易運作程式─期權買賣交易所參與者專用》 <haha> Operational Trading Procedures for Options Trading Exchange Participants
交易對手 <haha> counterparty
交易征費 <haha> Transaction Levy
交易櫃位元 <haha> trading booth
交易轉移(期權) <haha> trade give-ups(options)
交易議價板 <haha> Bulletin Board
交錯到期組合 <haha> staggering maturities
企業狙擊手 <haha> corporate raider
企業資訊資料庫 <haha> Enterprise Information Database
企業管治 <haha> corporate governance
企業管治工作小組 <haha> Working Group on Corporate Governance
《企業管治常規守則及企業管治報告徵求意見草擬本》 <haha> Exposure of Draft Code on Corporate Governance Practices and Corporate Governance Report
企業融資協會 <haha> The Corporate Finance Association (CFA)
《企業融資顧問操守準則》(證監會) <haha> Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct(SFC)
先進先出 <haha> first in, first out (FIFO)
全面收購建議 <haha> general offer
全面披露 <haha> full disclosure
全面結算參與者 <haha> General Clearing Participant (GCP)
全面豁免 <haha> blanket waiver; general waiver
全面攤薄每股盈利 <haha> fully diluted earnings per share
全球期貨交易系統 <haha> Globex
全國社會保障基金 <haha> National Social Security Fund
全國電子交易系統(中國內地) <haha> National Electronic Trading System (NETS) (Mainland China)
全部完成或放棄買賣盤 <haha> all-or-none order
全資附屬公司 <haha> wholly-owned subsidiary
全數執行或立刻取消 <haha> Fill-or-Kill (FOK)
全額或取消 <haha> Fill-or-Kill (FOK)
全權代客買賣帳戶 <haha> discretionary account
全權委託戶口 <haha> discretionary account
全權委託盤 <haha> discretionary order; no-forcing order;order at discretion
全權信託 <haha> discretionary trust
全權管理人 <haha> discretionary manager
共用代理人(中央結算系統) <haha> common nominee(CCASS)
「共用代理人」股票 <haha> "common nominee" share certificate
共用軟體 <haha> shareware
共同抵押品管理系統 <haha> Common Collateral Management System (CCMS)
共同風險管理系統 <haha> Common Risk Management System
再貼現 <haha> rediscount
印花稅 <haha> stamp duty
《印花稅條例》 <haha> Stamp Duty Ordinance
印花稅署署長 <haha> Collector of Stamp Revenue
合成工具 <haha> synthetics
合成期權 <haha> synthetic option
合成認購期權長倉 <haha> synthetic long call
合併 <haha> amalgamation; consolidation; merger
合併有形資產淨值 <haha> combined net tangible assets
合併與收購 <haha> mergers and acquisitions
合約互惠基金 <haha> contractual mutual fund
合約股數 <haha> contract size
合約乘數 <haha> contract multiplier
合約規格 <haha> contract specifications
合約單位 <haha> contract unit
合格交付 <haha> good for delivery
合格境內機構投資者 <haha> Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII)
合格境外機構投資者 <haha> Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII)
合資企業 <haha> joint venture
合資合同 <haha> joint venture contract
合資格主管 <haha> Eligible Supervisor
合資格機構買家 <haha> qualified institutional buyer
合資格證券 <haha> eligible securities
合營企業 <haha> joint venture
同日行使 <haha> same day exercise
同系附屬公司 / 同集團附屬公司 <haha> fellow subsidiary
名義匯率 <haha> nominal exchange rate
吊銷資格令 <haha> disqualification order
回升 <haha> rally
回本期 <haha> payoff period
回扣 / 回傭 <haha> rebate; commission rebate; sub-commission
回收期 <haha> payoff period
回抽傭金 <haha> sub-commission
回報 <haha> return; payoff
回報率 <haha> rate of return
回補機制 <haha> claw back mechanism
回應時間 <haha> response time
回購 <haha> buy-back(cf repurchase agreement)
回購協議 <haha> repurchase agreement (repo)
回購權證 <haha> call warrant
在交易所買賣的期權 <haha> traded option
在建工程 <haha> construction-in-progress
地區性指數認購權證 <haha> regional index call warrant
多工作站 <haha> multiple-workstations
多工作站系統 <haha> Multi-workstation System (MWS)
多批交收處理常式 <haha> batch settlement run
多種貨幣買賣 <haha> multi-currency trading
多頭* <haha> long position; bull position
《如何撰寫清楚易明的公佈》(刊物)(證監會) <haha> How to Create Clear Announcements(publication)(SFC)
存貨 <haha> inventory
存款公司公會 <haha> The Deposit-Taking Companies Association
存管代理人 <haha> depository nominee
存管處及共用代理人系統 <haha> Depository and Common Nominee System (DNS)
孖展 <haha> margin
孖展客戶 <haha> margin client
孖展買賣 <haha> margin trading
孖展融資 <haha> margin financing
孖展覆蓋率 <haha> margin coverage ratio
年度帳目 <haha> annual accounts
年報 <haha> annual report
年結日 <haha> balance sheet date
成本效益 <haha> cost effectiveness
成交紀錄 <haha> trading record
成交單 / 成交單據 / 買賣單據 <haha> contract note
成交調整 <haha> trade amendment
成交額比率 <haha> turnover ratio
扣減率 <haha> discount rate
收市後交易 <haha> after-hours dealing
收市後資料傳送服務 <haha> End-of-day Trade Data File Transfer Service
收市差額繳款 <haha> day-end marks
收市價 <haha> closing price
收市盤 <haha> at-the-close order
收取內幕消息人士 <haha> tipper
收取即日差額繳款機制 <haha> intra-day marks collection mechanism
收益 <haha> revenue; income; gain
收益率 <haha> yield
收益率曲線 <haha> yield curve
收益圖 <haha> payoff diagram
收款代理 <haha> receiving agent
收款銀行 <haha> receiving bank
《收款銀行在新股發行中扮演的角色指引》(金管局) <haha> Guideline on Role of the Receiving Bank in New Share Issues(HKMA)
收費 <haha> charge
收費結構 <haha> charging structure
收緊信貸 <haha> credit squeeze
收盤價 <haha> closing price
收購 <haha> acquisition; takeover; buy-out / buyout
收購上訴委員會(證監會) <haha> Takeovers Appeal Committee(SFC)
收購及合併委員會(證監會) <haha> Takeovers & Mergers Panel(SFC)
收購建議 <haha> offer
早市 <haha> morning session
有形資產淨值 <haha> net tangible assets
有抵押權證 <haha> collateralised warrant
有限制牌照銀行 <haha> restricted licence bank
有限責任公司 <haha> limited liability company
有條件協議 <haha> conditional agreement
有條件現金收購/要約 <haha> conditional cash offer
有資產支持的債務證券 <haha> asset-backed securities (ABS)
有擔保的賣空交易 <haha> covered short selling
《有關申報賣空活動及備存證券借出紀錄規定的指引》(證監會) <haha> Guidance Note for Short Selling Reporting and Stock Lending Record Keeping Requirements(SFC)
《有關在互聯網上提供財經資訊的通告─發牌規定》(證監會) <haha> Circular on Provision of Financial Information on the Internet ─ Licensing Requirements(SFC)
《有關改善規管上市事宜的建議諮詢文件》 <haha> Consultation Paper on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing
《有關改善規管上市事宜的建議諮詢總結》 <haha> Consultation Conclusions on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing
有關長時間停牌公司之報告 <haha> Prolonged Suspension Status Report
《有關建議加強監督核數師的公眾利益活動及成立財務彙報檢討委員會的諮詢檔》 <haha> Consultation Paper on the Proposals to Enhance the Oversight of the Public Interest Activities of Auditors and Establish a Financial Reporting Review Panel
有關創業板內地發行人監管合作事宜之換文 <haha> Letter of Exchanges regarding regulatory co-operation for mainland companies to be listed on GEM
《有關無紙化證券市場的建議運作模式的諮詢檔》 <haha> Consultation Paper on a Proposed Operational Model for a Scripless Securities Market
有關發行人延遲公佈業績之報告 <haha> Status Report on Issuers' Delay in Releasing Results Announcement
《有關電子交易條例內適用於成交單據的規定的指引》(證監會) <haha> Guidance Note on the Application of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance to Contract Notes(SFC)
《有關對保薦人及獨立財務顧問監管的諮詢文件》 <haha> Consultation Paper on the Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers
《有關對保薦人及獨立財務顧問監管的諮詢總結》 <haha> Consultation Conclusions on the Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers
《有關監管證券及期貨的網上交易諮詢檔》 <haha> Consultation Paper on the Regulation of On-Line Trading of Securities and Futures
有關暫時停牌公司之報告 <haha> Temporary Suspension Status Report
《有關賦權證券及期貨事務監察委員會代表公司提出衍生訴訟的建議諮詢檔》 <haha> Consultation Paper on the Proposal to Empower the Securities and Futures Commission to Initiate a Derivative Action on Behalf of a Company
次要控制人 <haha> minority controller
老鼠倉活動 <haha> rat trading; scalping
自主評級(銀行) <haha> Individual rating(banking)
自由兌換 <haha> free convertibility
自由增購率 <haha> "trading only" stocks
自行結算 <haha> self-clearing
自行結算參與者 <haha> Self Clearing Participant (SCP)
自律監管機構 <haha> self-regulatory organisation; self-regulating organisation
自動行使(期權) <haha> automatic exercise(options)
自動配對股份 <haha> automatched stock
自動對盤及成交系統(自動對盤系統) <haha> Automatic Order Matching and Execution System (AMS)
自動對盤系統未完成買賣盤紀錄 <haha> AMS order book
自動對盤系統第二終端機 <haha> AMS Second Terminal
自動螢幕交易系統 <haha> automated screen trading system (AST system)
自動暫緩交易機制 <haha> circuit breaker
自發性收購 <haha> management buy-out (MBO)
自置光纖線路 <haha> private fibre optical circuit
自營買賣 <haha> proprietary trading
行 <haha> hong
行使 <haha> exercise
行使方式 <haha> exercise style
行使日 <haha> exercise day (E day)
行使後按金 <haha> margin-after-exercise
行使期 / 行使時限 <haha> exercise period
行使價 <haha> strike price(options); exercise price
行使價間距 <haha> exercise price interval
行倉 <haha> firm position
行業覆蓋層面 <haha> spread of sector
行頭盤 <haha> front running
估計使用年期 <haha> estimated useful life
估值師 <haha> valuer
估值報告 <haha> valuation report
低收費經紀 <haha> discount broker
低於面值 <haha> below par
低於最佳賣盤價 / 低於最好沽盤價 <haha> downtick; minus tick
作實買賣價 <haha> firm bid and ask quotations
作價買賣 <haha> market making
傭金回扣 <haha> commission rebate
兌付* <haha> redemption
免責聲明 <haha> disclaimer
冷淡對待令 <haha> cold shoulder order
利差交易 <haha> carry trade
利息補貼(中國內地) <haha> interest rate subsidy(Mainland China)
利息資本化 <haha> capitalisation of interest
利益衝突事宜委員會 <haha> Conflict Committee
利率上限 <haha> interest-rate ceiling
利率掉期 / 利率調期* <haha> interest-rate swap
利率掉期期貨 <haha> Interest Rate Swap Futures
利率期貨 <haha> interest-rate futures
利率銜接 <haha> interest collar; interest rate collar
利潤 <haha> profit
初次公開招股 <haha> initial public offering (IPO)
初步認購價 <haha> initial subscription price
助理主管(創業板) <haha> assistant supervisor(GEM)
即日平倉交易 <haha> day trade
即日回購協議(銀行) <haha> intraday repurchase agreement(banking)
即日有效買賣盤 <haha> good-for-day order
即日拆借市場 <haha> intra-day money market
即日流動資金 <haha> intraday liquidity
即日差額繳款報告(中央結算系統) <haha> Intra-day Marks Collection Report(CCASS)
即日追補按金 <haha> intra-day margin call
即日報價 <haha> intraday quotation
即日買賣 <haha> day trade
即日盤 / 即日買賣盤 <haha> day order
「即日鮮」 <haha> day trade
即日額外按金 <haha> intra-day margin
即月 <haha> front-month
即夜傳送報告資料服務(中央結算系統) <haha> Overnight Report Distribution(CCASS)
即時支付結算系統(金管局) <haha> Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS)(HKMA)
即時或取消 <haha> Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)
即時匯款同時交收(銀行) <haha> payment vs payment (PvP)(banking)
即時資訊 <haha> real time information
即時數碼資料傳送專線 <haha> realtime digital datafeed
即時數碼資料服務 <haha> Realtime Digital Data Service (RDDS)
即時轉送 <haha> online transfer
否定聲明 <haha> negative statement; disclaimer
囤倉策略 <haha> buy and hold strategy
均衡價格 <haha> equilibrium price
坐盤 <haha> proprietary trading
夾倉 <haha> squeeze; short squeeze
尾盤 <haha> at-the-close order
技術分析 <haha> technical analysis
投資分析員 <haha> investment analyst
投資服務指令(歐洲聯盟) <haha> Investment Services Directive (ISD)(European Union)
投資者戶口服務 <haha> Investor Account Service
投資者戶口持有人 <haha> Investor Participant (IP)
《投資者戶口持有人規則》 <haha> Terms and Conditions for Investor Participants
《投資者與證券市場》(刊物) <haha> Investors and the Stock Market(publication)
投資者賠償有限公司 <haha> Investor Compensation Company Limited
《投資者應知多點》(刊物) <haha> Know More About Your Investment(publication)
投資級別 <haha> investment grade
投資理念 <haha> investment philosophy
投資組合 <haha> portfolio
投資組合經理 <haha> portfolio manager
投資對象 <haha> investee
投資管理研究聯會 <haha> Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR)
投資顧問 <haha> investment adviser
投資顧問委員會 <haha> Investment Advisory Committee
投標程式 <haha> tender procedure
折扣 <haha> discount; haircut
折扣經紀 <haha> discount broker
折算 <haha> translation
折舊 <haha> depreciation
折讓 <haha> discount
折讓經紀 <haha> discount broker
拋空 <haha> short selling
改良特別股份交易方法 <haha> Enhanced Special Stock Trading Method
更正交易 <haha> trade amendment
更改財政年度結算日期 <haha> change of year end
更緊密經貿關係安排 <haha> Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)
每日平均交收效率 <haha> daily average settlement efficiency
每日交易活動及持倉報告(期貨) <haha> Daily Trading Activity and Open Positions Summary Report(futures)
每日回報標準差 <haha> standard deviation of daily return
每日按金 <haha> daily margin
每日按金要求 <haha> daily margin call
每日價格上限 <haha> daily trading limit
《每週港股統計數字》 <haha> Weekly Hong Kong Stock Market Statistics
每股有形資產淨值 <haha> net tangible assets per share
每股盈利 <haha> earnings per share (EPS)
每股資產淨值 <haha> net asset value per share
沒有利益關係的股東 <haha> disinterested shareholder
沒有預先借貨的賣空活動 <haha> naked short selling
沒有擔保的賣空交易 <haha> uncovered short selling
私人戶口交易指引 <haha> personal account dealing guidelines
私人配售 <haha> private placing
私人密碼 <haha> personal identification number (PIN)
私有化 / 私營化 <haha> privatisation
私募基金* <haha> privately-offered fund
系列按金價值 <haha> series margin value
系統性風險 <haha> systematic risk
系統參數 <haha> system parameter
系統終止 <haha> system closure
系統整合商 <haha> system integrator
系統聯通權 <haha> system access right
系統聯通權收費(期權) <haha> System Access Right Fee(options)
巡迴推介 <haha> roadshow
《防止洗黑錢修訂指引》 <haha> Revised Guidance Notes Regarding Money Laundering
《亞太股市脈絡》 <haha> Regional Monitor
亞洲證券分析家協會 <haha> Asian Securities Analysts Federation
亞太區中央證券存管處組織 <haha> Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG)
亞太貸款市場協會 <haha> Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
亞太經濟合作組織 <haha> Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
亞洲美元市場 <haha> Asian dollar market
亞洲美元債券 <haha> Asian dollar bond
亞洲貨幣世界(新加坡)有限公司 <haha> Money World Asia Pte Limited
亞洲開發銀行 <haha> Asian Development Bank (ADB)
亞洲證券分析員公會 <haha> Asian Securities' Analysts Council (ASAC)
亞洲證券借貸協會 <haha> Pan Asian Securities Lending Association (PASLA)
「來回」期權交易 <haha> "round trip" option transaction
供股 <haha> rights issue
供款 <haha> contribution
供應商電子存檔系統 <haha> Vendor Electronic Filing System (VEF)
兩用畫面終端機 <haha> dual mode terminal (DMT)
兩邊客交易 <haha> direct business; direct business transaction
兩邊客買賣盤 <haha> two-sided order
兩邊開盤 <haha> two-way quote
到期 / 到期日 <haha> maturity; expiry date
到期日 <haha> expiration date
到期月份 <haha> expiry month
到期收益率 <haha> yield to maturity
到期前有效買賣盤 <haha> good-till-date order (GTD)
制訂系統規模 <haha> system sizing
制裁權 <haha> power of sanction
券面利率 <haha> coupon; coupon rate
協定安排 / 協定計畫 <haha> scheme of arrangement
取消交易(期權) <haha> trade reversals(options)
取消交易合約(期權) <haha> reversal contract(options)
取消前有效買賣盤 <haha> good-till-cancelled order (GTC)
受信人 <haha> fiduciary
受信責任 <haha> fiduciary duty
受益人 <haha> beneficiary
受託人 <haha> trustee; fiduciary
受監管之股份賣空活動 <haha> regulated short selling
受讓人 <haha> assignee; transferee
垃圾債券 <haha> junk bond
委託存款* <haha> designated deposit
委派代表書 <haha> proxy form
定界認股證 <haha> barrier warrant
定息按揭 <haha> fixed-rate mortgage
定期債券 <haha> term bond
定價模式 <haha> pricing model
「定鏡」處理(電腦) <haha> snapshot(computer)
延時資訊 <haha> delayed data
往來賬 <haha> current account
或有保費 <haha> contingent premium
或然負債 <haha> contingent liabilities
所有普通股指數 <haha> All Ordinaries Index (AOI)
所需回報率 <haha> required rate of return
房地產投資信託基金 <haha> real estate investment trust (REIT)
《房地產投資信託基金守則》 <haha> Code on Real Estate Investment Trusts
承兌 <haha> acceptance
承兌行 <haha> acceptance house
承前(會計) <haha> brought forward(accounting)
承配人 <haha> placee
承銷* <haha> underwrite
承銷商* <haha> underwriter
承辦銀行 <haha> administering bank
承讓人 <haha> assignee; transferee
披露 / 披露事項 <haha> disclosure
披露權益 <haha> disclosure of interests
押記 <haha> pledge
抵押 <haha> charge; pledge
抵押安排 <haha> security arrangement
抵押品 <haha> collateral; security
抵押品資格 <haha> collateral eligibility
抵押債項 <haha> secured debts
抵押證券 <haha> asset-backed securities (ABS)
抵銷 <haha> set off
「拆骨專家」 <haha> asset stripper
拆賣資產 <haha> asset stripping
招股書 / 招股章程 <haha> prospectus
招股價 <haha> issue price
招股機制 <haha> offering mechanism
招標發售 <haha> offer by tender
放寬利率管制 <haha> deregulation of interest rates
放寬管制 <haha> deregulation
服務業聯會(香港總商會) <haha> Coalition on Service Industry (Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)
東亞及大洋洲證券交易所聯會 <haha> East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (EAOSEF)
東南亞國家協會(東協) <haha> Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
東盟地區論壇 <haha> ASEAN Regional Forum
東盟自由貿易區 <haha> ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
武士債券 <haha> samurai bond
沽出未抵押期權 <haha> naked option writing
沽出備兌期權 <haha> covered writing
沽出認沽期權 <haha> write a put option
沽出認購期權 <haha> write a call option
沽空 <haha> short selling
沽盤 <haha> sell order
沽盤價 <haha> ask price; asked price
法人股(中國內地) <haha> legal person share(Mainland China)
法定公益金(中國內地) <haha> statutory public welfare fund (Mainland China)
法定公積金(中國內地) <haha> statutory surplus reserve(Mainland China)
法定股本 <haha> authorised capital
法定儲備 <haha> statutory reserve
法律風險 <haha> legal risk
法律實體 <haha> legal entity
法團大股東具報書 <haha> Corporate Substantial Shareholders Notification
泡沫經濟 <haha> bubble economy
波幅 <haha> volatility
波幅校驗範圍 <haha> Volatility Scan Range (VSR)
注入資產 <haha> asset injection
炒高價格 <haha> ramping; price ramping
爭奪式收購 <haha> contested takeover
物業估值師 <haha> property valuer
物業增值稅 <haha> property gains tax
狙擊手(收購) <haha> predator; raider(takeover)
直接存款/存賬指示 <haha> Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)
直接扣款/扣賬指示 <haha> Direct Debit Instruction (DDI)
直接納入中央結算系統的新股 <haha> direct stock admission(CCASS)
直接結算 <haha> direct clearing
直接結算參與者 <haha> Direct Clearing Participant (DCP)
直通式交易程式 <haha> straight-through processing
直駁光纖 <haha> dark fibre
直線折舊法 <haha> straightline method of depreciation
空倉 / 空頭* <haha> bear position; short position
《股市資料》 <haha> Fact Book; Fact Sheet
股市資料捐贈計畫 <haha> Stock Market Information Donation Programme
股本 <haha> share capital
股本基數 <haha> equity base
股本價值 <haha> value of equity capital
股本證券 <haha> equity securities
股本權證 <haha> equity warrant; subscription warrant (vs derivative warrant)
股份化 <haha> demutualisation
股份代號 <haha> stock code
股份交收費 <haha> stock settlement fee
股份存入表格 <haha> Stock Deposit Form
股份存入費 <haha> stock deposit fee
股份收納 <haha> stock conversion
股份有限公司 <haha> joint stock company
股份制 <haha> demutualisation
股份承押人 <haha> stock pledgee
股份承押人參與者(中央結算系統參與者) <haha> Stock Pledgee Participant(CCASS Participants)
股份拆細 <haha> split; stock split
股份計畫 <haha> share scheme
股份頁(大利市機) <haha> stock page(Teletext)
股份託管費 <haha> stock custody fee
股份提取費 <haha> stock withdrawal fee
《股份登記機構操守準則》(證監會) <haha> Code of Conduct for Share Registrars(SFC)
股份結算費 <haha> stock clearing fee
股份認購權 <haha> share option
股份賣空試驗計畫 <haha> Short Selling Pilot Scheme
股份購回 <haha> share repurchase
《股份購回守則》 <haha> Code on Share Repurchases
股份轉移日結單(中央結算系統) <haha> Daily Movement Statement(CCASS)
股份轉移報告(中央結算系統) <haha> Statement of Stock Movement(CCASS)
股份權益 <haha> share entitlements
《股價敏感資料披露指引》 <haha> Guide on disclosure of price-sensitive information
股東名冊 <haha> register of members; share register
股東周年大會 <haha> annual general meeting (AGM)
股東特別大會 <haha> extraordinary general meeting (EGM)
股東貸款 <haha> shareholder loan
股東應占溢利 <haha> profits attributable to shareholders
股東權益 <haha> equity interest
股東權益小組(證監會) <haha> Shareholders Group (SFC)
股息率 <haha> dividend yield
股息單 <haha> dividend warrant
股票出借人 <haha> stock lender
股票承押人 <haha> stock pledgee
股票非流動化 <haha> immobilisation of share certificate
股票按貸財務活動 <haha> share margin financing
股票借貸 <haha> stock borrowing and lending
股票借貸數額資料頁(大利市) <haha> stock borrowing and lending position information page(Teletext)
股票期貨 <haha> stock futures
股票期權 <haha> stock option; equity option
股票期權系統 <haha> Traded OPtions System (TOPS)
股票期權參考教育站 <haha> Stock Options Reference Educator (SCORE)
股票期權從業員專業課程 <haha> Professional Course for Equity Options Practitioners
股票登記費 <haha> scrip fee
股票貸出戶口 <haha> Stock Lending Account
股票歸還 <haha> stock return
股價不動時回報 <haha> standstill return
股價敏感資料 <haha> price-sensitive information
股權 <haha> equity interest; shareholding
芝加哥交易所 <haha> Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
芝加哥商品交易所 <haha> Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
芝加哥期權交易所 <haha> Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
近價盤 <haha> about order
金銀業貿易場 <haha> Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society
金銀證券交易所 <haha> The Kam Ngan Stock Exchange
金融大改革(英國) <haha> Big Bang(UK)
金融工具 <haha> financial instrument
金融仲介現象 <haha> financial intermediation
金融仲介機構/團體 <haha> financial intermediary
金融市場 <haha> financial market
《金融市場檢討報告》 <haha> Report on Financial Market Review
金融行動專責委員會 <haha> Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
《金融服務法令》(英國) <haha> Financial Services Act(UK)
金融服務網路 <haha> FinNet
金融租賃* <haha> financial lease
金融基礎設施督導委員會 <haha> The Steering Committee on the Enhancement of Financial Infrastructure (SCEFI)
金融期貨 <haha> financial futures
金融債* <haha> financial bond
金融監督管理委員會(金管會)(臺灣) <haha> Financial Supervisory Commission(Taiwan)
金融機構 <haha> financial institution
金邊證券 <haha> gilt-edged securities
長倉 <haha> long position; bull position
附加自動對盤終端機用家 <haha> additional AMS terminal user
附寄結單服務的股份獨立戶口(中央結算系統) <haha> Stock Segregated Account with Statement Service [CCASS]
附帶執行買賣盤(倫敦交易所) <haha> contingent order(LSE)
附屬公司 <haha> subsidiary
附屬貸款 <haha> subordinated loan
「非上市可交易」股份 <haha> "trading only" stocks
非仲介化 <haha> disintermediation
非市場莊家的交易 <haha> non-market-making transaction
非正常項目 <haha> abnormal item
非成立為有限公司的註冊人士 <haha> unincorporated registered person
非即日平倉交易 <haha> overnight trade
非即時數據 <haha> delayed data
非受監管發行人 <haha> unregulated issuer
非所有者權益變動表 <haha> statement of "non-owner movement in equity"
非金錢傭金 <haha> soft commission
非金錢利益 <haha> soft-dollar benefits
非執行董事 <haha> non-executive director
非常重大的出售事項 <haha> very substantial disposal
非常重大的收購事項 <haha> very substantial acquisition
非現貨月恒生指數期貨合約 <haha> non-spot month Hang Seng Index futures contract
非登記持有人 <haha> non-registered holder
非結算的期權買賣參與者 / 非結算參與者 (期權買賣) <haha> Non-Clearing Options Trading Participant; Non-Clearing Participant (NCP)
(options trading)
非經常專案 <haha> extraordinary item
非實物化 <haha> dematerialisation
非認可負債 <haha> non-ranking liabilities
非標準型認股證;特種認股證 <haha> exotic warrants
非整手買賣盤 <haha> round-lot-plus order
保本信託基金 <haha> guaranteed unit trust
保本產品 <haha> capital preservation product
保本證 <haha> Capital Protected Instrument (CPI)
保值公債(中國內地) <haha> Public Debt (Inflation-Linked Subsidy) Treasury(Mainland China)
保留意見 <haha> qualified opinion
保單貼現 <haha> viatical settlements
保管人 <haha> custodian
保障安排 <haha> security arrangement
《保障投資者條例》 <haha> Protection of Investors Ordinance
保險業監理專員 <haha> Commissioner of Insurance
保險業監理處 <haha> Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
保薦人 <haha> sponsor
《保薦人及獨立財務顧問的操守準則》 <haha> Code of Conduct for Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers
《保薦人標準守則》 <haha> Model Code for Sponsors
《保薦人聲明》 <haha> Sponsor's Declaration
保薦經紀 <haha> sponsoring broker
保證 <haha> warranty
保證人 <haha> guarantor
保證金 <haha> margin
保證金客戶 <haha> margin client
保證金保險範圍比率 <haha> margin coverage ratio
保證金借貸活動 <haha> margin financing
保證金價值 <haha> margin value
保證金證券交易戶口 <haha> Margin Securities Trading Account
保證金融資 <haha> margin financing
保證基金 <haha> Guarantee Fund
「保護償付」規則(期權) <haha> Payout-Protection Rule(options)
信心保證書 <haha> comfort letter
信用評級 <haha> credit rating
資訊交流 <haha> exchange of information
信託人 <haha> trustee
信貸 <haha> credit
信貸風險 <haha> credit risk
信貸評級 <haha> credit rating
信貸管制 <haha> credit control
信貸緊縮 <haha> credit squeeze
信貸額度* <haha> credit limit
前收市價 <haha> previous closing price
《宣誓及聲明條例》 <haha> Oaths and Declarations Ordinance
客戶戶口 <haha> client account
《客戶身分規則》(證監會) <haha> Client Identity Rule(SFC)
客戶伺服器結構 <haha> client server architecture
客戶協議書/合約 <haha> client's agreement
客戶按金 <haha> client margin
《建議就認可海外規則修訂〈證券及期貨(穩定價格)規則〉諮詢總結》 <haha> Consultation Conclusions on a Proposed Amendment to the Securities and Futures (Price Stabilising) Rules in relation to Recognition of Overseas Rules
待轉名股份 <haha> "street name" share certificate
後備資料復原軟體 <haha> file backup-restore macro
後備聯線通訊線路 <haha> backup interactive line
後進先出 <haha> last in, first out (LIFO)
後勤辦公室 <haha> back office
後償貸款 <haha> subordinated loan
恒生100 <haha> Hang Seng 100 (HS100)
恒生中國內地流通指數 <haha> Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index (HSMLFI)
恒生中國內地綜合指數 <haha> Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index (HSMLCI)
恒生中國企業指數(恒生國企指數) <haha> Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI)
恒生亞洲指數 <haha> Hang Seng Asia Index (HSAI)
恒生指數 <haha> Hang Seng Index (HSI)
恒生香港大型股指數 <haha> Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index (HSHKLI)
恒生香港小型股指數 <haha> Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index (HSHKSI)
恒生香港中型股指數 <haha> Hang Seng HK MidCap Index (HSHKMI)
恒生香港中資企業指數(中資企業指數) <haha> Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index (HSCCI)
恒生香港流通指數 <haha> Hang Seng HK Freefloat Index (HSHKFI)
恒生香港綜合指數 <haha> Hang Seng Hong Kong Composite Index (HSHKCI)
恒生倫敦參考指數 <haha> Hang Seng London Reference Index (HSLRI)
恒生流通50 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat 50
恒生流通中國內地25 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
恒生流通香港25 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat HK 25
恒生流通綜合指數 <haha> Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index (HSFCI)
恒生資訊科技指數 <haha> Hang Seng IT Index (HSITI)
恒生資訊科技組合指數 <haha> Hang Seng IT Portfolio Index (HSITP)
恒生綜合指數 <haha> Hang Seng Composite Index (HSCI)
恒生/富時亞洲大企業指數 <haha> FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
恒生/富時亞洲分類指數 <haha> FTSE/Hang Seng Asian Sector Indexes
恒生/富時指數系列 <haha> FTSE/Hang Seng Indexes
恒指服務有限公司 <haha> HSI Services Limited
恒指國際有限公司 <haha> HSI International Limited
恒指期貨 <haha> Hang Seng Index Futures
恒指期權 <haha> Hang Seng Index Options
恢復買賣 <haha> resumption of trading
持有成本 <haha> cost of carry
持股人的分佈情況 <haha> spread of holders
持股編號 <haha> shareholder Reference Number (SRN)
持倉 <haha> position
持倉上限 / 限額 <haha> position limit
持倉比例 <haha> position ratio
《持倉限額及大額未平倉合約的申報規定指引》(證監會) <haha> Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements(SFC)
持倉限額比率 <haha> position limit ratio
持倉風險調整 <haha> position risk adjustment
持倉淨額 <haha> net position
持倉類別(期權) <haha> tier(options)
《持牌人勝任能力的指引》 <haha> Guidance Note on Competence
《持牌人進行持續培訓的指引》 <haha> Guidance Note on Continuous Professional Training
持續專業培訓課程 <haha> Continuous Professional Training (CPT)
持續淨額交收 <haha> continuous net settlement (CNS)
持續責任 <haha> continuing obligation; on-going obligation
持續發售機制 <haha> tap facility
持續經營(會計) <haha> going concern(accounting)
持續經營之業務 <haha> continuing operation
持續關連交易 <haha> continuing connected transaction
持權成本(期權) <haha> cost of carry
指引摘要 <haha> Guidance Note
指示價格 <haha> indicative price
指定分配(期權) <haha> assignment(options)
指定百分比 <haha> prescribed percentage
指定銀行 <haha> designated bank
指定證券 <haha> designated securities
指數加權移動平均方法 <haha> exponentially-weighted moving average
指數套戥 <haha> index arbitrage
指數參與單位 <haha> index participation unit
指數掉期 <haha> index swap
指數期貨 <haha> index futures
指數債券 <haha> index bond
指數預托證券 <haha> index depository receipt; index share
指數認購權證 <haha> index call warrant
指數權證 <haha> index warrant
按市價計值 <haha> mark to market / mark-to-market
按金 <haha> margin
按金比例 <haha> margin ratio
按金交易 <haha> margin trading
按金減免 <haha> margin relief
按金對銷 <haha> margin offset
按揭貸款基準組合 <haha> benchmark mortgage pool
按揭貸款發放者 <haha> mortgage loan originator
按金間距 <haha> margin interval
按揭證券 <haha> mortgage-backed securities
按盤價 <haha> nominal price
政府債券 <haha> government bond
故障包容 <haha> fault tolerance
「柏力克-舒爾斯」期權定價模式 <haha> Black-Scholes option pricing model
查訪 <haha> inspection visit
查詢公佈資料(中央結算系統) <haha> Enquire Announcement Information(CCASS)
查詢交收指示未獲配對原因(中央結算系統) <haha> Enquire Unmatched SI Reason(CCASS)
「查詢報失股票資料」功能(中央結算系統) <haha> Enquire Reported Lost Certificate(CCASS)
洗黑錢 <haha> money laundering
活躍業務紀錄(創業板) <haha> active business pursuits(GEM)
派送股份/紅股 <haha> bonus issue
介面聯繫 <haha> interfacing
盈利 <haha> earnings; profit
盈利對利息倍數 <haha> interest cover; interest coverage
盈富基金 <haha> Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (TraHK)
盈餘儲備 <haha> surplus reserve
相互上市 <haha> cross listing; dual listing
相抵持倉 <haha> offsetting position
相對回報率 <haha> relative return
相對強弱指數 <haha> Relative Strength Indicator (RSI)
相聯人 <haha> associated person
相關/指定資產 <haha> underlying asset
相關/指定證券 <haha> underlying securities
「看跌」股票掛鉤票據 <haha> Bear Equity Linked Instrument (Bear ELI)
「看漲」股票掛鉤票據 <haha> Bull Equity Linked Instrument (Bull ELI)
約務更替 <haha> novation
約價* <haha> consideration
紀律上訴委員會 <haha> Disciplinary Appeals Committee
紀律委員會 <haha> Disciplinary Committee
《紀律案例》 <haha> Disciplinary Casebook
《紀律處分程式手冊》 <haha> Handbook on Disciplinary Proceedings
紀律處分權力 <haha> disciplinary power
紀律程式 <haha> disciplinary procedures
紅股 <haha> bonus share
紅股發行 <haha> bonus issue
紅籌股 <haha> red chip
美元總會計長(美國) <haha> Comptroller of the Currency(US)
美式期權 <haha> American style option
美國本土債券 <haha> Yankee bond
美國全國證券交易商協會自動報價系統/ 美國納斯達克證券市場 <haha> National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
美國存管信託公司 <haha> Depository Trust Company (DTC)(US)
美國商會 <haha> American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
美國國家經濟研究局 <haha> National Bureau of Economic Research(US)
美國預托證券 <haha> American depository receipt (ADR)
美國聯邦公開市場委員會 <haha> Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
美國聯邦國家房屋貸款協會(房利美) <haha> Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
美國證券交易所 <haha> American Stock Exchange (AMEX)
英倫銀行 <haha> Bank of England
英格蘭及威爾斯特許會計師公會 <haha> Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICA England & Wales)
英國投資管理監管組織 <haha> Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO)
英國金融業管理局 <haha> Financial Services Authority (FSA)(UK)
衍生產品 / 衍生工具 <haha> derivatives
衍生產品及風險管理文憑課程 <haha> Diploma Course in Derivatives and Risk Management
衍生產品市場 / 衍生工具市場 <haha> derivatives market
衍生產品市場諮詢小組 <haha> Derivatives Market Consultative Panel
衍生產品結算及交收系統 <haha> Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (DCASS)
衍生權證 <haha> derivative warrant
要約 <haha> offer
計算按金程式 <haha> margining process
負債 <haha> liabilities
負債日 <haha> indebtedness date
負債比率 <haha> debt-to-equity ratio
重大交易 <haha> major transaction
重估 <haha> revaluation
重組 <haha> reorganisation
重置成本 <haha> replacement cost
重新實物化 <haha> rematerialisation
重複認購 <haha> multiple application
重整帳目 <haha> restatement of accounts
限制通知書 <haha> restriction notice
限制買賣期 <haha> "black out" period
限價盤 <haha> limit order
限價賣空規則 <haha> tick rule
面值 <haha> face value; nominal value
風險披露 <haha> risk disclosure
風險披露聲明書(創業板) <haha> Risk Disclosure Statement(GEM)
風險值 <haha> value-at-risk
風險容限 <haha> risk tolerance
風險容量 <haha> appetite for risk
風險參數 <haha> risk parameter
風險控制 <haha> risk control
風險排列方法 <haha> risk array method
風險排列按金制度 <haha> risk array margining system
風險排列算式 <haha> risk array algorithm
風險評估 <haha> risk evaluation
風險管理 <haha> risk management; exposure management
風險管理委員會 <haha> Risk Management Committee
風險鑒別 <haha> risk identification
食價 <haha> price cheating; scalping
首次上市費 <haha> initial listing fee
首次公開招股 <haha> initial public offering (IPO)
首次公開招股之進度報告 <haha> Initial Public Offerings Progress Report
首次認購費 <haha> front-end load
首席交易員 <haha> chief dealer
香港上市公司商會 <haha> Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies
香港中央結算(代理人)有限公司 <haha> HKSCC Nominees Limited
香港中央結算有限公司(香港結算) <haha> Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC)
香港中央證券登記有限公司 <haha> Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (CHIS)
香港中國企業協會 <haha> Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association
《香港公司收購、合併及股份購回守則》(刊物) <haha> Hong Kong Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases(publication)
香港公司秘書公會 <haha> The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries (HKICS)
香港交易及結算所有限公司(香港交易所) <haha> Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx)
香港交易及結算所有限公司北京代表處 <haha> Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Beijing Representative Office
香港交易所(中國)有限公司 <haha> HKEx (China) Limited
香港交易所股份資訊板 <haha> HKEx Share Information Board
香港交易所組合風險按金系統 <haha> Portfolio Risk Margining System of HKEx (PRiME)
香港交易所資訊服務有限公司 <haha> HKEx Information Services Limited
香港交易所資料產品 <haha> HKEx Data Products
香港投資分析員公會 <haha> Hong Kong Institute of Investment Analysts
香港投資者學會 <haha> Hong Kong Institute of Investors (HKII)
香港投資基金公會 <haha> Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA)
香港投資通函呈報準則 <haha> Hong Kong Standards on Investment Circular Reporting Engagements (HKSIR)
香港股份商會(1921年) <haha> Hong Kong Stockbrokers' Association (1921)
香港股票經紀會(1891年) <haha> Stockbrokers' Association of Hong Kong (1891)
香港金融研究中心 <haha> Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (HKIMR)
香港金融管理局(金管局) <haha> Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
香港律師會 <haha> The Law Society of Hong Kong
香港按揭證券有限公司 <haha> The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited
香港財務策劃師學會 <haha> The Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong
香港財務顧問學會 <haha> Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors
香港財資市場公會 <haha> Hong Kong Financial Markets Association
香港國際仲裁中心 <haha> Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
香港專業財經分析及評論家協會 <haha> The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators
香港貨幣及投資匯展 <haha> Money World Asia Hong Kong
香港創業投資協會 <haha> Hong Kong Venture Capital Association
香港期貨交易所有限公司(期交所) <haha> Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE)
香港期貨結算有限公司 <haha> HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited (HKCC)
香港稅務學會 <haha> Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
香港證券培訓贊助基金 <haha> Hong Kong Securities Training Sponsorship Foundation
香港會計師公會 <haha> Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
香港經紀協會(1891年) <haha> Association of Stockbrokers in Hong Kong (1891)
香港經紀商會(1914年) <haha> The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
香港董事學會 <haha> The Hong Kong Institute of Directors
香港資本市場公會 <haha> Hong Kong Capital Markets Association
香港管理專業協會 <haha> Hong Kong Management Association
香港網上經紀協會 <haha> The Hong Kong Association of Online Brokers (HKAOB)
香港銀行公會 <haha> Hong Kong Association of Banks
香港銀行同業拆息 <haha> Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR)
香港銀行同業結算有限公司 <haha> Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
香港總商會 <haha> The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
香港聯合交易所月刊 <haha> SEHK Monthly Bulletin
香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所) <haha> The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK)
《香港聯合交易所有限公司創業板證券上市規則》(《創業板上市規則》) <haha> Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (GEM Listing Rules)
《香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則》(《證券上市規則》) <haha> Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Exchange Listing Rules)
(聯交所期權結算所) <haha> The SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH)
香港聯合交易所資訊服務有限公司 <haha> Stock Exchange Information Services Limited (SEIS)
香港證券市場文獻及文物徵集計畫 <haha> Hong Kong Securities Market Archives and Artifacts Collection Campaign
香港證券交易所(1947年) <haha> The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
香港證券專業學會 <haha> Hong Kong Securities Institute
香港證券業同學會 <haha> Hong Kong Securities Professionals Alumni Association
《香港證券業參考手冊》(刊物) <haha> The Hong Kong Securities Industry(publication)
香港證券經紀業工作小組 <haha> Working Group on Stockbroking in Hong Kong
香港證券經紀業協會 <haha> Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association
香港證券學會 <haha> Hong Kong Securities Professionals Association
並購活動* <haha> mergers and acquisitions
倉 <haha> position
個人大股東具報書 <haha> Individual Substantial Shareholders Notification
個人投資者戶口 <haha> Individual Investor Account
個人客戶 <haha> individual client
個人交易所參與者 <haha> Individual Exchange Participant
個人電腦終端機使用者 <haha> PC terminal user
借方結餘 <haha> debit balance
借款股 <haha> loan stock
借殼上市 <haha> backdoor listing
借貸資本 <haha> loan capital
借額 <haha> debit
倫敦國際金融期貨及期權交易所 <haha> London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)
倫敦期權市場 <haha> London Traded Options Market (LTOM)
倫敦證券交易所 <haha> London Stock Exchange (LSE)
凍結 <haha> locked up
凍結股份機制 <haha> securities-on-hold mechanism
原油期貨 <haha> crude oil futures
套戥 / 套匯* / 套利* <haha> arbitrage
差價 <haha> spread
差額繳款 <haha> marks / marks payment
庫存股份/股票 <haha> treasury stock
弱勢貨幣 <haha> soft currency
息股證 <haha> Equity Linked Instrument (ELI)
挾倉 <haha> cornering; squeeze; short squeeze
時間值 <haha> time value; time premium
時間戳記記 <haha> time stamp
核心盈利 <haha> core earnings
核准可贖回股份 <haha> approved redeemable share
核准借入人 <haha> approved borrower
核准借出代理人 <haha> approved lending agent
核數委員會(證監會) <haha> Audit Committee(SFC)
核數師 <haha> auditor
核數師報告 <haha> auditors' report
核證附注 <haha> verification notes
浮息存款證 <haha> floating rate certificate of deposit (FRCD)
浮息按揭 <haha> variable-rate mortgage
浮息票據 <haha> floating rate note (FRN)
海外發行人 <haha> overseas issuer
消耗性資產(期權) <haha> wasting asset(options)
流動性不足 / 流通性不足 <haha> illiquidity
流動資金 <haha> liquid capital
流動資金比率/幅度 <haha> liquidity ratio; liquidity margin
流動資金調節窗 <haha> Liquidity Adjustment Window (LAW)
流動資金調節機制(金管局) <haha> Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)(HKMA)
流動資產 <haha> liquid asset
流通性 <haha> liquidity
流通風險 <haha> liquidity risk
流通量提供者 <haha> liquidity provider
特別限價盤 <haha> special limit order
特別處理股(中國內地) <haha> Special Treatment(Mainland China)
特別征費 <haha> Special Levy
特別轉讓股(中國內地) <haha> Particular Transfer(Mainland China)
特快登記/過戶登記服務 <haha> expedited registration service
特殊項目 <haha> exceptional item
特許公認會計師公會 <haha> The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
特許使用者 <haha> privileged user
特許財務分析員 <haha> chartered financial analyst
特許財務分析員公會 <haha> Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts
特許管理會計師公會 <haha> Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
「特許證券商」制度(美國) <haha> Specialist System(US)
特種國債(中國內地) <haha> Special Treasury(Mainland China)
特種備兌證資訊(大利市) <haha> exotic warrant information(Teletext)
特種認股證/非標準型認股證 <haha> exotic warrant
留存股票 <haha> treasury stock
留存盈利/收益 <haha> retained earnings; retained income
「粉紅價單」(美國) <haha> Pink Sheets(US)
留存溢利/盈利 <haha> retained profits
留成資金 / 保留資金 <haha> retained capital
「粉紅價單」(美國) <haha> Pink Sheets(US)
純交易板 <haha> trading-only board
紙黃金 <haha> paper gold
索償通知 <haha> claim notice
蚊型股 <haha> penny stock
被動受託人 <haha> bare trustee
訊息提示 <haha> alert message
訊框傳送交易網路 <haha> frame relay trading network
託管人 <haha> custodian
託管商參與者(中央結算系統參與者) <haha> Custodian Participant(CCASS Participants)
記名證券 <haha> registered securities
記名證書 <haha> registered certificate
記帳式國庫券(中國內地) <haha> Registered Treasury(Mainland China)
財政司司長 <haha> Financial Secretary
財政年度 <haha> financial year
財政股東 <haha> financial shareholder
財政健全 <haha> financial integrity
財政部(中國內地) <haha> Ministry of Finance(Mainland China)
《財政資源規則》 <haha> Financial Resources Rules
財務申報 <haha> financial reporting
財務風險 <haha> financial risk; financial exposure
財務租賃 <haha> financial lease
財務通融 <haha> financial accomodation
財務業績 <haha> financial results
財務摘要報告 <haha> summary financial report
財務監管 <haha> financial regulation
財務顧問 <haha> financial adviser
財經市場發展專責小組 <haha> The Financial Market Development Task Force
《財經有道 - - - 證券、期貨及投資界專業道德實務指引》 <haha> Ethics in Practice - A Practical Guide for Financial Practitioners
財經事務及庫務局 <haha> Financial Services and the Treasury