[1] The Listening comprehension section of the TOEFL contains fifty questions. There are three sections to this part of the test.
[2] Part A: in this section you hear a short statement and you are asked to select the answer closest in meaning to what you heard. There are twenty questions in Part A.
[3] Part B: In this section you hear a short dialogue between two speakers. A third speaker will then ask you a question about what was said. There are fifteen questions in Part B.
[4] Part C: In this section you hear three longer talks. Either a conversation between two people or a lecture given by one person. Each talk is followed by four to six questions, for which you are asked to select the best answer. There are fifteen questions in art C.
[5] Total time for the section is about thirty minutes. There are fifty questions total on this section.
You can't take any extra time for hard questions! (對於難的問題,你沒有多餘的時間!)
[1] Even if you've never played tennis, you've probably at some point in your life seen it played. Your goal for this section is to learn to play the game of Listening comprehension. Understanding what is on the tape is only one small part o the game. First of all, you need to learn to pace[為…定步調;掌握速度] yourself. Think for a moment about what makes a good tennis player
[2] Bad tennis players spend a lot of time watching the ball and running to try to catch up to it.
[3] Good tennis players spend a lot of time watching their opponents to anticipate [預料] where the ball will go so that they can be there first and be ready to hit it back.
[4] Most people take the Listening Comprehension section the way bad tennis players play tennis——always running a little bit behind. To do well on this section, you need to stay one step ahead of your opponent——you need to stay ahead of the questions.
技巧一: Reading ahead提前閱讀
You have about twelve seconds to answer each of the questions in Parts A and B, no matter how hard or easy each question may seem. The best use of these twelve seconds is to use them to get a sense of [進行大致瞭解] the upcoming [即將到來的] question. To do this:
Read the answer choices before you hear each question.
When you take the test, you will hear the voice on the tape reading the directions for Part A. You will not be able to see the question for Part A until the directions have been read. However, you should turn the page the instant [一…就] you hear the end of the directions, which sounds something like this:
Sentence (B)"Could you help me carry these books" is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Therefore you should choose answer (B).
As you are turning the page you will hear
Go on to the next page. Now let us begin Part A with question number one.
But by then you should already be reading the answer choices to question 1 in order to get ready to listen. Then, as soon as you hear
Question number one…
Followed by whatever that question may be, choose your answer and mark it as quickly as possible. Now you can use the rest of the twelve seconds to read the answer choices for qwuestion2, and so on
The key to this method is discipline [紀律]. You'll find you tend to want to linger [逗留;耽擱] on each of the questions until you hear the beginning of the next one. DON'T DO IT! That's how you can end up [以…結束] missing two or three questions in a row; if you don't know the answer, GUESS an move on!
² When you hear the end of the instructions begin reading the answer choices for question 1.
² As soon as you hear the question, guess.
² Use the rest of the twelve seconds to read the answer choices for the next question.
² Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the end of Part A.
技巧二: Guess the Topic猜測話題
Staying ahead of the questions helps you overcome the problems caused by the time pressure on this section. Any time you don't see the correct answer, just guess and keep moving. Now that you're keeping up with the ball in this game, that is , staying ahead of the questions, you can begin to practice the second skill you need to win — anticipating [預料] what you opponent will do. It's time to tackle [處理;應付] the second major difficulty of this section.
1.No context沒有上下文/沒有前後關聯
In face-to-face conversation there are a lot of things that you rely on to help you understand what the other person is saying — facial expressions, hand gestures, and what you know about the person or the topic all give additional meaning to the words used. Furthermore if this person uses some words or expressions that you 're not familiar with, you can use the context of the rest of the conversation to help you figure out what they mean.
All of these cues [線索;提示] are gone on Parts A and B of the Listening comprehension section. Aside from time, the largest hurdle to get over in order to do well on this section is that lack of context. For the questions on Parts A and B the information presented is isolated [孤立的]. The question you're waiting to hear on the tape could be about anything. You can't see the person speaking, so it's much harder to figure out their emotional state or opinion.
2.Guess the topic猜測話題
You're reading ahead, you've heard the end of the instructions for Part A, and you begin to read the answer choices for question 1. Let's say the choices are:
1. (A) I never heard the lecture.
(B) That kind of lecture never fascinates me.
(C) That lecture was the most fascinating I've heard.
(D) I would have preferred a different lecture.
What are most of the answer choices about? A lecture. So the stem will have to be about the same thing. Now you have a context. You know it will have something to do with a lecture. Your task is to find out more information about it.
技巧三: Three Ways to Find the Right Answer
Reading ahead helps you keep up. Guessing the topic supplies you with a context and helps you listen actively. These three techniques help you narrow down [縮小;限制範圍] your choices whether or not you have actually understood what is spoken on the tape .
One of ETS's [美國教育考試機構] favorite kind of wrong answers is one that traps people who almost understood the stem. It looks pretty similar to the correct answer, but means the opposite.
For example:
(A) Sunday is a day Mary often works.
(B) Mary rarely works on Sunday.
(C) Some days Mary's work is awful.
(D) Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.
In the example above, (A) and (B) are what we call opposites, that is, both statements could not be true. Of a typical Listening comprehension section, one third to one half of the questions contain opposites. This is good news for you because:
If there is one pair of opposites in the answer choices, one of them is the right answer!
Even if you never hear the question, you now have a 50 percent chance of answering this question correctly. Furthermore a pair of opposites in the answer choices tells you exactly what the stem will be about. You only have to listen to hear confirmation [確認;證實] of one or the other of the two opposites.
Find the opposites in the example below:
1. (A) Stone does not enjoy clothes shopping.
(B) Stone ate while he tried on the clothes.
(C) Buying clothing is a pleasure for Stone.
(D) Not one piece of clothing was available in his size.
In this example, the opposites are (A), which say that stone doesn't like to buy clothes, and (C), which says that he does. Now when you hear the stem, you only need to find out which one is true. The stem is:
If there's one thing Stone hates, It's buying clothes.
So the correct answer is (A).
Now try this one. First, reading the answer choices and find the opposites.
2. (A) I think your desk is far too tiny.
(B) Your desk is too messy.
(C) I think you need a new desk.
(D) I cleaned up your desk.
The opposites are (B) and (D). If you didn't recognize them, you need to be a little more broad in your understanding of the term. (B) implies that the desk is messy, and (D) implies that the desk is clean. That's enough for them to be considered opposites. So now all you need to do is decide if the desk is clean or messy. When you hear the stem.
My, your desk could sure use some tidying up!
You know the answer is (B).
The people who write the TOEFL have very conservative tastes. None of their statements or dialogues will contain anything controversial, violent, passionate, or silly.
Remember, you can use common sense to eliminate three types of wrong answers:
Type 1: Answer choices that are too extreme [極端].
(A) Sunday is a day Mary often works.
(B) Mary rarely works on Sunday.
(C) Some days Mary's work is awful.
(D) Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.
Answer (C) is too extreme to be a good bet. ETS would probably say someone's work was "unsatisfactory" or even "bad", but not "awful." Just remember, ETS can't afford to offend anyone: any answers that might be controversial are automatically wrong.
Type 2: Answer choices that have wrong subject, for example:
(A) He is a good football player.
(B) He doesn't understand football at all.
(C) He lives right across that field.
(D) Playing football indoors is forbidden.
Since most of the answer choices are about football, you know that "football" is the topic of the stem, therefore you can eliminate answer (C). Now here's the stem
He sure seems right at home on the football field.
The closest in meaning is answer (A). By the way, did you notice that (A) and (B) were opposites?
Type 3: Answer choices that are just plain silly [明顯的愚蠢], for example:
(A) Rob is too tall to be an actor.
(B) Rob's performance was excellent.
(C) He didn't see Rob on stage.
(D) Rob was suspended above the stage.
Answer (A) is just silly. How can someone be too tall to be an actor? Answer choice (D) is weird [奇怪的] too. Now here's the stem.
W: How was Rob in the new play last night?
M: Great! He was head and shoulders above the rest of the cast.
Q: what does that man mean?
The expression "head and shoulders above" means "far better than", so the closest is meaning is answer (B). Notice that both silly answers, (A) and (D), are based on literal interpretations[字面理解] of the expression "head and shoulders above". If you hear something in the stem that doesn't make literal sense, it's an idiom. Idioms are a signal to be on the lookout for [提防;尋找] answer choices that take that idiom literally and turn it into something silly.
Another of ETS's favorite trap answers is what we call a sound-alike. Sound-alikes take some of the words and sounds from the statement or dialogue and rearrange them so that they have a totally different meaning. Remember this example?
(A) Sunday is a day Mary often works.
(B) Mary rarely works on Sunday.
(C) Some days Mary's work is awful.
(D) Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.
The statement was
Sunday is usually Mary's day off.
We already found the opposites in these answers, (A) and (B), and one extreme answer, (C). So now look at how ETS might trap you with sounds. Notice how many things in the answer choices echo [迴響] the word "off' in the statement— "often", "awful" and "cough". And in answer (C),The one answer choice without Sunday, has been replaced with "some days". The right answer, (B), is one of the pair of opposites, is not silly or extreme, and contains the fewest sound-alikes.
After you've found the opposites and silly answers, choose the answer choice that sounds "least " like what you heard on the tape.
You'll notice that many sound-alikes can also be eliminated using common sense.
Summary of Strategy
Step 1: Read the answer choices before you hear the question.
Step 2: While reading, look for
² The topic for Part A.
² The topic or the question for Part B.
² Opposite pairs in the answer choices
² Anything that violates common sense.
Step 3: Listen to confirm what you found in step 2.
Step 4: Choose your answer. If you are still undecided, choose the answer choice containing the fewest sounds from the statement or dialogue.